Hardboiled Detective
aka Noir or Neo-Noir Mysteries
Mysteries featuring a private eye who is "often short on morals but long on integrity," i.e. Sam Spade from The Maltese Falcon, and a noir or neo-noir background.
Authors & Titles
- Abbott, Megan: The Song is You

- Abramo, J.L.: Jake Diamond series
- Catching Water in a Net

- Clutching at Straws

- Counting to Infinity

- Akashic Noir series: see Noir (Akashic) series, below
- Allison, Glen C.: Al Forte series

- Miscue

- Netblue

- Atkins, Leo: Connor Gibbs series
- Deadbeat

- Play Dead

- Dead Run

- Atwood, Russell: East of A

- Austin, Raymond: Beauford Sloan series
- The Eagle Heist

- Bailey, Robert: Art Hardin series
- Private Heat

- Dying Embers

- Baker, Lise S.: The Loser's Club

- Baltimore Noir (edited by Laura Lippman)

- Barnes, Linda: Carlotta Carlyle series
- A Trouble of Fools

- The Snake Taboo

- Coyote

- Steel Guitar

- Snapshot

- Hardware

- Cold Case

- Flashpoint

- The Big Dig

- Deep Pockets

- Heart of the World

- Lie Down with the Devil

- Barnes, Linda: Michael Spraggue III series
- Blood Will Have Blood

- Bitter Finish

- Dead Heat

- Cities of the Dead

- Benoit, Charles: Noble Lies

- Bergman, Andrew: Jack LeVine series
- Hollywood and LeVine

- The Big Kiss-Off of 1944

- Tender is LeVine

- Berkowitz, Ira: Jackson Steeg series
- Family Matters

- Old Flame

- Sinner's Ball

- Birtcher, Baron R.: Roadhouse Blues

- The Black Lizard Big Book of Black Mask Stories (edited by Otto Penzler)

- Black, Michael A.: Ron Shade series
- A Killing Frost

- Windy City Knights

- A Final Judgment

- Dead Ringer (with Julie Hyzy)

(NOTE: Dead Ringer also features Hyzy's Alex St. James, whose series is listed under Cozy Mysteries)
- Block, Lawrence: Matthew Scudder series
- The Sins of the Fathers

- Time to Murder and Create

- In the Midst of Death

- A Stab in the Dark

- Eight Million Ways to Die

- When the Sacred Ginmill Closes

- Out on the Cutting Edge

- A Ticket to the Boneyard

- A Dance at the Slaughterhouse

- A Walk Among the Tombstones

- The Devil Knows You're Dead

- A Long Line of Dead Men

- Even the Wicked

- Everybody Dies

- Hope To Die

- All the Flowers Are Dying

- A Drop of the Hard Stuff

(short stories) Nine Matthew Scudder short stories appear in Enough Rope

(short story) A Matthew Scudder short story appears in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine Presents Fifty years of Crime and Suspense (edited by Linda Landrigan)

- Bogart, Stephen Humphrey: The Remake: As Time Goes By

- Boyle, Gerry: Jack McMorrow series
- Deadline

- Bloodline

- Lifeline

- Potshot

- Borderline

- Cover Story

- Pretty Dead

- Home Body

- Brewer, Steve: Bubba Mabry series
- Lonely Street

- Baby Face

- Witchy Woman

- Shaky Ground

- Dirty Pool

- Crazy Love

- Brod, D.C.: Quint McCauley series
- Murder in Store

- Error in Judgment

- Masquerade in Blue

- Brothers in Blood

- Paid in Full

- Bronx Noir (edited by S.J. Rozan)

- Brooklyn Noir (edited by Tim McLoughlin)

- Brooklyn Noir 2 (edited by Tim McLoughlin)

- Bruen, Ken: Brant series
- The White Trilogy

- Blitz

- Vixen

- Calibre

- Ammunition

- Bruen, Ken & Starr, Jason: Bust

- Cain, James M.: Cain X 3 (includes Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce, & The Postman Always Rings Twice)

- Cain, James M.: Double Indemnity

- Cain, James M.: Mildred Pierce

- Cain, James M.: The Postman Always Rings Twice

- Chabon, Michael: The Yiddish Policemen's Union

- Chandler, Raymond: Philip Marlowe series
- The Big Sleep

- Farewell, My Lovely

- The High Window

- The Lady in the Lake

- The Little Sister

- The Long Goodbye

- Playback

(short stories) Trouble is My Business 
(short stories) The Simple Art of Murder 
By Robert B. Parker:
- Poodle Springs (unfinished Chandler book completed by Parker)

- Trouble in Paradise (unfinished Chandler book completed by Parker)

- Perchance to Dream (Parker's "sequel to The Big Sleep")

- Chandler, Raymond: The Simple Art of Murder

- Chang, Leonard: Allen Choice series
- Over the Shoulder

- Underkill

- Fade to Clear

- Charyn, Jerome: Hurricane Lady

- Chicago Noir (edited by Neal Pollack)

- Child, Lee: Jack Reacher series
- Killing Floor

- Die Trying

- Tripwire

- Running Blind

- Echo Burning

- Without Fail

- Persuader

- The Enemy

- One Shot

- The Hard Way

- Bad Luck and Trouble

- Nothing to Lose

- Gone Tomorrow

- 61 Hours

- Worth Dying For

- The Affair

- Church, James: Inspector O series

- A Corpse in the Koryo

- Hidden Moon

- Bamboo and Blood

- Clare, Baxter: Bleeding Out

- Clark, Carol Higgins: Regan Reilly series
- Decked

- Snagged

- Iced

- Twanged

- Fleeced

- Jinxed

- Popped

- Burned

- Hitched

- Laced

- Zapped

- Cursed

- Wrecked

- Clark, Jack: Westerfield's Chain

- Cobb, James H.: West on 66

- Coffey, Tom: Blood Alley

- Coleman, Reed Farrel: Moe Prager series
- Walking the Perfect Square

- Redemption Street

- The James Deans

- Soul Patch

- Empty Ever After

- Collins, Max Allan: Nathan Heller series (Listed in order of publication)
- True Detective

- True Crime

- The Million-Dollar Wound

- Neon Mirage

- Stolen Away

- Carnal Hours

- Blood and Thunder

- Damned in Paradise

- Flying Blind

- Majic Man

- Angel in Black

- Chicago Confidential

- Bye Bye, Baby

(short stories) Dying in the Postwar World
(short stories) Kisses of Death 
- Connelly, Michael: Harry Bosch series
- The Black Echo

- The Black Ice

- The Concrete Blonde

- The Last Coyote

- Trunk Music

- Angels Flight

- A Darkness More Than Night

- City of Bones

- Lost Light

- The Narrows

(NOTE: The Narrows is also part of Connelly's Rachel Walling series, listed under Psycho-Killer Thrillers)
- The Closers

- Echo Park

- The Overlook

- The Brass Verdict

- Nine Dragons

A Harry Bosch short story appears in The Blue Religion: New Stories About Cops, Criminals, and the Chase (edited by Michael Connelly)

- Connolly, John: Charlie Parker series

- Every Dead Thing

- Dark Hollow

- The Killing Kind

- The White Road

(cameo) Bad Men

- The Black Angel

- The Unquiet

- The Reapers

- The Lovers

- The Whisperers

- The Burning Soul

- Cosin, Elizabeth M.: Zen Moses series
- Zen and the Art of Murder

- Zen and the City of Angels

- Crais, Robert: Elvis Cole & Joe Pike series
- The Monkey's Raincoat

- Stalking the Angel

- Lullaby Town

- Free Fall

- Voodoo River

- Indigo Slam

- L.A. Requiem

- The Last Detective

- The Forgotten Man

- The Watchman

- The First Rule

- Crumley, James: C.W. Sughrue series
- The Last Good Kiss

- The Mexican Tree Duck

- Bordersnakes

- The Right Madness

- Crumley, James: Milo Milodragovitch series
- The Wrong Case

- Dancing Bear

- Bordersnakes

- The Final Country

- Daley, Robert: Pictures

- Daniel, David: Alex Rasmussen series
- The Heaven Stone

- The Skelly Man

- Goofy Foot

- D.C. Noir (edited by George Pelecanos)

- Delhi Noir (edited by Hirsh Sawhney)

- Detroit Noir (edited by E.J. Olsen & John C. Hocking)

- Dodge, David: The Last Match

- Dodge, David: To Catch a Thief

- Dold, Gaylord: Mitch Roberts series
- Hot Summer, Cold Murder

- Snake Eyes

- Cold Cash

- Bonepile

- Muscle and Blood

- Disheveled City

- A Penny for the Old Guy

- Rude Boys

- The World Beat

- Samedi's Knapsack

- Donaldson, Stephen R.: Brew & Ginny series
(NOTE: Donaldson wrote the first three books under the pseudonym Reed Stephens. The series is currently being re-released under his real name.)
- The Man Who Killed His Brother - Donaldson

- The Man Who Risked His Partner - Stephens

- The Man Who Tried to Get Away - Stephens

- The Man Who Fought Alone - Donaldson

- Doolittle, Sean: Rain Dogs

- Dublin Noir (edited by Ken Bruen)

- Dundee, Wayne D.: Joe Hannibal series

- Burning Season

- The Skintight Shroud

- The Brutal Ballet

- And Flesh and Blood So Cheap

- The Fight in the Dog

- Eidson, Bill: Jack Merchant & Sarah Ballard series
- The Repo

- Ellroy, James: Because the Night

- Estleman, Loren D.: Amos Walker series
- Motor City Blue

- Angel Eyes

- The Midnight Man

- The Glass Highway

- Sugartown

- Every Brilliant Eye

- Lady Yesterday

- Downriver

- Silent Thunder

- Sweet Women Lie

- Never Street

- The Witchfinder

- The Hours of the Virgin

- A Smile on the Face of the Tiger

- Sinister Heights

- Poison Blonde

- Retro

- Nicotine Kiss

- Fackler, Elizabeth: Patricide

- Fate, Robert: Baby Shark series

- Baby Shark

- Baby Shark's Beaumont Blues

- Baby Shark's High Plains Redemption

- Baby Shark's Jugglers at the Border

- Faust, Ron: Sea of Bones

- Ferrigno, Robert: Heartbreaker

- Ford, G.M.: Frank Corso series
- Fury

- Black River

- A Blind Eye

- Red Tide

- Ford, G.M.: Leo Waterman series
- Who in Hell is Wanda Fuca?

- Cast in Stone

- The Bum's Rush

- Slow Burn

- Last Ditch

- The Deader the Better

- Fusilli, Jim: Terry Orr series
- Closing Time

- A Well-Known Secret

- Tribeca Blues

- Hard, Hard City

- Goldberg, Lee: Harvey Mapes series

- The Man With the Iron-On Badge

- Gorman, Ed: Jack Dwyer series
- Rough Cut

- New, Improved Murder

- Murder Straight Up

- Murder in the Wings

- The Autumn Dead

- A Cry of Shadows

- Gorman, Ed: Robert Payne series
- Blood Moon

- Hawk Moon

- Harlot's Moon

- Voodoo Moon

- Grafton, Sue: Kinsey Millhone series:
- A is for Alibi

- B is for Burglar

- C is for Corpse

- D is for Deadbeat

- E is for Evidence

- F is for Fugitive

- G is for Gumshoe

- H is for Homicide

- I is for Innocent

- J is for Judgment

- K is for Killer

- L is for Lawless

- M is for Malice

- N is for Noose

- O is for Outlaw

- P is for Peril

- Q is for Quarry

- R is for Ricochet

- S is for Silence

- T is for Trespass

- U is for Undertow

- V is for Vengeance

- Gran, Sara: Dope

- Grand, David: The Disappearing Body

- Greenleaf, Stephen: John Marshall Tanner series
- Grave Error

- Death Bed

- State's Evidence

- Fatal Obsession

- Beyond Blame

- Toll Call

- Book Case

- Blood Type

- Southern Cross

- False Conception

- Flesh Wounds

- Past Tense

- Strawberry Sunday

- Ellipsis

- Greer, Robert: CJ Floyd series

- The Devil's Hatband

- The Devil's Red Nickel

- The Devil's Backbone

- Resurrecting Langston Blue

- The Fourth Perspective

- The Mongoose Deception

- Blackbird, Farewell

- Haiblum, Isidore: Weiss & Weiss series

- New York Confidential

- Hamilton, Donald: Night Walker

- Hamilton, Steve: Night Work

- Hammett, Dashiell: The Big Knockover

- Hammett, Dashiell: Continental Op series
- Red Harvest

- The Dain Curse

- Blood Money

(short stories) The Continental Op 
(short stories) The Return of the Continental Op 
- Hammett, Dashiell: The Glass Key

- Hammett, Dashiell: Sam Spade series
- Spade & Archer: The Prequel to Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon (by Joe Gores)

- The Maltese Falcon

(short stories) The Adventures of Sam Spade 
- Hammett, Dashiell: The Thin Man

- Hammett, Dashiell: Woman in the Dark

- Hardboiled Brooklyn (edited by Reed Farrel Coleman)

- Harper, Philip: George Gray series
- Payback

- Final Fear

- Death Benefit

- Harrison, Colin: Manhattan Nocturne

- Harvey, John: Charlie Resnick series
- Lonely Hearts

- Rough Treatment

- Cutting Edge

- Off Minor

- Wasted Years

- Cold Light

- Living Proof

- Easy Meat

- Still Waters

- Last Rites

- Cold in Hand

(short stories)Now's the Time 
(related title) Ash and Bone 
(NOTE: Charlie Resnick plays a supporting role. This title is part of the Frank Elder series, listed under British Mysteries)
- Harwood, Seth: Jack Palms series

- Jack Wakes Up

- Havana Noir (edited by Achy Obejas)

- Hawke, Richard: Fitz Malone series
- Speak of the Devil

- Cold Day in Hell

- Haywood, Gar Anthony: Aaron Gunner series
- You Can Die Trying

- Not Long for This World

- Fear of the Dark

- It's Not a Pretty Sight

- When Last Seen Alive

- All the Lucky Ones Are Dead

(short stories) Lyrics for the Blues

- Healy, Jeremiah: John Francis Cuddy series
- Blunt Darts

- The Staked Goat

- So Like Sleep

- Swan Dive

- Yesterday's News

- Right to Die

- Shallow Graves

- Foursome

- Act of God

- Rescue

- Invasion of Privacy

- The Only Good Lawyer

- Spiral

- Heffernan, William: A Time Gone By

- Hegwood, Martin: Big Easy Backroad

- A Hell of a Woman (edited by Megan Abbott)

- Hoar, Jere: The Hit

- Hopkins, Roland: Jonathan Dark series
- Snowball in Hell . . .

- Housewright, David: Holland Taylor series
- Penance

- Practice to Deceive

- Dearly Departed

- Housewright, David: Rushmore "Mac" McKenzie series
- A Hard Ticket Home

- Tin City

- Pretty Girl Gone

- Dead Boyfriends

- Madman on a Drum

- Jelly's Gold

- Hunsicker, Harry: Lee Henry Oswald series

- Still River

- The Next Time You Die

- Hunt, James Patrick: Maitland series

- Maitland

- Maitland Under Siege

- Huston, Charlie: Hank Thompson series
- Caught Stealing

- Six Bad Things

- A Dangerous Man

- James, Russell: Oh No, Not My Baby

- Johansen, Roy: The Answer Man

- Jones, Matthew F.: Boot Tracks

- Kaminsky, Stuart: Abe Lieberman series
- Lieberman's Folly

- Lieberman's Choice

- Lieberman's Day

- Lieberman's Thief

- Lieberman's Law

- The Big Silence

- Not Quite Kosher

- The Last Dark Place

- Terror Town

- The Dead Don't Lie

- Kaminsky, Stuart M.: Lew Fonesca series
- Vengeance

- Retribution

- Midnight Pass

- Denial

- Always Say Goodbye

- Bright Futures

- Kaufman, Thomas: Willis Gidney series

- Drink the Tea

- Steal the Show

- Kellerman, Jonathan: True Detectives

- Kelly, Jack: Line of Sight

- Kelly, Jack: Mobtown

- Klavan, Andrew: Scott Wiess & Jim Bishop series
- Dynamite Road

- Shotgun Alley

- Damnation Street

- Knief, Charles: John Caine series
- Diamond Head

- Sand Dollars

- Emerald Flash

- Silver Sword

- Konrath, J.A.: Jack Daniels series

- Whiskey Sour

- Bloody Mary

- Rusty Nail

- Dirty Martini

- Fuzzy Navel

- Cherry Bomb

(short stories) Four Pack of Jack 
(short story) A Jack Daniels short story appears in Chicago Blues (edited by Libby Fischer Hellmann)

- Koryta, Michael: Lincoln Perry series
- Tonight I Said Goodbye

- Sorrow's Anthem

- A Welcome Grave

- The Silent Hour

- Kuhlken, Ken: Hickey Family series

- The Biggest Liar in Los Angeles

- The Loud Adios

- The Venus Deal

- The Angel Gang

- The Do-Re-Mi

- Vagabond Virgins

- La Plante, Linda: Lorraine Page series
- Cold Shoulder

- Cold Blood

- Cold Heart

- Lange, Richard: This Wicked World

- Las Vegas Noir (Akhasic) (edited by Jarret Keene and Todd James Pierce)

- Lee, Wendi: Angela Matelli series
- The Good Daughter

- Missing Eden

- Deadbeat

- He Who Dies

- Leonard, Elmore: The Big Bounce

- Lescroart, John: Wyatt Hunt series
- The Hunt Club

- The Suspect

- Treasure Hunt

- London Noir (Akashic) (edited by Cathi Unsworth)

- London Noir (Capital Crime) (edited by Maxim Jakubowski)

- Lovisi, Gary: Blood in Brooklyn

- Lynch, Jack: Peter Bragg series
- Bragg's Hunch

- The Missing and the Dead

- Pieces of Death

- Sausalito

- San Quentin

- Monterey

- Seattle

- Wolf House

- Lynskey, Ed: Frank Johnson series

- The Dirt-Brown Debry

- The Blue Cheer

- Pelham Fell Here

- Troglodytes

- Lyons, Arthur: Jacob Asch series

- The Dead Are Discreet

- All God's Children

- The Killing Floor

- Dead Ringer

- Castles Burning

- Hard Trade

- At the Hands of Another

- Three With a Bullet

- Fast Fade

- Other People's Money

- False Pretenses

- MacDonald, John D.: Travis McGee series
- The Deep Blue Good-By

- A Purple Place for Dying

- The Quick Red Fox

- Nightmare in Pink

- A Deadly Shade of Gold

- Bright Orange for the Shroud

- Darker Than Amber

- One Fearful Yellow Eye

- Pale Gray For Guilt

- The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper

- The Long Lavender Look

- A Tan and Sandy Silence

- Dress Her in Indigo

- The Scarlet Ruse

- The Turquoise Lament

- The Dreadful Lemon Sky

- The Empty Copper Sea

- The Green Ripper

- Free Fall in Crimson

- Cinnamon Skin

- The Lonely Silver Rain

- MacDonald, Ross: Lew Archer series

- The Moving Target

- The Drowning Pool

- The Way Some People Die

- The Ivory Grin

- Find a Victim

- The Barbarous Coast

- The Doomsters

- The Galton Case

- The Wycherly Woman

- The Zebra-Striped Hearse

- The Chill

- The Far Side of the Dollar

- Black Money

- The Instant Enemy

- The Goodbye Look

- The Underground Man

- Sleeping Beauty

- The Blue Hammer

(short stories) The Name is Archer 
- Mahattan Noir (edited by Lawrence Block)

- Mazel, Henry F.: Murderously Incorrect

- McBain, Ed: The Gutter and the Grave

- McClendon, Lise: Dorie Lennox series
- One O'Clock Jump

- Sweet and Lowdown

- Meadows, Lee E.: Silent Conspiracy

- Millar, Sam: Karl Kane series

- Bloodstorm

- The Dark Place

- Monroe, Steve: '46, Chicago

- Mosley, Walter: Easy Rawlins series
- Devil in a Blue Dress

- A Red Death

- White Butterfly

- Black Betty

- A Little Yellow Dog

- Gone Fishin'

- Bad Boy Brawly Brown

- Little Scarlet

- Blonde Faith

(short stories) Six Easy Pieces

- Mosley, Walter: Fearless Jones series
- Fearless Jones

- Fear Itself

- Fear of the Dark

- Mosley, Walter: Leonid McGill series

- The Long Fall

- Known to Evil

- Nadelson, Reggie: Artie Cohen series
- Red Hot Blues

- Hot Poppies

- Bloody London

- Disturbed Earth

- Red Hook

- Fresh Kills

- Londongrad

- Noir (Akashic) series by various authors