Gaylaxicon Sampler 2006
ISBN: 0-9716147-8-4
141 pages
A Celebration of Queer Speculative Fiction
In these pages you'll find writers from across the spectrum
of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender science fiction,
fantasy, and/or horror. We have big names and small, much-published
veterans and promising beginners, Lammy and Spectrum Award nominees
and winners, past Gaylaxicon Guests of Honor, and fresh new names.
Some of these writers attended Gaylaxicon 2006 in Toronoto; others
were unable to make it to the con. Within these covers you can
read science fiction, fantasy, even a bit of nonfiction; essays,
short stories, and excerpts from longer works; drama, erotica,
and comedy.
Originally prepared as a giveaway at Gaylaxicon 2006 in Tornoto,
this volume is available at a nominal charge as a sampler of
the fine work being done by GLBT writers in SF, fantasy, and
Authors included:
- R.R. Angell
- Lisa A. Barnett & Melissa Scott
- Steve Berman
- Brian Frank
- Rob Gates
- Toby Johnson
- Chris Jones
- Brian Lieske
- Susan R. Matthews
- Antonio Ruffini
- Don Sakers
- Lawrence Schimel
- Melissa Scott