Odd Families, Quirky Characters
Wry stories of the daily life involving families and people who are a little (or a lot!) off the beaten path (i.e. Anne Tyler)
Authors & Titles
- Antoni, Brian: South Beach

- Baker, Tiffany: The Little Giant of Aberdeen County

- Barker, Nicola: Behindlings

- Barkley, Brad: Money, Love

- Barrows, Annie & Shaffer, Mary Ann: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

- Bausch, Richard: Thanksgiving Night

- Berne, Suzanne: A Crime in the Neighborhod

- Blackston, Ray: Flabbergasted

- Block, Francesca Lia: Quakeland

- Brookner, Anita: Brief Lives

- Brookner, Anita: A Closed Eye

- Brookner, Anita: Falling Slowly

- Brookner, Anita: Fraud

- Brookner, Anita: Incidents in the Rue Laugier
- Brookner, Anita: The Misalliance

- Brookner, Anita: A Private View

- Brookner, Anita: Undue Influence

- Brookner, Anita: Visitors

- Brown, Carrie: The Hatbox Baby

- Burcham, Carl: White Dolphin Blues

- Cameron, Peter: The City of Your Final Destination

- Campbell, Bonnie Jo: Q Road

- Carey, Edward: Observatory Mansions

- Cartwright, Justin: The Promise of Happiness

- Chabon, Michael: Wonder Boys

- Cheever, John: Wapshot series
- The Wapshot Chronicle

- The Wapshot Scandal

- Christensen, Lars Saabye: The Half Brother

- Cohen, Paula Marantz: Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan

- Connelly, Neil O'Boyle: Buddy Cooper Finds a Way

- Cook, Thomas H. & King, Larry: Moon Over Manhattan

- Cooper, Douglas: Amnesia

- Crandell, Doug: Beauty Knows No Pain series
- The Flawless Skin of Ugly People

- Hairdos of the Mildly Depressed

- Crusie, Jennifer: Faking It

- Darling, Julia: Crocodile Soup

- Davies, Robertson: Rebel Angels series
- The Rebel Angels

- What's Bred in the Bone

- The Lyre of Orpheus

- Dawson, Carol: Body of Knowledge

- Denby, Joolz: Borrowed Light

- Downes, Frank: The Long Snake Tattoo

- Drury, Joan M.: Those Jordan Girls

- DuFresne, John: Louisiana Power and Light

- Elkin, Stanley: Mrs. Ted Bliss

- Enright, Anne: The Wig My Father Wore

- Fields, Jennie: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

- Fisher, Carrie: Delusions of Grandma

- Fisher, Carrie: Surrender the Pink

- Fitzgerald, Penelope: At Freddie's

- Fitzgerald, Penelope: The Beginning of Spring

- Fitzgerald, Penelope: The Bookshop

- Fitzgerald, Penelope: The Gate of Angels

- Friend, Dorie: Family Laundry

- Garfield, Henry: Room 13

- Gilbert, Elizabeth: Stern Men

- Hagen, George: The Laments

- Hamilton, Jane: The Book of Ruth

- Handler, Daniel: Watch Your Mouth

- Heinemann, Larry: Cooler By the Lake

- Helnwein, Mercedes: The Potential Hazards of Hester Day

- Hite, Sid: Dither Farm

- Huneven, Michelle: Round Rock

- Irving, John: The 158-Pound Marriage

- Irving, John: The Cider House Rules

- Irving, John: The Fourth Hand

- Irving, John: The Hotel New Hampshire

- Irving, John: Last Night in Twisted River

- Irving, John: A Prayer for Owen Meany

- Irving, John: A Son of the CIrcus

- Irving, John: Trying to Save Piggy Sneed

- Irving, John: A Widow for One Year

- Irving, John: The World According to Garp
- Jewell, Lisa: Roommates Wanted

- Kay, Terry: Taking Lottie Home

- Keyes, Marian: Watermelon

(NOTE: This title is part of the Walsh Sisters series, listed under Ties That Bind: Sisters)
- Kimmel, Haven: The Solace of Leaving Early

- Kimmel, Haven: The Used World

- King, Larry & Cook, Thomas H.: Moon Over Manhattan

- Kowalski, William: Eddie's Bastard

- Kraft, Eric: Peter Leroy series

- Little Follies

- Herb 'n' Lorna

- Reservations Recommended

- Where Do You Stop?

- What a Piece of Work I Am

- At Home With the Glynns

- Leaving Small's Hotel

- Inflating a Dog

- Passionate Spectator

- Taking Off (Flying Trilogy #1)

- On the Wing (Flying Trilogy #2)

- Flying Home (Flying Trilogy #3) (not available in a separate edition)
(omnibus volume) Flying (contains Taking Off, On the Wing, and Flying Home) 
- Lavalle, Victor: The Ecstatic

- Lipman, Elinor: The Inn at Lake Devine

- Lipman, Elinor: Isabel's Bed

- Lively, Penelope: According to Mark

- Lively, Penelope: Cleopatra's Sister

- Lively, Penelope: Heat Wave

- Lively, Penelope: Moon Tiger

- Lively, Penelope: Next to Nature, Art

- Lively, Penelope: Passing On

- Lively, Penelope: The Road to Lichfield

- Lively, Penelope: Spiderweb

- Livesey, Margot: Banishing Verona

- Lynch, Sarah-Kate: Blessed Are the Cheesemakers

- Mandelbaum, Paul: Adriane on the Edge

- Mandelbaum, Paul: Garrett in Wedlock

- Martinez, Nina Marie: ¡Caramba!

- McCall-Smith, Alexander: 44 Scotland Street series

- 44 Scotland Street

- Espresso Tales

- Love Over Scotland

- The World According to Bertie

- The Unbearable Lightness of Scones

- McCall-Smith, Alexander: Corduroy Mansions

- McCown, Clint: War Memorials

- Mendelsohn, Jane: I Was Amelia Earhart

- Meno, Joe: Tender as Hellfire

- Monahan, William: Light House

- Mosher, Howard Frank: The Fall of the Year

- Murdoch, Iris: The Green Knight

- Murdoch, Iris: Jackson's Dilemma

- Nissen, Thisbe: The Good People of New York

- Ozick, Cynthia: Heir to the Glimmering World

- Pearson, T.R.: True Cross

- Portis, Charles: Gringos

- Powell, Anthony: A Dance to the Music of Time series
- A Question of Upbringing

- A Buyer's Market

- The Acceptance World

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: First Movement
- At Lady Molly's

- Casanova's Chinese Restaurant

- The Kindly Ones

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Second Movement
- The Valley of Bones

- The Soldier's Art

- The Military Philosophers

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Third Movement
- Books Do Furnish a Room

- Temporary Kings

- Hearing Secret Harmonies

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Fourth Movement
- Pritchard, Sara: Crackpots

- Proulx, E. Annie: The Shipping News

- Pym, Barbara: Crampton Hodnet

- Pym, Barbara: Quartet in Autumn

- Pym, Barbara: Some Tame Gazelle

- Reiken, Frederick: Rubin Family series
- The Odd Sea

- The Lost Legends of New Jersey

- Robinson, Marilynne: Housekeeping

- Rogan, Barbara: Café Nevo

- Rosenfeld, Arthur: A Cure for Gravity

- Schmidt, Heidi Jon: The Bride of Catastrophe

- Schweighardt, Joan: Homebodies

- See, Carolyn: The Handyman

- Shaffer, Mary Ann & Barrows, Annie: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

- Shearn, Amy: How Far is the Ocean From Here

- Simpson, Mona: Anywhere But Here

- Simpson, Thomas William: This Way Madness Lies

- Smiley, Jane: The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton

- Smiley, Jane: Barn Blind

- Smiley, Jane: Duplicate Keys

- Smiley, Jane: The Greenlanders

- Smiley, Jane: Horse Heaven

- Smiley, Jane: Moo

- Smiley, Jane: A Thousand Acres

- Smith, Lee: Family Linen

- Stella, Leslie: The Easy Hour

- Stoner, Tom: Comfort of Our Kind

- Sucher, Dorothy: The Invisible Garden

- Toby-Potter, Ellen: The Average Human

- Trevanian: Hot Night in the City

- Tyler, Anne: The Accidental Tourist

- Tyler, Anne: The Amateur Marriage

- Tyler, Anne: Back When We Were Grownups

- Tyler, Anne: Breathing Lessons

- Tyler, Anne: Celestial Navigation

- Tyler, Anne: The Clock Winder

- Tyler, Anne: Digging to America

- Tyler, Anne: Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

- Tyler, Anne: If Morning Ever Comes

- Tyler, Anne: Ladder of Years

- Tyler, Anne: Morgan's Passing

- Tyler, Anne: Noah's Compass

- Tyler, Anne: A Patchwork Planet

- Tyler, Anne: Saint Maybe

- Tyler, Anne: Searching for Caleb

- Tyler, Anne: A Slipping-Down Life

- Tyler, Anne: Tin Can Tree

- Virtue, Noel: Lady Jean

- Wagman, Diana: Spontneous

- Wagner, Bruce: I'll Let You Go

- Weller, Anthony: The Siege of Salt Cove

- Wells, Kellie: Skin

- Wilkins, Damien: Little Masters

- Wolfe, Thomas: The Good Child's River

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updated: Thursday, July 01, 2010