The New Plague
Thrillers in which the world is menaced by the outbreak of a new, virulent, highly-contagious disease, often man-made.
Related Genres
Disaster Epics
Medical Thrillers (i.e. Robin Cook)
Authors & Titles
- Anderson, Barth: The Patron Saint of Plagues

- Anderson, Jeffrey: Sleeper Cell

- Bear, Greg: Darwin's Radio

- Benson, Ann: The Plague Tales

- Benson, Ann: The Burning Road

- Birken, Gary: Plague

- Clark, Mary Jane: Nowhere to Run

(NOTE: This title is part of Clark's KEY News series, listed under Amateur Sleuths.)
- Crane, Leonard: Ninth Day of Creation

- Davis, Val: The Return of the Spanish Lady

- Dekker, Ted: Circle series (aka Birth of Evil series)
- Black

- Red: The Heroic Rescue

- Deutermann, P.T.: Zero Option

- Freemantle, Brian: Ice Age

- Harvey, Gareth: The Holtzmann Plague

- Herbert, James: '48

- Huston, Charlie: Sleepless

- Kalla, Daniel: Pandemic

(NOTE: This title is part of the Noah Haldane series, listed under Medical Thrillers)
- Land, Jon: The Fires of Midnight

- Lovejoy, William H.: Dark Morning

- Lynch, Patrick: Carriers

- Lynch, Patrick: Omega

- Massucci, Joseph: Code: Alpha

- McClure, Ken: Resurrection

- Mezrich, Ben: Reaper

- Millar, Peter: Bleak Midwinter

- Mills, Steven: Burning Stones

- Mitchell, Syne: The Changeling Plague

- Morris, M.E.: Biostrike

- Ouellette, Pierre: The Third Pandemic

- Perdue, Lewis: Slatewiper

- Posner, Gerald L.: The Bio-Assassins

- Reiss, R. Scott: Black Monday

- Romkey, Michael: The Vampire Virus

- Scott, Holden: The Carrier

- Sherbaniuk, Richard: The Fifth Horseman

- Tepper, Sheri: A Plague of Angels

- The Touch (edited by Patrick Merla)

- Trevor, Elleston: Deathwatch

- Vargas, Fred: Have Mercy On Us All

- Watkins, Graham: Virus

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updated: Monday, January 04, 2010