Horror: Haunted Houses & Other Bad Places
Authors & Titles
- Blaine, Chris: Abbadon Inn series

- Twisted Branch by Chris Blaine

- Dark Whispers

- Drowned Night

- Blatty, William Peter: Elsewhere

- Boyd, Donna: The Awakening

- Campbell, Alan: Deepgate Codex series

(prequel) Lye Street 
- Scar Night

- Iron Angel

- God of Clocks

- Campbell, Ramsey: The Darkest Part of the Woods

- Card, Orson Scott: Homebody

- Clark, Simon: Nailed by the Heart

- Clark, Simon: The Tower

- Clegg, Douglas: Harrow series
- Nightmare House

- Mischief

- The Infinite

- The Abandoned

Clegg, Douglas: Neverland

- Elze, Winifred: The Changeling Garden
- Feist, Raymond E.: Faerie Tale

- Garton, Ray: The Loveliest Dead

- Gates, R. Patrick: Grimm series

- Grimm Memorials

- Grimm Reapings

- Goingback, Owl: Evil Whispers

- Golden, Christopher: Wildwood Road

- Goshgarian, Gary: The Stone Circle

- Gresham, Stephen: In the Blood

- Hawkes, Judith: Julian's House

- Historical Hauntings (edited by Jean Rabe & Martin H. Greenberg)

- Jackson, Shirley: The Haunting of Hill House

- Jackson, Shirley: We Have Always Lived in the Castle

- Jensen, Ruby Jean: The Haunting

- King, Stephen: The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

- King, Stephen: Pet Sematary

- King, Stephen: The Shining

- Koontz, Dean: The Bad Place

- LeBlanc, Deborah: A House Divided

- Little, Bentley: The House

- Little, Bentley: The Resort

- Little, Bentley: The Town

- Masterton, Graham: Charnel House and Other Stories

- Masterton, Graham: Prey

- McCammon, Robert: Usher's Passing

- Mittelmark, Howard: Age of Consent

- Moloney, Susie: The Dwelling

- Oyeyemi, Helen: White is for Witching

- Peake, Mervyn: Gormenghast series

(prequel) Boy in Darkness 
- Titus Groan

- Gormenghast

- Titus Alone

- Titus Awakes (with Maeve Gilmore)
(omnibus volume) The Gormenghast Novels (Titus Groan/Gormenghast/Titus Alone) 
- Poe, Edgar Allan: "The Fall of the House of Usher" (short story)

- Poe, Robert: Return to the House of Usher

- Ransom, Christopher: The Birthing House

- Rayne, Sarah: Property of a Lady

- Ross, Robert: Never Look Back

- Saul, John: Black Creek Crossing

- Saul, John: Midnight Voices

- Saul, John: The Right Hand of Evil

- Straub, Peter: Lost Boy Lost Girl

- Strieber, Whitley: The Forbidden Zone

- Sullivan, Mark T.: Ghost Dance

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updated: Friday, June 17, 2011