Historical Fiction: World War II
Related Genres
Fighting Forces (i.e. W.E.B. Griffin)
Historical Mysteries
Historical Fiction: 1940s
Military & Naval Adventure (i.e. O'Brian)
Authors & Titles
- Altman, John: A Game of Spies

- Altman, John: A Gathering of Spies

- Andrews, Andy: Island of Saints

- Azzopardi, Trezza: Remember Me

- Baker, Calvin: Once Two Heroes

- Ballard, J.G.: Empire of the Sun

NOTE: a sequel was published in 1992: The Kindness of Women

- Bandele, Biyi: The King's Rifle

- Barnett, Jill: Sentimental Journey

- Basu, Jay: The Stars Can Wait

- Bausch, Richard: Peace

- Benioff, David: City of Thieves

- Bielski, Nella: The Year is '42

- Binding, Tim: Lying With the Enemy

- Blackwell, Elise: Hunger

- Bock, Dennis: The Ash Garden

- Bohjalian, Chris: Skeletons at the Feast

- Boulle, Pierre: The Bridge Over the River Kwai

- Boyd, Bill or W(illiam) Y(oung): World War II series:
- The Gentle Infantryman

- For Love and Glory (aka A Fight for Love and Glory)

- A Rendezvous with Death

- Brady, James: Warning of War

- Browne, Marshall: The Eye of the Abyss

- Buck, Pearl S.: Dragon Seed

- Bull, Bartle: Cairo series
- The White Rhino Hotel (1920)

- A Cafe on the Nile (1935)

- The Devil's Oasis (1939)

- Bunkley, Anita Richmond: Wild Embers

- Callanan, Liam: The Cloud Atlas

- Carcaterra, Lorenzo: Street Boys

- Castellani, Christopher: A Kiss From Maddalena

- Charlesworth, Monique: The Children's War

- Chwin, Stefan: Death in Danzig

- Clagett, John: Papa Tango

- Collins, Max Allan: Saving Private Ryan

- Cooney, Ellen: Lambrusco

- Corrick, Martin: The Navigation Log

- Cottam, Francis: The Fire Fighter

- Darrell, Elizabeth: And in the Morning

- Davis, Richard: Yours D³

- Dean, Debra: The Madonnas of Leningrad

- Deford, Frank: Love and Infamy

- deHartog, Jan: The Captain

- deHartog, Jan: The Trail of the Serpent

- Deighton, Len: City of Gold

- Deighton, Len: Goodbye Mickey Mouse

- Denny, Robert: Aces

- Doig, Ivan: The Eleventh Man

- Donnelly, Frances: Shake Down the Stars

- Downing, David: Stettin Station

- Dunmore, Helen: The Siege

- Edwards, William N.: Twin Vendetta

- Egleton, Clive: A Dying Fall

- Faulks, Sebastian: Charlotte Gray

- Finney, Ernest J.: Words of My Roaring

- Foden, Giles: Turbulence

- Follett, James: Churchill's Gold

- Follett, Ken: Hornet Flight

- Francis, Clare: Night Sky

- Fraser, David: Blitz

- Furst, Alan: Blood of Victory

- Furst, Alan: The Foreign Correspondent

- Furst, Alan: Night Soldiers

- Furst, Alan: Red Gold

- Furst, Alan: Spies of the Balkans

- Gannon, Michael: Secret Missions

- Garfield, Brian: The Paladin

- Gifford, Thomas: Praetorian

- Gobbell, John J.: Todd Ingram series
- The Last Lieutenant

- A Code for Tomorrow

- When Duty Whispers Low

- The Neptune Strategy

- Goldreich, Gloria: That Year of Our War

- Grant, Richard: Another Green World

- Grayson, Emily: Waterloo Station

- Green, Gerald: East and West

- Grieg, Andrew: The Clouds Above

- Griffin, Gwyn: An Operational Necessity

- Hamamura, John Hideyo: Color of the Sea

- Harris, Robert: Enigma

- Hart, Carolyn G.: Escape From Paris

- Haworth, Kevin: The Discontinuity of Small Things

- Hersey, John: The Wall

- Hickam, Homer: Josh Thurlow series
- The Keeper's Son

- The Ambassador's Son

- Holthe, Tess Uriza: When the Elephants Dance

- Hooker, John: The Bush Soldiers

- Household, Geoffrey: Rogue Male series
- Rogue Male

- Rogue Justice

- Hyde, Christopher: An American Spy

- Jackson, Mick: Five Boys

- Jin, Ha: Nanjing Requiem

- Jones, James: The Thin Red Line

- Kaga, O.: Riding the East Wind

- Katzenbach, John: Hart's War

- Keizer, Gregg: The Longest Night

- Keizer, Gregg: Midnight Plague

- Kelby, N.M.: In the Company of Angels

- Keneally, Thomas: Office of Innocence

- Kennedy, A.L.: Day

- Kennedy, William P.: The Himmler Equation

- Kertész, Imre: Fateless

- King, Barrington: All Through the Night

- Kohout, Pavel: The Widow Killer

- Koning, Hans: Zeeland, or Elective Concurrences

- Kononov, Mikhail: The Naked Pioneer Girl

- Laker, Rosalind: This Shining Land

- Lehrer, Jim: The Special Prisoner

- Lindley, Maureen: The Private Papers of Eastern Jewel

- Littell, Jonathan: The Kindly Ones

- Loh, Vyvyane: Breaking the Tongue

- Lustig, Arnost: Lovely Green Eyes

- Mack, William P.: Destroyer series
- South to Java

- Pursuit of the Seawolf

- Checkfire!

- New Guinea

- Straits of Messina

- Normandy

- MacLean, Alistair: The Guns of Navarone

- MacLean, Alistair: San Andreas

- Mailer, Norman: The Naked and the Dead

- Makine, Andrei: Music of a Life

- Mannock, John: Iron Coffin

- Mannock, John: The Sen-Toku Raid

- Mannock, John: The War Mountains

- Masters, John: High Command

- McBride, James: Miracle at St. Anna

- McCain, Charles: An Honorable German

- McCormick, John: The Right Kind of War

- McGraw, Milena: After Dunkirk

- Mesce, Bill Jr.: Harry Voss series
- The Advocate (with Steven G. Szilagyi)

- Officer of the Court

- Mills, Mark: The Information Officer

- Moran, Thomas: The Man in the Box

- Mrazek, Robert J.: The Deadly Embrace

- Mueller, Marnie: The Climate of the Country

- Murphy, Yannick: Signed, Mata Hari

- Nebenzal, Harold: Cafe Berlin

- Nemirovsky, Irene: Suite Francaise

- Nesbø, Jo: The Redbreast

(NOTE: This title is part of the Harry Hole series, listed under Regional Mysteries: Norway)
- Norfolk, Lawrence: In the Shape of a Boar

- Oren, Michael B.: Reunion

- Otsuka, Julie: When the Emperor Was Divine

- Parker, Una-Mary: Granville Sisters series

- The Granville Sisters

- The Granville Affaire

- The Granville Legacy

- Pears, Iain: The Dream of Scipio

- Piercy, Marge: Gone to Soldiers

- Pippin, Morag McKendrick: Blood Moon Over Britain

- Poyer, David: The Only Thing to Fear

- Pressfield, Steven: Killing Rommel

- Reeman, Douglas: The Iron Pirate

- Reeman, Douglas: A Prayer for the Ship

- Reeman, Douglas: A Ship Must Die

- Reeman, Douglas: Strike From the Sea

- Reeman, Douglas: To Risks Unknown

- Reeman, Douglas: Torpedo Run

- Reeman, Douglas: Twelve Seconds to Live

- Rivière, William: Kate Caterina

- Robbins, David L.: Broken Jewel

- Robbins, David L.: Last Citadel

- Robbins, David L.: War of the Rats

- Robinson, Derek: A Good Clean Fight

- Robinson, Derek: Damned Good Show

- Rosenbaum, Ray: Falcons

- Ross, Catherine: Last Light

- Ryan, Charles: Recon Force series

- Lightning Strike

- Thunderbolt

- Storm Front

- Sasaki, Joh: Zero Over Berlin

- Schroeder, Adam Lewis: Empress of Asia

- Scott, Lawrence: Night Calypso

- Serge, Victor: The Unforgiving Years

- Shaara, Jeff: World War II series

- The Rising Tide

- The Steel Wave

- No Less Than Victory

- The Final Storm

Shaw, Irwin: The Young Lions 
- Shepard, Jim: Paper Doll

- Shreve, Anita: Resistance

- Simons, Paullina: Tatiana and Alexander series
- The Bronze Horseman

- Tatiana and Alexander

- The Summer Garden

- Singleton, Elyse: This Side of the Sky

- Smith, Martin Cruz: December 6

- Sundaresan, Indu: The Splendor of Silence

- Szilagyi, Steven G. & Mesce, Bill: The Advocate

- Taylor, Theodore: To Kill the Leopard

- Tillman, Barrett: Dauntless

- Towler, Katherine: Snow Island

- Trobaugh, Augusta: Sophie and the Rising Sun

- Trollope, Joanna (writing as Caroline Harvey): The Brass Dolphin

- Tsukiyama, Gail: The Street of a Thousand Blossoms

- Turow, Scott: Ordinary Heroes

- Victory (edited by Dean Koontz)

- Vollmann, William T.: Europe Central

- Wagenstein, Angel: Farewell, Shanghai

- Walker, Martin: The Caves of Périgord

- Wallace, Randall: Pearl Harbor

- Walters, Guy: The Traitor

- Waters, Sarah: The Night Watch

- Watkins, Paul: The Forger

- Westheimer, David: Von Ryan's Express

- Willard, Tom: Wings of Honor

- Wilson, Steven: George Hardy series (aka Firedancer series)

- Voyage of the Gray Wolves

- Between the Hunters and the Hunted

- Wray, John: The Right Hand of Sleep

- Zacharius, Walter: Songbird

- Zollo, Burt: Prisoners

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updated: Monday, July 25, 2011