A. Variations in History/Continuity
A.2. Variations Occurring in the Legion's Present or Near
A.2.00. Mxyzptlk V
Universe: Earth-Mxyzptlk-V (an Earth-1 analog)
Base: 30th Century Metropolis
Characteristics: All Legionnaires except Superboy were
killed by Mxyzptlk V.
Departure Point: ADVENTURE 310
Confirmed Members:

Bouncing Boy (died), Brainiac 5 (died), Chameleon Boy (died),
Colossal Boy (died), Cosmic Boy (died), Element Lad (died), Invisible
Kid (Lyle) (died), Lightning Lass (died), Saturn Girl (died), Shrinking
Violet (died), Star Boy (died), Sun Boy (died), Superboy, Triplicate
Girl (died), Ultra Boy (died)
Issues Featured:
- ADVENTURE 310 7/63 Doom of the Super-Heroes
- This alternate universe was a result of Mxyzptlk V's magic.
When Superboy tricked him into saying his name backwards and
returning to his home dimension, all the effects of his magic
A.2.10. Computo Triumphs
Universe: An un-named Earth-1 analog
Base: 30th Century Metropolis
Characteristics: In defeating Computo the Conqueror,
many Legionnaires are killed.
Departure Point: ADVENTURE 341
Confirmed Members:

Brainiac 5 (died), Chameleon Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, Color
Kid, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy (died), Duo Damsel, Element Lad
(died), Fire Lad, Invisible Kid (Lyle) (died), Lightning Lad (died),
Light Lass, Matter-Eater Lad, Mon-El (died), Night Girl, Phantom
Girl, Polar Boy, Saturn Girl, Shrinking Violet (died), Star Boy,
Stone Boy, Sun Boy, Ultra Boy
Issues Featured:
- LSH 300 6/83 The Future is Forever (Second Vision)
- One of a number of alternate worlds glimpsed by Douglas Nolan.
A.2.20. Mordru Wins Earthwar
Universe: An un-named Earth-1 analog
Base: 30th Century Earth
Characteristics: Mordru won Earthwar but was defeated
by a spell cast by the White Witch. This spell destroyed all magic
in the universe.
Confirmed Members:

Brainiac 5, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Dawnstar, Dream Girl,
Karate Kid (Val), Light Lass, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl,
Shadow Lass, Shrinking Violet, Sun Boy
Issues Featured:
- LSH 300 6/83 The Future is Forever (Fifth Vision)
- Mordru was destroyed by the Legion in this universe.
- One of a number of alternate worlds glimpsed by Douglas Nolan.
A.2.30. The Dark Man Triumphs
Universe: An un-named Earth-1 analog
Base: 30th Century Metropolis
Characteristics: Disenchanted with a quarrelsome Legion,
new member Blok appeals to his former master the Dark Man, who
destroys the Legion.
Departure Point: Uncertain.
Confirmed Members:
- Blok, Brainiac 5 (resigned), Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy,
Dawnstar, Dream Girl, Element Lad, Karate Kid, Lightning Lad,
Matter-Eater Lad (resigned), Phantom Girl (resigned), Shrinking
Violet (resigned), Star Boy, Timber Wolf, Ultra Boy (missing
presumed dead), Wildfire
Issues Featured:
- LSH 300 6/83 The Future is Forever (Sixth Vision)
- One of a number of alternate worlds glimpsed by Douglas Nolan.
A.2.40. Ferro Lad II
Universe: An un-named Earth-1 analog
Base: 30th Century Metropolis
Characteristics: Shortly after Ferro Lad's death, his
brother Douglas is accepted for Legion membership.
Departure Point: ADVENTURE 353
Confirmed Members:
- Brainiac 5, Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Ferro Lad I (deceased),
Ferro Lad II (Douglas Nolan), Invisible Kid, Princess Projectra,
Saturn Girl, Sun Boy, Superboy
Issues Featured:
- LSH 300 6/83 The Future is Forever (p. 99)
- One of a number of alternate worlds glimpsed by Douglas Nolan,
who vanished from the Basic State universe upon viewing this
alternate universe.
A.2.50. Giffbaum
(Five Years Later)
Universe: A Post-Crisis Earth analog with similarities to
Earth-1 and Earth-2
Base: 30th Century United Planets
Characteristics: Five years ago the Magic Wars left
the UP weak and caused an economic collapse. The Legion was disbanded
at that time.
Departure Point: LSH (v. 4) 1
Confirmed Members:
- Ayla Ranzz *, Blok, Brekk Brannin, Brin Londo, Dawnstar,
Dirk Morgna, Garth Ranzz *, Imra Ranzz *, Jan Arrah, Jo Nah *,
Kono, Lar Gand, Lydda Krinn, Mon-El (deceased), Mysa Nal, Nura
Nal, Pol Krinn (deceased), Proty II (?), Querl Dox, Reep Daggle
(Cham) *, Rokk Krinn *, Salu Digby (Vi) *, Tasmia Mallor, Tellus,
Thom Kallor, Tinya Wazzo (deceased)
* These are official members of the re-formed Legion
Issues Featured:
- LSH 1 11/89 Five Years Later...
- LSH 2 12/89 Glitter
- LSH 3 1/90 (Untitled)
- LSH 4 2/90 (Untitled)
- This alternate universe was destroyed with the demise of
its Time Trapper.
A.2.60. Mordruverse
Universe: Mordruverse
Base: 30th Century Earth
Characteristics: The Legion never existed. Mordru rules
a vast empire from Earth.
Departure Point: uncertain
Confirmed Members:
- Andrew Nolan, Ayla Ranzz (died), Garth Ranzz (died), Mysa
Nal, Rond Vidar
Issues Featured:
- LSH (v. 4) 5 3/90 (Untitled)
- This universe was destroyed when its Rond Vidar arranged
to exchange a Tinya Wazzo (from which alternate universe is uncertain)
with L.E.G.I.O.N.'s Durlan (of A.1.60.).
- Since there is no Legion in this universe, members listed
above are not officially Legionnaires.
A.2.70. Glorithverse (Earth-2
Universe: Arguably Earth-2 or an analog; the same universe
as B.1.10.
Base: 30th Century United Planets
Characteristics: Superficially similar to A.2.50.
(distinctions noted in comments below)
Departure Point: Unknown
Confirmed Members:
Before Magic Wars:
Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Chemical King (died),
Colossal Boy, Cosmic Boy, Duo Damsel, Ferro Lad (died), Impulse,
Invisible Kid (died), Invisible Kid II, Karate Kid (died), Laurel
Gand, Light Lass, Lightning Boy, Magnetic Kid (died),
Matter-Eater Lad, Phantom Girl, Reflecto (died), Rond
Vidar, Saturn Girl, Shadow Lass, Sun Boy, Tellus, Triplicate
Girl, Ultra Boy, Valor (Lar Gand)
Ayla Ranzz, Blok (died), Blood Claw, Brainiac 5, Celeste Rockfish,
Cham, Dawnstar/Bounty, Devlin O'Ryan/Reflecto II, Dirk Morgna
(died), Firefist, Flederweb, Furball, Ivy, Jan Arrah, Jo Nah,
Kent Shakespeare, Kono, Laurel Gand (died), Mysa Nal, Nura Nal,
Projectra, Rokk Krinn, Sussa Pak, Tenzil Kem, Veilmist, Vi, Wildfire.
Issues Featured:
- LSH (v. 4) 6 - LSH 61 9/94
- Although this universe is superficially similar to A.2.50.,
its "past" is strikingly different. While the "past"
of A.2.50. was the Basic State, the "past"
of A.2.70. is quite different. Notice character names in boldface
- The place of the Time Trapper in A.2.50.
is taken by Glorith of Baaldur in A.2.70.
- In A.2.50., Lar Gand is known as Mon-El;
in A.2.70. he is known as Valor.
- A.2.70. may or may not be the "future" of A.1.60.
- The 30th Century of A.2.70. seems consistent with the 30th
Century of Earth-2, and many have speculated that the A.2.70.
Legion is the long-awaited Earth-2 Legion.
- Both A.2.70. and B.1.10.
ended with the Zero Hour reboot.
A.2.70.5. Legion on
the Run
Universe: Same as A.2.70. above
Base: 30th Century United Planets
Characteristics: Some members of the LSH adopted new
identities while they were on the run from Universo.
Departure Point: Unknown
Confirmed Members:
Pulse (Ayla), Furball (Brin), Green Dragon (Jo), 5 (Brainy),
Virus (Vi), Jewel (Mysa), Polestar (Rokk), Wave (Sussa/Spider
Girl), Neon (Celeste), NRG (Wildfire), Laurel
Issues Featured:
- LSH (v. 4) 54 - LSH 61 9/94