Prehistoric Fiction
Set in the remote past, before history.
Authors & Titles
- Allan, Margaret: Sister of the Sky

- Anthony, Piers: Tatham Mound

- Asimov, Isaac & Silverberg, Robert: The Ugly Little Boy

- Auel, Jean: Earth's Children series
- Clan of the Cave Bear

- The Valley of Horses

- The Mammoth Hunters

- The Plains of Passage

- Shelters of Stone

- The Land of Painted Caves

- Austin, Debra: Daughter of Kura

- Barnes, Steven: Ibandi series

- Great Sky Woman

- Shadow Valley

- Baxter, Stephen: Mammoth series
- Silverhair

- Longtusk

- Icebones

- Canter, Mark: Ember from the Sun

- Cockrell, Amanda: Deer Dancers series
- Daughter of the Sky

- The Long Walk

- Wind Caller's Children
- Cockrell, Amanda: Horse Catchers series
- When the Horses Came

- Children of the Horse

- The Rain Child

- Cornwell, Bernard: Stonehenge

- Dann, John R.: Grae Tribe series
- Song of the Axe

- Song of the Earth

- Gear, Kathleen O'Neal & W. Michael: First North Americans series
- People of the Wolf

- People of the Fire

- People of the Earth

- People of the River

- People of the Sea

- People of the Lakes

- People of the Lightning

- People of the Silence

- People of the Mist

- People of the Masks

- People of the Owl

- People of the Raven

- People of the Moon

- People of the Nightland

- People of the Weeping Eye

- People of the Thunder

- People of the Longhouse

- Harrison, Sue: Mother Earth, Father Sky trilogy
- Mother Earth, Father Sky

- My Sister the Moon

- Brother Wind

- Harrison, Sue: Storyteller series
- Song of the River

- Cry of the Wind

- Call Down the Stars

- Hearst, Dorothy: Wolf Chronicles

- Promise of the Wolves

- Mackey, Mary: Coming of the Horses series
- The Year the Horses Came

- The Horses at the Gate

- The Fires of Spring

- McKee, Lynn Armistead: Daughter of the Fifth Moon

- Popescu, Petru: Almost Adam

- Prentiss, Charlotte: Ocean Tribe series
- The Island Tribe
- The Ocean Tribe

- Quinney, Karah: The Keeper

- Robbins, Judith Redman: Chaco Canyon series
- Sun Priestess

- Coyote Woman

- Moon Fire

- Rowe, Patricia: Keepers of the Misty Time

- Russell, Sharman Apt: The Last Matriarch

- Sarabande, William: First Americans series
- Beyond the Sea of Ice

- Corridor of Storms

- Forbidden Land

- Walkers of the Wind

- The Sacred Stones

- Thunder in the Sky

- The Edge of the World

- Shadow of the Watching Star

- Face of the Rising Sun

- Time Beyond Beginning

- Spirit Moon

- Scott, Theresa: Hunters of the Ice Age series
- Yesterday's Dawn

- Dark Renegade

- Broken Promise

- Shuler, Linda Lay: Time Circle series
- She Who Remembers

- Voice of the Eagle

- Let the Drum Speak

- Smith, Brenda Gates: Secrets of the Ancient Goddess

- Tarr, Judith: Celtic series
- Lady of Horses

- White Mare's Daughter

- Daughter of Lir

- Turtledove, Harry: Opening of the World series

- Beyond the Gap

- The Breath of God

- The Golden Shrine

- Walker, Martin: The Caves of Périgord

- Wolf, Joan: Born of the Sun

- Wolf, Joan: Tribe of the Red Deer series
- Daughter of the Red Deer

- The Horsemasters

- The Reindeer Hunters

- Wood, Barbara: Sacred Ground

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updated: Wednesday, June 22, 2011