Historical Fiction: Ancient Egypt
Related Genres
Historical Mysteries
Authors & Titles
- Card, Orson Scott: Stone Tables

- Drury, Allen: Akhenaten series

- A God Against the Gods

- Return to Thebes

- Essex, Karen: Kleopatra series
- Kleopatra

- Pharaoh

- Gedge, Pauline: Lady Thu series (aka Hera series)
- Lady of the Reeds

- House of Illusions

- Gedge, Pauline: Lords of the Two Lands series
- The Hippopotamus Marsh

- The Oasis

- The Horus Road

- Gedge, Pauline: Mirage

- Jacq, Christian: Ramses series
- The Son of Light

- The Eternal Temple

- The Battle of Kadesh

- The Lady of Abu Simbel

- Under the Western Acacia

- Jacq, Christian: Stone of Light series
- Nefer the Silent

- The Wise Woman

- Paneb the Ardent

- The Place of Truth

- Mahfouz, Naguib: Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth

- Mailer, Norman: Ancient Evenings

- McCullough, Colleen: The October Horse

- Moran, Michelle: Cleopatra's Daughter

- Moran, Michelle: The Heretic Queen

- Oden, Scott: Men of Bronze

- Smith, Wilbur: Egyptian series
- River God

- Warlock

- The Seventh Scroll

- Sprott, Duncan: The Ptolemies

- Tarr, Judith: King and Goddess

- Tarr, Judith: Lord of the Two Lands

- Tarr, Judith: Pillar of Fire

- Tarr, Judith: The Shepherd Kings

- Tarr, Judith: Throne of Isis

- Thurston, Carol: The Eye of Horus

- West, Paul: Cheops: A Cupboard for the Sun

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updated: Tuesday, September 14, 2010