Novels of Character
Authors & Titles
- Abbott, Charles: Island

- Adams, Alice: Second Chances

- Arnow, Harriette Simpson: The Dollmaker

- Arnow, Harriette Simpson: The Weedkiller's Daughter

- Auster, Paul: Invisible

- Barker, Nicola: Behindlings

- Barthelme, Frederick: Elroy Nights

- Baxter, Charles: The Soul Thief

- Begley, Louis: The Man Who Was Late

- Begley, Louis: Matters of Honor

- Begley, Louis: Mistler's Exit

- Begley, Louis: Shipwreck

- Begley, Louis: Schmidt series
- About Schmidt

- Schmidt Delivered

- Bledsoe, Lucy Jane: Biting the Apple

- Boyle, T. Coraghessan: Riven Rock

- Boyle, T. Coraghessan: The Tortilla Curtain

- Boyle, T. Coraghessan: Water Music

- Brookner, Anita: Strangers

- Brown, Carrie: Confinement

- Buxbaum, Julie: The Opposite of Love

- Byler, Stephen Raleigh: Searching for Intruders

- Canin, Ethan: Carry Me Across the Water

- Canin, Ethan: For Kings and Planets

- Capouya, Emile: The Rising of the Moon

- Carpenter, William: The Wooden Nickel

- Casey, John: Spartina

- Chadwick, Charles: It's All Right Now

- Cheever, John: Falconer

- Christensen, Kate: The Epicure's Lament

- Christopher, Nicholas: A Trip to the Stars

- Cleage, Pearl: Seen It All and Done the Rest

- Coetzee, J.M.: Elizabeth Costello

- Cole, Marjorie Kowalski: Correcting the Landscape

- Conrad, James: Making Love to the Minor Poets of Chicago

- Conroy, Pat: Beach Music

- Conroy, Pat: The Great Santini

- Conroy, Pat: The Lords of Discipline

- Conroy, Pat: The Prince of Tides

- Conroy, Pat: The Water is Wide

- Cook, Thomas H.: Elena

- Cooney, Ellen: The Old Ballerina

- Cronin, A.J.: The Keys of the Kingdom

- Davies, Robertson: The Cunning Man

- Davies, Robertson: Fifth Business

- Davies, Robertson: World of Wonders

- Davis, Kathryn: The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf

- deHartog, Jan: Martinus Harinxma series
- The Captain

- The Commodore

- The Centurion

- The Outer Buoy

- de Kretser, Michelle: The Lost Dog

- De Witt, Abigail: Lili

- Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield

- Dixon, Stephen: Gould

- Doctorow, E.L.: Homer & Langley

- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Idiot

- Drabble, Margaret: The Sea Lady

- Drury, Tom: The Black Brook
- Duane, Daniel: Looking for Mo

- DuMaurier, George: Trilby

- Eggers, Dave: You Shall Know Our Velocity

- Ellison, Ralph: Juneteenth

- Evans, Elizabeth: Carter Clay

- Exley, Frederick: Notes series
- A Fan's Notes

- Pages From a Cold Island

- Last Notes From Home

- Fabre, Dominique: The Waitress Was New

- Ferber, Edna: So Big

- Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones

- Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary

- Ford, Richard: Frank Bascombe series
- The Sportswriter

- Independence Day

- Francis, H.E.: Goya, Are You With Me Now?

- Fried, Ronald K.: Christmas in Paris 2002

- Friedman, Donald: The Hand Before the Eye

- Gaston, Bill: The Good Body

- Giardina, Anthony: White Guys

- Gilbert, Elizabeth: Stern Men

- Godwin, Gail: The Odd Woman

- Godwin, Gail: Queen of the Underworld

- Gold, Herbert: She Took My Arm as if She Loved Me

- Goldbarth, Albert: Pieces of Payne

- Gowdy, Barbara: Mister Sandman

- Greene, Hannah: The Dead of the House

- Greene, Graham: The Captain and the Enemy

- Greene, Graham: The Heart of the Matter

- Hamilton, Jane: The Book of Ruth

- Harper, Russell David: Bald

- Hawkes, G.W.: Surveyor

- Hazzard, Shirley: Transit of Venus

- Headley, Jason: Small Town Odds

- Hemon, Aleksandar: Jozef Pronek series
- The Question of Bruno

- Nowhere Man

- Hendrie, Laura: Remember Me

- Hilton, James: Time and Time Again
- Irving, John: Until I Find You

- Johnson, Freddie Lee III: A Man Finds His Way

- Johnson, Thomas: Rescuing Claire

- Kay, Terry: The Valley of Light

- Kennedy, A.L.: Everything You Need

- Khoury, Elias: Yalo

- Kincaid, Jamaica: Mr. Potter

- Kramer, Peter D.: Spectacular Happiness

- Kun, Michael: You Poor Monster

- Lanchester, John: Mr. Phillips

- Landis, J.D.: Longing

- Landsman, Anne: The Rowing Lesson

- Lehman, Eric Gabriel: Summer's House

- Lewis, Jeffrey: Adam the King

- Lewis, Sinclair: Arrowsmith

- Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt

- Lewis, Sinclair: Dodsworth

- Livesey, Margot: The House on Fortune Street

- Locke, Attica: Black Water Rising

- Luna, Louisa: Crooked

- MacDonald, D.R.: Cape Breton Road

- Mailer, Norman: An American Dream

- Mankell, Henning: Italian Shoes

- Marsh, Jean: Iris

- Martin, Eric B.: Winners

- Masters, Hilary: Elegy for Sam Emerson

- Matthiessen, Peter: Watson trilogy
- Killing Mister Watson

- Lost Man's River

- Bone by Bone

- McAdam, Colin: Some Great Thing

- McCabe, Patrick: Call Me the Breeze

- McGowan, Heather: The Duchess of Nothing

- Merot, Pierre: Mammals

- Millet, Lydia: How the Dead Dream

- Mitchell, Joseph: McSorley's Wonderful Saloon

- Morgan, Robert: Gap Creek

- Morris, Mary McGarry: A Hole in the Universe

- Mosley, Walter: Socrates Fortlow series
- Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned

- Walkin' the Dog

- The Right Mistake

- Murr, Naeem: The Genius of the Sea

- Naslund, Sena Jeter: Ahab's Wife

- Nolan, Han: Born Blue

- Oates, Joyce Carol: What I Lived For

- O'Hara, John: Butterfield 8

- Olafsson, Olaf: Walking into the Night

- O'Nan, Stewart: Last Night at the Lobster

- Owen, Howard: McCain series

- Littlejohn

- Rock of Ages

- Parini, Jay: The Apprentice Lover

- Parks, Tim: Cleaver

- Patchett, Ann: Taft

- Payne, David: Gravesend Light

- Potok, Chaim: Old Men at Midnight

- Powell, Dawn: The Story of a Country Boy

- Price, Reynolds: Noble Norfleet

- Proulx, Annie: That Old Ace in the Hole

- Proust, Marcel: Remembrance of Things Past (aka In Search of Lost Time)

Volume I:
- Swann's Way

- Within A Budding Grove

Volume II:
- The Guermantes Way

- Cities of the Plain (aka Sodom and Gomorrah)

Volume III:
- The Captive

- The Fugitive

- Time Regained

- Richards, David Adams: The Bay of Love and Sorrows

- Robinson, Marilynne: Gilead

- Roth, Philip: David Kapesh series
- The Breast

- The Professor of Desire

- The Dying Animal

- Roth, Philip: The Humbling

- Roth, Philip: Nathan Zuckerman series

- The Ghost Writer

- Zuckerman Unbound

- The Anatomy Lesson

- The Prague Orgy

(Above four titles published in one volume as Zuckerman Bound
- The Counterlife

- American Pastoral

- I Married a Communist

- The Human Stain

- Exit Ghost

- Roth, Philip: Nemesis

- Schlink, Bernhard: Homecoming

- Shields, Carol: Larry's Party

- Shreve, Porter: The Obituary Writer

- Shute, Nevil: Round the Bend

- Siegel, Robert Anthony: All the Money in the World

- Sillitoe, Alan: Seaton Brothers series
- Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

- Birthday

- Small, David: The River in Winter

- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

- Spencer, David: How I Became a Fisherman Named Pete

- Stegner, Lynn: Pipers at the Gates of Dawn

- Stegner, Wallace: Crossing to Safety

- Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy

- Strout, Elizabeth: Olive Kitteridge

- Swift, Graham: The Light of Day

- Taylor, Benjamin: The Book of Getting Even

- Theroux, Marcel: A Stranger in the Earth

- Thomas, Michael: Man Gone Down

- Unsworth, Barry: Losing Nelson

- Updike, John: Henry Bech series
- Bech: A Book

- Bech is Back

- Bech at Bay

(published in one volume as The Complete Henry Bech
- Updike, John: Memories of the Ford Administration

- Updike, John: Rabbit series
- Rabbit, Run

- Rabbit Redux

- Rabbit is Rich

- Rabbit at Rest

A novella titled "Rabbit Remembered" appears in Licks of Love 
- Vickers, Salley: Mr Golightly's Holiday

- Vlautin, Willy: The Motel Life

- Wallace, Daniel: Ray in Reverse

- Warren, Robert Penn: All the King's Men

- Williams, John: Stoner

- Wise, Leonard: Doc's Legacy

- Wodicka, Tod: All Shall Be Well; and All Shall Be Well; and All Manner of Things Shall Be Well

- Woolf, Virginia: Mrs. Dalloway

- Wouk, Herman: Aurora Dawn

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updated: Saturday, October 02, 2010