Hispanic Interest
Authors & Titles
- Aira, Cesar: How I Became a Nun

- Allende, Isabel: Daughter of Fortune

- Allende, Isabel: House of the Spirits

- Allende, Isabel: Ines of My Soul

- Allende, Isabel: Infinite Plan

- Allende, Isabel: Of Love and Shadows

- Allende, Isabel: Eva Luna

- Allende, Isabel: Stories of Eva Luna

- Alvarez, Julia: Garcia Girls series
- How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents

- Yo!

- Alvarez, Julia: In the Time of the Butterflies

- Alvarez, Julia: Saving the World

- Amado, Jorge: Doña Flor and Her Two Husbands

- Amado, Jorge: Captains of the Sands

- Amado, Jorge: Tent of Miracles

- Anaya, Rudolfo: The Man Who Could Fly

- Anderson, Paul: Hunger's Brides

- Arena, Reinaldo: Before Night Falls

- Baca, Jimmy Santiago: A Glass of Water

- Báez, Annecy: My Daughter's Eyes

- Bell, Christine: The Perez Family

- Benitez, Sandra: Bitter Grounds

- Benitez, Sandra: The Weight of All Things

- Bernardo, Jose Raul: Secret of the Bulls

- Bird, Sarah: The Flamenco Academy

- Blasco Ibañez, Vincente: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

- Bolano, Roberto: Amulet

- Bolano, Roberto: Last Evenings on Earth

- Bolano, Roberto: Nazi Literature in the Americas

- Bolano, Roberto: The Savage Detectives

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Aleph and Other Stories

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Ficciones

- Borges, Jorge Luis: In Praise of Darkness (861 B)

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Labyrinths: Suggested Stories

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Book of Imaginary Beings

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Universal History of Infamy

- Borges, Jorge Luis: Doctor Brodie's Report

- Boyle, T. Coraghessan: The Tortilla Curtain

- Carlson, Lori Marie: The Sunday Tertulia

- Carrillo, Chico: Loosing My Espanish

- Castedo, Elena: Paradise

- Castellanos, Rosario: Book of Lamentations

- Castillo, Ana: So Far From God

- Castillo, Ana: Loverboys: Stories

- Chao, Patricia: Mambo Peligroso

- Chavez, Denise: Face of an Angel

- Chavez, Denise: Loving Pedro Infante

- Chaviano, Daina: The Island of Eternal Love

- Cisneros, Sandra: Caramelo

- Cisneros, Sandra: House on Mango Street

- Cisneros, Sandra: Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories

- Coelho, Paulo: Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream

- Cofer, Judith Ortiz: The Meaning of Consuelo

- Corpi, Lucha: Gloria Damasco series
- Eulogy for a Brown Angel

- Cactus Blood

- Black Widow's Wardrobe

- Cortazar, Julio: Certain Lucas

- Cruz, Angie: Let It Rain Coffee

- de Azevedo, Kathleen: Samba Dreamers

- deBernieres, Louis: The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts

- de Recacoechea, Juan: American Visa

- DeRobertis, Carolina: The Invisible Mountain (Uruguay)

- Desai, Anita: The Zigzag Way

- de Teran, Lisa St. Aubin: Swallowing Stones

- Diaz, Junot: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

- Doerr, Harriet: Consider This, Señora

- Doerr, Harriet: Stones for Ibarra

- Donosco, José: Curfew

- Duarte, Stella Pope: If I Die in Juarez

- Easterman, Daniel: Night of the Seventh Darkness

- Eidson, Thomas: Souls of Angels

- Enright, Anne: The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch

- Estés, Clarissa Pinkola: Women Who Run With the Wolves (155.633 E)

- Esquivel, Laura: Swift as Desire

- Ferrara, Alex & Levy, Jose: Collateral Man

- Ferre, Rosario: Flight of the Swan

- Ferre, Rosario: House on the Lagoon

- Fontes, Montserrat: First Confession

- Fontes, Montserrat: Dreams of the Centaur

- Fuentes, Carlos: Buried Mirror: Reflections on Spain and the New World

- Fuentes, Carlos: Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins

- Fuentes, Carlos: Crystal Frontier

- Fuentes, Carlos: The Eagle's Throne

- Fuentes, Carlos: Hydra Head

- Fuentes, Carolos: Inez

- Fuentes, Carlos: The Years with Laura Diaz

- Fuentes, Norberto: The Autobiography of Fidel Castro

- Garcia, Cristina: The Agüero Sisters

- Garcia, Cristina: A Handbook to Luck

- Garcia-Aguilera, Carolina: Luck of the Draw

- Garcia-Aguilera, Carolina: Lupe Solano series (A Miami detective)
- Bloody Waters

- Bloody Shame

- Bloody Secrets

- A Miracle in Paradise

- Havana Heat

- Bitter Sugar

- Garcia-Lorca, Federico: Five Plays: Comedies and Tragicomedies (862 G)

- Garcia-Lorca, Federico: Three Tragedies: Blood wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba (862 G)

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: One Hundred Years of Solitude

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: The Autumn of the Patriarch

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Clandestine in Chilé: Adventures of Montez Obrien

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Love in the Time of Cholera

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Strange Pilgrims

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: Collected Stories

- Garcia-Márquez, Gabriel: The General in His Labyrinth

- Gershten, Donna M.: Kissing the Virgin's Mouth

- Goldman, Francisco: The Divine Husband

- Goldman, Francisco: Long Night of White Chickens

- Gonzalez, Bea: The Mapmaker's Opera

- Goytisolo, Juan: A Cock-Eyed Comedy

- Goytisolo, Juan: The Garden of Secrets

- Grande, Reyna: Across a Hundred Mountains

- Gutierrez, Pedro Juan: Pedro Juan series

- Dirty Havana Trilogy

- Tropical Animal

- The Insatiable Spiderman

- Harrington, Kent: Red Jungle

- Henriquez, Cristina: Come Together, Fall Apart

- Hernandez, Jaime & Gilbert: Love and Rockets

- Music for Mechanics

- Chelo's Burden

- Las Mujeres Perdidas

- Tears From Heaven

- House of Raging Women

- Duck Feet

- The Death of Speedy

- Blood of Palomar

- Flies on the Ceiling

- Love and Rockets X

- Wigwam Bam

- Poison River

- Chester Square

- Luba Conquers the World

- Hernandez Satyricon

- Whoa Nellie!

- Fear of Comics

- Locas in Love

- Luba in America

- Dicks and Deedees

- Luba: The Book of Ofelia

- Ghost of Hoppers

- Hernandez, Lisa: Migrations and Other Stories

- Hijuelos, Oscar: Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez Obrien

- Hijuelos, Oscar: Mambo Kings series
- The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love

- Beautiful Maria of My Soul

- Hijuelos, Oscar: A Simple Habana Melody

- Hit List: The Best of Latino Mystery (edited by Sarah Cortez and Liz Mrtinez)

- Iyer, Pico: Cuba and the Night

- Lemus, Felicia Luna: Like Son

- Lemus, Felicia Luna: Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties

- Lins, Paulo: City of God

- Major, Marcus: Good Peoples
- Manrique Ardila, Jaime (as Manrique, Jaime): Colombian Gold

- Manrique Ardila, Jaime: Latin Moon in Manhattan

- Manrique Ardila, Jaime (as Manrique, Jaime): Our Lives Are the Rivers

- Manrique Ardila, Jaime (as Manrique, Jaime): Twilight at the Equator

- Marias, Javier: Dark Back of Time

- Martinez, Manuel Luis: Drift

- Martinez, Nina Marie: ¡Caramba!

- Martinez, Thomas Eloy: The Tango Singer

- Mason, Daniel: A Far Country

- Medina, C.C.: A Little Love

- Menendez, Ana: Loving Che

- Mestre, Ernesto: The Lazarus Rumba

- Milanés, Cecilia Roderiguez: Marielitos, Balseros and Other Exiles

- Montero, Mayra: Dancing to "Almendra"

- Morris, Mary: House Arrest

- Moya, Horacio Castellanos: Senselessness

- Munoz, Braulio: The Peruvian Notebooks

- Mustian, Mark: The Return

- Neruda, Pablo: Stones of the Sky
- Nichols, John: Milagro Beanfield War

- Novas, Himilce: Mangos, Bananas and Coconuts: A Cuban Love Story

- Pavon, Francisco Garcia: The Crimson Twins

- Paz Soldá, Edmundo: The Matter of Desire

- Peebles, Frances de Pontes: The Seamstress

- Pèrez-Reverte, Arturo: The Painter of Battles

- Pèrez-Reverte, Arturo: The Queen of the South

- Pineiro, R.J.: Retribution

- Pineiro, R.J.: Exposure

- Pineiro, R.J.: Ultimatum

- Pineiro, R.J.: Siege of Lightning

- Pineiro, R.J.: Breakthrough

- Plascencia, Salvador: The People of Paper

- Platas, Berta: Cinderella Lopez

- Poniatowska, Elena: The Skin of the Sky

- Puig, Manuel: Kiss of the Spider Woman

- Puig, Manuel: Tropical Night Falling

- Quiñonez, Ernesto: Chango's Fire

- Ramirez, Misa: Lolo Cruz series

- Living the Vida Lola

- Hasta la Vista, Lola!

- Ramos, Manuel: Luis Montez series
- Ballad of Rocky Ruiz

- Ballad of Gato Guerrero

- Last Client of Luis Montez

- Blues for the Buffalo

- Ransom, Roberto: A Tale of Two Lions

- Restrepo, Laura: Delirium

- Restrepo, Laura: Leopard in the Sun

- Restrepo, Laura: A Tale of the Dispossessed

- Ruiz, Ronaldo: Happy Birthday Jesus

- Sáenz, Bejamin Alire: Names on a Map

- Samartin, Cecilia: Tarnished Beauty

- Sanchez, Thomas: King Bongo

- Sanchez, Thomas: Rabbit Boss

- Santana, Patricia: Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility

- Santiago, Esmerelda: America's Dream

- Santiago, Esmerelda: When I was Puerto Rican

- Santiago, Soledad: Nightside

- Santiago, Soledad: Room 9

- Santiago, Soledad: Streets of Fire: A Novel

- Santiago, Soledad: Undercover

- Sellers-Garcia, Sylvia: When the Ground Turns in its Sleep

- Sepulveda, Luis: Old Man Who Read Love Stories

- Skámeta, Antonio: The Dancer and the Thief

- Soldan, Edmundo Paz: Turing's Delirium

- Spark, Debra: Coconuts for the Saint

- Sudden Fiction Latino (edited by Robert Shapard, James Thjomas, & Ray Gonzalez)

- Tejera, Nivaria: The Ravine

- Tóibín, Colm: The Story of the Night

- Torres, Ana Teresa: Dona Ines vs. Oblivion

- Toscana, David: Tula Station

- Traven, B.: Treasure of the Sierra Madre

- Tuck, Lily: The News From Paraguay

- Urrea, Luis Alberto: The Hummingbird's Daughter

- Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa: Dirty Girls series
- The Dirty Girls Social Club

- Dirty Girls on Top

- Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa: Playing With Boys

- Vargas Llosa, Mario: Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter

- Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Bad Girl

- Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Feast of the Goat

- Vargas Llosa, Mario: Story Teller

- Vargas Llosa, Mario: The Way to Paradise

- Veciana-Suarez, Ana: Chin Kiss King

- Villatoro, Marcos McPeek: Romilia Chacon series
- Home Killings

- Minos

- A Venom Beneath the Skin

- Yglesias, José: Break-in
- Yglesias, José: Franco Years

- Yglesias, José: Old Gent

- Yglesias, José: Tristan and the Hispanics

- Yglesias, Rafael: Hot Properties

- Yglesias, Rafael: Only Children

- Yglesias, Rafael: Fearless

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updated: Tuesday, June 29, 2010