Ties That Bind: General
Tales of family life and family relationships.
Authors & Titles
- Allen, Jeffrey Renard: Rails Under My Back

- Ashour, Linda Phillips: Sweet Remedy

- Bacon, Charlotte: Lost Geography

- Bank, Melissa: The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing

- Benoit, Brent: All Saints' Day

- Binchy, Maeve: Firefly Summer

- Binchy, Maeve: Silver Wedding

- Bragg, Melvyn: The Soldier's Return

- Burnard, Bonnie: A Good House

- Calisher, Hortense: Sunday Jews

- Cameron, Peter: The City of Your Final Destination

- Carey, Jacqueline: The Other Family

- Cook, Claire: Must Love Dogs

- Cooper, J. California: Some Soul to Keep

- Crews, Harry: Body

- Cusk, Rachel: The Lucky Ones

- Dalton, Quinn: High Strung

- Den Hartog, Kristen: The Perpetual Ending

- Denker, Henry: The Choice

- Denker, Henry: A Place for Kathy

- Denker, Henry: Robert, My Son

- Denker, Henry: This Child is Mine

- Desai, Anita: Fasting, Feasting

- Dew, Robb Forman: The Evidence Against Her

- Dewberry, Elizabeth: Sacrament of Lies

- DeWitt, Helen: The Last Samurai

- Doig, Ivan: Mountain Time

- Donovan, Anne: Buddha Da

- Downing, Michael: Breakfast with Scot

- Downing, Michael: Perfect Agreement

- Downs, Robert C.S.: The Fifth Season

- Drury, Joan M.: Those Jordan Girls

- Duberstein, Larry: The Alibi Breakfast

- Duncan, Pamela: Moon Women

- Dunne, Dominick: A Season in Purgatory

- Durban, Pam: The Laughing Place

- Eagle, Kathleen: Once Upon a Wedding

- Edgerton, Clyde: The Floatplane Notebooks

- Emmons, Cai: His Mother's Son

- Enright, Anne: What Are You Like?

- Enright, Rosemary: The Walled Garden

- Ephron, Delia: Hanging Up

- Eppes, Cindy: South of Reason

- Ermelino, Louisa: The Sisters Mallone

- Esquivel, Laura: Swift as Desire

- Family Passions (edited by Jayne Ann Krentz)

- Fast, Howard: The Dinner Party

- Feldman, Ellen: God Bless the Child

- Fickett, David C.: Nectar

- Finney, Ernest: The Lady with the Alligator Purse

- Fischer, Maribeth: The Language of Good-bye

- Fitzpatrick, Christina: What's The Girl Worth?

- Florey, Kitty Burns: Souvenir of Cold Springs

- Flynt, Candace: Mother Love

- Foos, Laurie: Twinship

- Forster, Gwynne: When Twilight Comes

- Frankel, Valerie: Smart vs. Pretty

- Fredriksson, Marianne: Hanna's Daughters

- Freed, Lynn: House of Women

- French, Marilyn: Our Father

- Friedmann, Patty: Secondhand Smoke

- Gabriel, Marius: House of Many Rooms

- Gabriel, Marius: Mask of Time

- Gabriel, Marius: The Seventh Moon

- Gaffney, Patricia: Circle of Three

- Gage, Elizabeth: Confession

- Garcia, Cristina: The Agüero Sisters

- Gautreaux, Tim: The Clearing

- Gautreaux, Tim: The Next Step in the Dance

- Gemmell, Nikki: Alice Springs

- Gilchrist, Ellen: I Cannot Get You Close Enough

- Gilchrist, Ellen: Net of Jewels

- Gladstone, Jim: The Big Book of Misunderstanding

- Glass, Julia: Three Junes

- Glickfeld, Carole L.: Swimming Toward the Ocean

- Godwin, Gail: Evensong

- Godwin, Gail: Father Melancholy's Daughter

- Godwin, Gail: The Good Husband

- Godwin, Gail: A Mother and Two Daughters

- Gold, Herbert: Daughter Mine

- Golden, Marita: The Edge of Heaven

- Goldman, Judy: The Slow Way Back

- Goldreich, Gloria: Mothers

- Goldstein, Rebecca: The Dark Sister

- Goodman, Allegra: The Family Markowitz

- Goodman, Carol: The Seduction of Water

- Goodwin, Suzanne: Daughters

- Goudge, Eileen: Blessing in Disguise

- Goudge, Eileen: One Last Dance

- Goudge, Eileen: The Second Silence

- Goudge, Eileen: Such Devoted Sisters

- Goudge, Eileen: Garden of Lies series
- Garden of Lies

- Thorns of Truth

- Gould, Judith: Time to Say Goodbye

- Graver, Elizabeth: The Honey Thief

- Green, Terence M.: Leo Nolan series
- Shadow of Ashland

- A Witness to Life

- St. Patrick's Bed

- Greenberg, Joanne: Where the Road Goes

- Greene, Hannah: The Dead of the House

- Greenleaf, Stephen: The Ditto List

- Gregory, Philippa: The Little House

- Grimsley, Jim: Winter Birds

- Gross, Gwendolyn: Getting Out

- Guest, Judith: Errands

- Guest, Judith: Killing Time in St. Cloud

- Guest, Judith: Ordinary People

- Guest, Judith: Second Heaven

- Gullick, Charlotte: By Way of Water

- Gunn, Kirsty: The Keepsake

- Gussoff, Caren: Homecoming

- Hailey, Elizabeth Forsythe: Joanna's Husband & David's Wife

- Hailey, Elizabeth Forsythe: Life Sentences

- Haines, Lise: In My Sister's Country

- Hall, Rachel Howzell: A Quiet Storm

- Hamill, Denis: House on Fire

- Hamilton, Jane: Disobedience

- Hamilton, Jane: A Map of the World

- Hamilton, Jane: The Short History of a Prince

- Hannah, Kristin: Angel Falls

- Hannah, Kristin: Summer Island

- Hardie, Kerry: A Winter Marriage

- Harris, Joanne: Five Quarters of the Orange

- Hart, Josephine: The Reconstructionist

- Hart, Lenore: Waterwoman

- Hawke, Ethan: Ash Wednesday

- Hazzard,Mary: Family Blood

- Hay, Elizabeth: A Student of Weather

- Heckler, Jonellen: A Fragile Peace

- Heckler, Jonellen: White Lies

- Hedges, Peter: An Ocean in Iowa

- Hegi, Ursula: Salt Dancers

- Heller, Zoe: Everything You Know

- Hershon, Joanna: Swimming

- Hill, Donna: An Ordinary Woman

- Hill, Donna: Rhythms

- Hoffman, Alice: Blue Diary

- Hoffman, Alice: Illumination Night

- Hoffman, Eva: The Secret

- Homes, A.M.: Music for Torching

- Hunter, Evan: The Moment She Was Gone

- Hustvedt, Siri: What I Loved

- Huth, Angela: Easy Silence

- Inclán, Jessica Barksdale: Her Daughter's Eyes

- Jackson, Brian Keith: Walking Through Mirrors

- James, Siân: Second Chance

- Johnson, Freddie Lee III: Bittersweet

- Johnson, Freddie Lee III: A Man Finds His Way

- Johnson, Greg: Sticky Kisses

- Johnson, RM: Harris series
- The Harris Men

- The Harris Family

- Johnson, Susan: Flying Lessons

- Johnston, Wayne: Human Amusements

- Jones, Kaylie: A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries

- Kagan, Elaine: No Good-Byes

- Kaplan, Hester: Kinship Theory

- Keller, Nora Okja: Comfort Woman

- Kelly, Mary Anne: Breslinsky Family series
- Park Lane South, Queens

- Foxglove

- Keeper of the Mill

- Jenny Rose

- Kenney, Susan: Sara Boyd series
- In Another Country

- Sailing

- Kidd, Sue Monk: The Secret Life of Bees

- King, Lily: The Pleasing Hour

- Kingsolver, Barbara: The Poisonwood Bible

- Kitchen, Judith: The House on Eccles Road

- Knight, Kathryn Lasky: The Widow of Oz

- Kobin, Joann: Woman Made of Sand

- Köepf, Michael: The Fisherman's Son

- Kowalski, William: The Adventures of Flash Jackson

- Kupfer, Fern: Surviving the Seasons

- Lamb, Wally: I Know This Much is True

- Lamott, Anne: Blue Shoe

- Landvik, Lorna: Welcome to the Great Mysterious

- Lawrence, D.H.: Sons and Lovers

- Lawson, Mary: Crow Lake

- Laxness, Halldor: Independent People

- Leavitt, Caroline: Coming Back to Me

- Lee, Chang-Rae: Aloft

- Lee, Chang-Rae: A Gesture Life

- Leebron, Fred G.: In the Middle of All This

- Leebron, Fred G.: Six Figures

- L'engle, Madeleine: Certain Women

- L'engle, Madeleine: A Live Coal in the Sea

- L'engle, Madeleine: The Other Side of the Sun

- Lennon, J. Robert: On the Night Plain

- Lennox, Judith: Some Old Lover's Ghost

- Lesley, Craig: Storm Riders

- Lessing, Doris: The Sweetest Dream

- Lewis, Sara: But I Love You Anyway

- Listfield, Emily: Acts of Love

- Lively, Penelope: Passing On

- Livesey, Margot: Eva Moves the Furniture

- Lockhart, Zelda: Fifth Born

- London, Todd: The World's Room

- Lott, Bret: Jewel

- Louie, David Wong: The Barbarians Are Coming

- Lowell, Jax Peters: Mothers

- Luna, Louisa: Brave New Girl

- MacDonald, Ann-Marie: Fall On Your Knees

- MacLeod, Alistair: No Great Mischief

- Major, Devorah: Brown Glass Windows

- Malloy, Brian: The Year of Ice

- Mantel, Hilary: A Change of Climate

- Mapson, Jo-Ann: Blue Rodeo

- Mapson, Jo-Ann: Shadow Ranch

- Mapson, Jo-Ann: The Wilder Sisters

- Maraire, J. Nozipo: Zenzele

- Margolis, Seth J.: Losing Isaiah

- Marlette, Doug: The Bridge

- Marlowe, Katharine: Heart's Desires

- Marshall, Alexandra: The Court of Common Pleas

- Marshall, Brenda K.: Mavis

- Martin, Valerie: The Great Divorce

- Matson, Suzanne: A Trick of Nature

- Mawson, Robert: The Lazarus Child

- Mayes, Frances: Swan

- McAfee, Carol: Walk Among Birches

- McCauley, Stephen: The Easy Way Out

- McCracken, Elizabeth: Niagara Falls All Over Again

- McDermott, Alice: After This

- McDonough, Yona Zeldis: The Four Temperaments

- McGovern, Cammie: The Art of Seeing

- McKinley, Tamara: Windflowers

- McMurtry, Larry: Terms of Endearment

- McPhee, Martha: Gorgeous Lies

- Medoff, Jillian: Hunger Point

- Meno, Joe: Tender as Hellfire

- Merullo, Roland: In Revere, in Those Days

- Mickle, Shelley Fraser: Replacing Dad

- Miller, Heather Ross: Champeen

- Miller, Karen E. Quinones: I'm Telling

- Miller, Sue: While I Was Gone

- Mistry, Rohinton: Family Matters

- Mitchard, Jacquelyn: The Most Wanted

- Mitchard, Jacquelyn: A Theory of Relativity

- Mitchell, Sharon: Sheer Necessity

- Monroe, Mary Alice: The Four Seasons

- Morgan, Robert: This Rock

- Morris, Henriette Hampton: Sisters in Love

- Morris, Mary: Acts of God

- Morris, Mary McGarry: Songs in Ordinary Time

- Morris, Scott M.: Waiting for April

- Morrow, Bradford: Ariel's Crossing

- Mortimer, John: Like Men Betrayed

- Murdoch, Anna: Coming to Terms

- Murdoch, Anna: In Her Own Image

- Murdoch, Iris: The Sandcastle

- Nabokov, Vladimir: King, Queen, Knave

- Napolitano, Ann: Within Arm's Reach

- Naumoff, Lawrence: Silk Hope, NC

- Neff, Heather: Wisdom

- Nelson, Antonya: Talking in Bed

- Nelson, Lisa: Playing Botticelli

- Newman, Nancy: Disturbing the Peace

- Nichols, John: Conjugal Bliss

- Nicholson, Joy: The Tribes of Palos Verdes

- Oates, Joyce Carol: We Were the Mulvaneys

- Oates, Joyce Carol: What I Lived For

- Oates, Joyce Carol: You Must Remember This

- O'Brien, Edna: Time and Tide

- O'Brien, Kevin: Only Son

- O'Brien, Tim: In the Lake of the Woods

- O'Dell, Tawni: Back Roads

- O'Carroll, Brendan: Mrs. Browne series (aka Agnes Browne series)
- The Mammy

- The Chisellers

- The Granny

- O'Farrell, John: The Best a Man Can Get

- O'Farrell, Maggie: After You'd Gone

- Oliver, Julia: Music of Falling Water

- O'Nan, Stewart: Wish You Were Here

- Osborn, Karen: The River Road

- Osborne, Betsey: The Natural History of Uncas Metcalfe

- Osborne, Eliza: The Distance Between

- Owens, Janis: The Schooling of Claybird Catts

- Pascoe, Judy: Our Father Who Art in a Tree

- Patchett, Ann: Run

- Pate, Alexs D.: West of Rehoboth

- Patterson, James: Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas

- Pelletier, Cathie: Beaming Sonny Home

- Phillips, Jayne Anne: Motherkind

- Picoult, Jodi: The Pact

- Picoult, Jodi: Mercy

- Picoult, Jodi: Perfect Match

- Picoult, Jodi: The Tenth Circle

- Piercy, Marge: Fly Away Home

- Piercy, Marge: Storm Tide

- Pietrzyk, Leslie: Pears on a Willow Tree

- Pitlor, Heidi: The Birthdays

- Powell, Sophie: The Mushroom Man

- Powers, Richard: The Time of Our Singing

- Pratt, James Michael: Ticket Home

- Preston, Caroline: Lucy Crocker 2.0

- Price, Reynolds: The Promise of Rest

- Price, Reynolds: Rosa & Wesley series
- A Long and Happy Life

- Good Hearts

- Proulx, E. Annie: The Shipping News

- Quindlen, Anna: Black and Blue

- Quindlen, Anna: Blessings

- Quindlen, Anna: Object Lessons

- Racine, David: Floating in a Most Peculiar Way

- Raffe, Dawn: Carrying the Body

- Ragen, Naomi: The Ghost of Hannah Mendes

- Ragen, Naomi: Jephte's Daughter

- Raskin, Barbara: Current Affairs

- Ray, Francis: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

- Read, Piers Paul: A Married Man

- Reardon, Lisa: Billy Dead

- Rebeta-Burditt, Joyce: Triplets

- Reiner, Carl: All Kinds of Love

- Rendell, Ruth: The Tree of Hands

- Rice, Luanne: Safe Harbor

- Rice, Luanne: Summer Light

- Riefe, Barbara: A Family Affair

- Rizzuto, Rahna Reiko: Why She Left Us

- Roberts, Ann Victoria: Morning's Cafe

- Robertson, Denise: Illusion

- Robinson, Roxana: Asking for Love

- Robinson, Roxana: This is my Daughter

- Roby, Kimberla Lawson: It's a Thin Line

- Rodgers, Joni: Sugar Land

- Rogers, Jane: Island

- Rolens, Sharon: Worthy's Town

- Roorbach, Bill: The Smallest Color

- Rowland, Russell: In Open Spaces

- Ryan, James: Seeds of Doubt

- Sallis, Susan: By Sun and Candlelight

- Samuel, Barbara: A Piece of Heaven

- Schaffert, Timothy: The Phantom Limbs of the Rollow Sisters

- Schulman, Audrey: A House Named Brazil

- Schulze, Dallas: The Marriage

- Schupack, Deborah: The Boy on the Bus

- Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: In the Family Way

- Schwarz, Christina: Drowning Ruth

- Schweighardt, Joan: Homebodies

- Scofield, Sandra: Opal on Dry Ground

- Scott, Joanna: Tourmaline

- Sheepshanks, Mary: Off Balance

- Sheldon, Mary: Halfway Home

- Sheridan, Michael: The Violent Child

- Sherman, Jory: The Ballad of Pinewood Lake

- Shreve, Porter: Drives Like a Dream

- Shulman, Alix Kates: In Every Woman's Life...

- Siddons, Anne Rivers: Homeplace

- Slate, Caroline: The House on Sprucewood Lane

- Smith, Deborah: The Stone Flower Garden

- Snapshots: 20th Century Mother-Daughter Fiction (edited by Joyce Carol Oates & Janet Berliner)

- Stansbury, Nicole: The Husband's Dilemma

- Stansbury, Nicole: Places to Look for a Mother

- Stolz, Karen: Fanny and Sue

- Stone, Sarah: The True Sources of the Nile

- Tartt, Donna: The Little Friend

- Tervalon, Jervey: Dead Above Ground

- Thayer, Nancy: Between Husbands and Friends

- Thayer, Nancy: Custody

- Thompson, Jean: Wide Blue Yonder

- Tilghman, Christopher: Roads of the Heart

- Trollope, Joanna: Marrying the Mistress

- Trollope, Joanna: Next of Kin

- Trollope, Joanna: A Passionate Man

- Trollope, Joanna: Second Honeymoon

- Troyan, Sasha: Angels in the Morning

- Tsukiyama, Gail: Dreaming Water

- Tyree, Omar: Sweet St. Louis

- Ullmann, Linn: Before You Sleep

- Voigt, Cynthia: Tillerman series
- Homecoming

- Dicey's Song

- A Solitary Blue

- The Runner

- Come a Stranger

- Sons From Afar

- Seventeen Against the Dealer

- Wall, Judith Henry: My Mother's Daughter

- Wallace, Daniel: Ashland, Alabama series
- Big Fish

- The Watermelon King

- Warlick, Ashley: The Summer After June

- Warner, Sharon Oard: Deep in the Heart

- Watt, Alan: Diamond Dogs

- Weber, Christin Lore: Altar Music

- Weiner, Jennifer: In Her Shoes

- Wesley, Valerie Wilson: Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do

- West, Jessamyn: The Friendly Persuasion

- Whitney, P.L.: This is Graceanne's Book

- Wieland, Liza: Bombshell

- Willis, Mary Pleschette: Papa's Cord

- Willis, Sarah: Some Things That Stay

- Wolff, Isabel: Out of the Blue

- Woodhouse, Sarah: My Summer with Julia

- Wright, Richard B.: Clara Callan

- Yamanaka, Lois-Ann: Father of the Four Passages

- Yorke, Christy: Song of the Seals

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updated: Tuesday, July 14, 2009