Family Sagas: English/Irish/Scottish
Related Genres:
Authors & Titles
- Anand, Valerie: Bridges Over Time series
- The Proud Villeins

- The Ruthless Yeomen

- Women of Ashdon

- The Faithful Lovers

- The Cherished Wives

- Anand, Valerie: Exmoor Saga

The House of Lanyon 
- The House of Allerbrook

- Archer, Jeffrey: Clifton Chronicles

- Only Time Will Tell

- Barclay, Tessa: Corvill Weaving Saga

- A Web of Dreams

- A Tissue of Lies

- Buchan, Elizabeth: Consider the Lily

- Byatt, A.S.: The Children's Book

- Cookson, Catherine: The Desert Crop

- Cookson, Catherine: Mallen series
- The Mallen Streak

- The Mallen Girl

- The Mallen Lot

- Cookson, Catherine: The Desert Crop

- Coulter, Catherine: Sherbrooke Family series
- The Sherbrooke Bride

- The Hellion Bride

- The Heiress Bride

- Mad Jack

- The Courtship

- The Scottish Bride

- Pendragon

- The Sherbrooke Twins

- Crichton, Robert: The Camerons

- Darrell, Elizabeth: Sheridan Family series
- At the Going Down of the Sun

- And in the Morning

- We Will Remember

- Davenport, Gwen: Time and Chance

- Davis, Kathryn Lynn: Rose series
- Too Deep for Tears

- Somewhere Lies the Moon

- De La Roche, Mazo: Jalna series
- The Building of Jalna

- Mary Wakefield

- Young Renny (Jalna -1906)

- Whiteoak Heritage

- The Whiteoak Brothers: Jalna - 1923

- Jalna

- Whiteoaks of Jalna

- Finch's Fortune

- The Master of Jalna

- Whiteoak Harvest

- Wakefield's Course

- Return to Jalna

- Renny's Daughter

- Variable Winds at Jalna

- Centenary at Jalna

- Morning at Jalna

- Delderfield, R.F.: Mr. Sermon

- Delderfield, R.F.: Craddock Family series
- A Horseman Riding By

- The Green Gauntlet

- Delderfield, R.F.: Swann Family series
- God is an Englishman

- Theirs Was the Kingdom

- Give Us This Day

- Deveraux, Jude: Montgomery Family series (aka Velvet series)
- Velvet Promise

- Highland Velvet

- Velvet Song

- Velvet Angel

- The Temptress

- The Raider

- The Princess

- The Awakening

- The Maiden

- A Knight in Shining Armor

- Wishes

- Mountain Laurel

- The Duchess

- Eternity

- The Invitation

- The Heiress

- High Tide

- Drummond, Emma: Knightshill series (aka Ashleigh Family series)
- A Question of Honour

- A Distant Hero

- DuMaurier, Daphne: Hungry Hill

- Eliot, George: The Mill on the Floss

- Galsworthy, John: Forsythe Chronicles
- The Man of Property (Forsythe Saga #1)

- In Chancery (Forsythe Saga #2)

- To Let (Forsythe Saga #3)

(#1-#3 published in one volume as The Forsythe Saga
- The White Monkey (A Modern Comedy #1)

- The Silver Spoon (A Modern Comedy #2)

- Swan Song (A Modern Comedy #3)

- Maid in Waiting (End of the Chapter #1)

- Flowering Wilderness (End of the Chapter #2)

- One More River (End of the Chapter #3)

- Gaskin, Catherine: The Lynmara Legacy

- Godden, Rumer: China Court

- Graham, Winston: Poldark series
- Ross Poldark

- Demelza

- Jeremy Poldark

- Warleggan

- The Black Moon

- The Four Swans

- The Angry Tide

- The Stranger From the Sea

- The Miller's Dance

- The Loving Cup

- The Twisted Sword

- Gregory, Philippa: Wideacre series
- Wideacre

- The Favored Child

- Meridon

- Hamilton, Julia: Forbidden Fruits

- Harris, Marilyn: Eden Family series
- This Other Eden

- The Prince of Eden

- The Eden Passion

- The Women of Eden

- Eden Rising

- American Eden

- Eden and Honor

- Harrison, Sarah: The Flowers of the Field

- Howard, Elizabeth Jane: Cazalet series
- The Light Years

- Marking Time

- Confusion

- Casting Off

- Jagger, Brenda: Days of Grace

- Jagger, Brenda: A Winter's Child

- Kennedy, Adam: Bradshaw series
- No Place to Cry

- The Fires of Summer

- Lawrence, D.H.: Brangwen Family series
- The Rainbow

- Women in Love

- Lofts, Norah: The Old Priory

- MacDonald, Malcolm: The Carringtons of Helston

- MacDonald, Malcolm: Hell Hath No Fury

- MacDonald, Malcolm: His Father's Son

- MacDonald, Malcolm: Kernow & Daughter

- MacDonald, Malcolm: Like a Diamond

- MacDonald, Malcolm: On a Far Wild Shore

- MacDonald, Malcolm: Tamsin Harte

- MacDonald, Malcolm: To the End of Her Days

- MacDonald, Malcolm: A Woman Alone

- MacDonald, Malcolm: A Woman Possessed

- MacDonald, Malcolm: A Woman Scorned

- Masters, John: Rowland series (aka Loss of Eden series)
- Now, God Be Thanked

- Heart of War

- By the Green of the Spring

- Motley, Annette: The Quickenberry Tree

- O'Hagan, Andrew: Our Fathers (Scotland)

- Palmer, Elizabeth: The Distaff Side

- Pears, Tim
- In the Place of Fallen Leaves

- In a Land of Plenty

- Pearson, Diane: The Summer of the Barshinskeys

- Pearson, John: The Bellamy Saga

- Pearson, Michael: The Store

- Polland, Madeleine A.: All Their Kingdoms

- Polland, Madeleine A.: The Heart Speaks Many Ways

- Sallis, Susan: Rising Family series
- A Scattering of Daisies

- The Daffodils of Newent

- Bluebell Windows

- Rosemary for Remembrance

- Summer Visitors

- Spellman, Cathy Cash: So Many Partings

- Summers, Rowena: Cornish Clay series
- Killigrew Clay

- Clay Country

- Family Ties

- Family Shadows

- Primmy's Daughter

- White Rivers

- September Morning

- Tannahill, Reay: In Still and Stormy Waters

- Tannahill, Reay: Passing Glory

- Tannahill, Reay: Return of the Stranger

- Taylor, Alice: The Woman of the House

- Trollope, Anthony: Palliser series
- Can You Forgive Her?

- Phineas Finn

- The Eustace Diamonds

- Phineas Redux

- The Prime Minister

- The Duke's Children

- Trollope, Joanna: Legacy of Love

- Vincenzi, Penny: Lytton Family series

- No Angel

- Something Dangerous

- Into Temptation

- Woodhouse, Sarah: Enchanted Ground

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updated: Thursday, August 04, 2011