The Elder Gods
- Naervara: the goddess of the stars
- Dgevven: the god of the sun
- Kyylevra: the god of storms
- Ganellan: the goddess of death
- Melior: the goddess of birth
- Maela: the earth-goddess
- Naalor: the god of rain
- Kristen: the god of dance
- Carraca: god of platonic love
- Den: goddess of destruction
- Yx: god of fire
- Hesket: goddess of snow
- Talara: goddess of the winds
- Kchenyak: god of youth
- Tesh: god of travellers
- Formas: god of the oceans
- Deletch: god of earthquakes
- Nimbet: god of despair
- Dscmas: male love god
- Timash: female love goddess
- Ma: god of sexual reproduction
- Edde: goddess of spring
- Geleda: god of life
- Jaseni: god of music
- Forlooh: god of drunken revelry
- Maranna: mother-goddess
- Kamiin: god of time
- Tha'p: god of rational thought
The Order of Their Withdrawal
- Tesh
- Dscmash, Dgevven, Tala
- Kamiin
- Melior
At the Founding of the Pylistroph:
- Maela, Naalor, Edde
At the Formation of the Gergathan:
- Kyylev, Raca, Formas, Nimbet, Ganellan, Kchenyak, Kristen
During the Pylistroph:
- Tha'p
During Mertorthar:
- Ellan, Yx
- Hesket
- Naervara
At the Fall of Avethell:
- Den
Near the Climax of the Grand Scheme:
- Timash, Jaseni, Maranna
- Ka, Kristen
copyright © 2003, Don Sakers
All rights reserved