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Act Well Your Part

by Don Sakers

ISBN: 0-9716147-7-6
189 pages


The New Boy in Class

At first Keith Graff dislikes his new school, Oak Grove High. He misses his old friends, and despairs of ever fitting in. Then he joins the school's drama club, where he meets the boyishly cute Bran Davenport:

Be honest, fella, he said to himself as he looked out the window at the cloudy October sky. Bran Davenport probably doesn't even like boys, at least not in the way you're thinking of. And if he did, which was a pretty big if, even if he did he probably wouldn't give you a second look. He's a senior, member of the Thespians, star of last year's play, and aide to the drama teacher. You're a newcomer, lower than a freshman....

Since its original publication in 1986, Act Well Your Part has become a classic, an unabashed love story set not in the world that was, but in the world as, perhaps, it should be. Speed-of-C Productions is proud to bring this timeless tale back into print for its adult fans as well as a new generation of teens.

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