Theological Fiction
Stories involving gods, demigods, saints, the afterlife, etc.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Adams, Douglas: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

- Ashcroft, Mary Ellen: The Magdalene Gospel

- Buchwald, Art: Stella in Heaven

- Cast, P.C.: Warrior Rising

- Chernozemsky, Vladimir: A Continent Adrift

- Cossé, Laurence: A Corner of the Veil

- Crace, Jim: Quarantine

- Disch, Thomas M.: The Word of God (or, Holy Writ Rewritten)

- Diski, Jenny: Only Human

- Douglass, Sara: Troy Game series
- Hades' Daughter

- Gods' Concubine

- Darkwitch Rising

- Druid's Sword

- Gardner, Theodore Roosevelt: He's Back

- Grimes, Nikki: Portrait of Mary

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Job: A Comedy of Justice

- Heller, Joseph: God Knows

- Houghton, Gordon: Damned if You Do

- L'engle, Madeleine: Many Waters

- Lewis, C.S.: Space trilogy
- Out of the Silent Planet

- Perelandra

- That Hideous Strength

- Merlis, Mark: An Arrow's Flight

- Mitchell, Bob: Match Made in Heaven

- Mitchell, Ken: Stones of the Dalai Lama

- Moore, Christopher: Coyote Blue

- Moore, Christopher: Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

- Morrow, James: Towing Jehovah series
- Towing Jehovah

- Blameless in Abaddon

- Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry: Inferno series
- Inferno

- Escape From Hell

- Peck, M. Scott: In Heaven as on Earth

- Phillips, Marie: Gods Behaving Badly

- Pike, Christopher: Sati

- Pinkwater, Daniel: The Afterlife Diet

- Pournelle, Jerry & Niven, Larry: Inferno series
- Inferno

- Escape From Hell

- Reaves, Michael: Hell on Earth

- Saberhagen, Fred: Book of the Gods series
- The Face of Apollo

- Ariadne's Web

- The Arms of Hercules

- God of the Golden Fleece

- Gods of Fire and Thunder

- Sebold, Alice: The Lovely Bones

- Secombe, Andy: Endgame

- Shetterly, Will: Dogland

- Singh, Sonia: Goddess for Hire

- Svoboda, Terese: Tin God

- Thomas, Roseanne Daryl: Awaiting Grace

- Vickers, Salley: Mr Golightly's Holiday

- Warner, Marina: The Leto Bundle

- Weiss, Daniel Evans: Honk If You Love Aphrodite

- What, Leslie: Olympic Games

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updated: Monday, February 16, 2009