Rich & Famous: Sex & Revenge (i.e. Harold Robbins)
All Rich & Famous fiction deals with sex, power, revenge, and beautiful possessions [shopping]). In this category, the primary focus is on sex and compelling plots (i.e. revenge).
Related Genres
Rich & Famous: Power & Revenge (i.e. Sheldon)
Rich & Famous: Power & Shopping (i.e. Collins)
Rich & Famous: Sex & Shopping (i.e. Krantz)
Authors & Titles
- Anderson, Pamela: Star

- Anderson, Patrick: Busybodies

- Anderson, Patrick: The Pleasure Business

- Anderson, Patrick: Rich as Sin

- Baisden, Michael: The Maintenance Man

- Bernau, George: Candle in the Wind

- Bogner, Norman: The Madonna Complex

- Campbell, Naomi: Swan

- Coscarelli, Kate: Fame and Fortune

- Coscarelli, Kate: Heir Apparent

- Coscarelli, Kate: Leading Lady

- Coscarelli, Kate: Perfect Order

- Gage, Elizabeth: A Glimpse of Stocking

- Gage, Elizabeth: Master Stroke

- Gage, Elizabeth: Pandora's Box

- Goldberg, Lucianne: Madame Cleo's Girls

- Goldberg, Lucianne: People Will Talk

- Gould, Judith: Till the End of Time

- Gregory, Mollie: Triplets

- Harris, E. Lynn: Mama Dearest

- Harvey, Kathryn: Butterfly

- Klein, Richard: Jewelry Talks

- Krentz, Jayne Ann: Lost & Found

- Krentz, Jayne Ann: Soft Focus

- London, Julia: American Diva

- Moline, Karen: Belladonna

- Moline, Karen: Lunch

- Quinn, Sally: Happy Endings

- Quinn, Sally: Regrets Only

- Robbins, Andreana: Paris Never Leaves You

- Robbins, Harold: Descent from Xanadu

- Robbins, Harold: Heat of Passion

- Robbins, Harold: The Looters (with Junius Podrug)

- Robbins, Harold: Memories of Another Day

- Robbins, Harold: Never Enough

- Robbins, Harold: The Piranhas

- Robbins, Harold: The Pirate

- Robbins, Harold: The Raiders

- Robbins, Harold: Sin City

- Robbins, Harold: Spellbinder

- Robbins, Harold: The Stallion

- Robbins, Harold: The Storyteller

- Robbins, Harold: Tycoon

- Robbins, Harold: Jerry Cooper series
- The Predators

- The Secret

- Robbins, Harold & Podrug, Junius: The Betrayers

- Robbins, Harold & Podrug, Junius: The Devil to Pay

- Robbins, Harold & Podrug, Junius: Madison Dupre series
- The Looters

- The Shroud

- Salem, J.J.: Tan Lines

- Sassoon, Beverly: Fantasies

- Spencer, Judy: Hollywood Dreamers

- Stevens, Stella: Razzle Dazzle

- Walker, Mike: Malicious Intent

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updated: Wednesday, December 16, 2009