Jewish Interest
Authors & Titles
- Abraham, Pearl: The Romance Reader

- Abulhawa, Susan: Mornings in Jenin

- Agnon, S.Y.: Only Yesterday

- Agnon, S.Y.: To This Day

- Albert, Elisa: The Book of Dahlia

- Albert, Elisa: How This Night is Different

- Amis, Martin: Time's Arrow

- Appel, Allan: The Hebrew Tutor of Bel Air

- Appelfeld, Aharon: All Whom I Have Loved

- Appelfeld, Aharon: Until the Dawn's Light

- Arnold, Judith: Blooming All Over

- Arnott, Jake: The Long Firm

(NOTE: This title is part of the Tony Meehan series, listed under Pulp Fictions)
- Arthur, Kay: Israel, My Beloved

- Bache, Ellyn: Holiday Miracles

- Bailey, Paul: Uncle Rudolf

- Bank, Melissa: The Wonder Spot

- Bellow, Saul: Henderson the Rain King

- Bellow, Saul: Herzog

- Bernstein, Marcelle: The Russian Bride

- Bernstein, Michael André: Conspirators

- Bloom, Amy: Away

- Brett, Lily: Ruth Rothwax series
- Too Many Men

- You Gotta Have Balls

- Brodrick, William: Father Anselm series
- The Sixth Lamentation

- The Gardens of the Dead

- Bukiet, Melvin Jules: After

- Bukiet, Melvin Jules: Strange Fire

- Calisher, Hortense: Sunday Jews

- Cameron, Michelle: The Fruit of Her Hands

- Campbell, Claude: Abou and the Angel Cohen

- Chabon, Michael: The Yiddish Policemen's Union

- Chafets, Zev: The Bookmakers

- Chafets, Zev: The Project

- Chefitz, Mitchell: The Thirty-Third Hour

- Chessex, Jacques: A Jew Must Die

- Cohen, Florence Chanock: The Sea of Stones

- Collishaw, Stephan: The Last Girl

- Cooper, T.: Lipshitz Six

- Courter, Gay: Hannah Sokolow series
- The Midwife

- The Midwife's Advice

- Daley, Robert: The Innocents Within

- David, Esther: Shalom India Housing Society

- Delbanco, Nicholas: What Remains

- Denker, Henry: The Healers

- Denker, Henry: Payment in Full

- Dershowitz, Alan M.: Just Revenge

- Diamant, Anita: Day After Night

- Diamant, Anita: The Red Tent

- Doctorow, E.L.: City of God

- Douglas, Kirk: Dance With the Devil

- Eberstadt, Fernanda: The Furies

- Edelman, Gwen: War Story

- Edghill, India: Wisdom's Daughter

- Eidus, Janice: The War of the Rosens

- Eisner, Will: The Contract With God Trilogy: Life on Dropsie Avenue

- Eliot, George: Daniel Deronda

- Ellis, Julie: A Daughter's Promise

- Ellis, Julie: East Wind

- Ellis, Julie: Glorious Morning

- Ellis, Julie: Lasting Treasures

- Ellis, Julie: Loyalties

- Ellis, Julie: The Only Sin

- Ellis, Julie: Trespassing Hearts

- Englander, Nathan: The Ministry of Special Cases

- Epstein, Joseph: Fabulous Small Jews

- Fallenberg, Evan: Light Fell

- Fast, Howard: The Bridge Builder's Story

- Fast, Howard: The Outsider

- Foer, Jonathan Safran: Everything is Illuminated

- Freed, Lynn: House of Women

- Freeman, Cynthia: Come Pour the Wine

- Freeman, Cynthia: No Time For Tears

- Freeman, Cynthia: Portraits

- Freeman, Cynthia: Seasons of the Heart

- Friedman, Donald: The Hand Before the Eye

- Gann, Ernest K.: Masada series
- The Antagonists

- The Triumph

- Ganz, Earl: The Taos Truth Game

- Gavron, Assaf: Almost Dead

- Gavron, Daniel: Pilgrims'

- Gerber, Merrill Joan: The Victory Gardens of Brooklyn

- Goldman, Judy: The Slow Way Back

- Goldreich, Gloria: Goldfeder series
- Leah's Journey

- Leah's Children

- Goldreich, Gloria: Open Doors

- Goldreich, Gloria: Walking Home

- Goldreich, Gloria: West to Eden

- Goldstein, Rebecca: Mazel

- Goodman, Allegra: The Family Markowitz

- Goodman, Allegra: Kaaterskill Falls

- Goodman, Allegra: Total Immersion

- Gordon, Noah: The Jerusalem Diamond

- Gordon, Noah: The Rabbi

- Gotlieb, Phyllis: Why Should I Have All the Grief?

- Govrin, Michal: Snapshots

- Graff, Laurie: The Shiksa Syndrome

- Grunberg, Amon: The Jewish Messiah

- Halter, Marek: Canaan series
- Sarah

- Zipporah, Wife of Moses

- Lilah

- Halter, Marek: Halter Family series
- The Book of Abraham

- The Children of Abraham

- Halter, Marek: The Messiah

- Hamill, Pete: Snow in August

- Hamilton, Masha: The Distance Between Us

- Hannah, Janet: Alex Kertész series (mysteries)
- The Wish to Kill

- Hartov, Steven: The Devil's Shepherd

- Haworth, Kevin: The Discontinuity of Small Things

- Hayes, John R.: Catskill (1938)

- Heller, Joseph: God Knows

- Hellman, Aviva: To Touch a Dream

- Herbach, Geoff: The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg

- Hersey, John: The Wall

- Hill, Robert: When All is Said and Done

- Hoffman, Alice: The Dovekeepers

- Horn, Dara: In the Image

- Howard, David: The Last Gospel

- Hurston, Zora Neale: Moses, Man of the Mountain

- Isler, Alan: Clerical Errors

- Jacobson, Howard: Kalooki Nights

- Jen, Gish: Mona in the Promised Land

- Judah, Sophie: Dropped From Heaven

- Kahn, Sharon: Ruby, the Rabbi's Wife series
- Fax Me a Bagel

- Never Nosh a Matzo Ball

- Don't Cry For Me, Hot Pastrami

- Hold the Cream Cheese, Kill the Lox

- Which Big Giver Stole the Chopped Liver?

- Kay, Terry: Shadow Song

- Keats, Jonathon: The Book of the Unknown

- Kellerman, Faye: Peter Decker/Rina Lazarus series
- The Ritual Bath

- Sacred and Profane

- Milk and Honey

- Day of Atonement

- False Prophet

- Grievous Sin

- Sanctuary

- Justice

- Prayers For the Dead

- Serpent's Tooth

- Jupiter's Bones

- Stalker

- The Forgotten

- Stone Kiss

- Street Dreams

- The Burnt House

- The Mercedes Coffin

- Blindman's Bluff

(short stories) Two Decker/Lazarus short stories appear in The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights

- Kemelman, Harry: Rabbi Small series
- Friday the Rabbi Slept Late

- Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry

- Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home

- Monday the Rabbi Took Off

- Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red

- Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet

- Thursday the Rabbi Walked Out

- Someday the Rabbi Will Leave

- One Fine Day the Rabbi Bought a Cross

- The Day the Rabbi Resigned

- That Day the Rabbi Left Town

(also of interest: Conversations with Rabbi Small
- Kertész, Imre: Fateless

- Kirshenbaum, Binnie: An Almost Perfect Moment

- Kirshenbaum, Binnie: Pure Poetry

- Kohler, Sheila: Children of Pithiviers

- Langley, Lee: Distant Music

- Law, J. Patrick: The Assistant

- Leahy, Syrell Rogovin: Wolfe Family series
- Family Ties

- Family Truths

- Lebrecht, Norman: The Song of Names

- Lelchuk, Alan: Ziff: A Life?

- Lester, Julius: The Autobiography of God

- Levine, Peter: The Rabbi of Swat

- Lichtenstein, Alice: The Genius of the World

- Liebrecht, Savyon: A Good Place for the Night

- Lipman, Elinor: The Inn at Lake Devine

- Lipman, Elinor: Isabel's Bed

- Lukas, Susan: Fat Emily

- Lustig, Arnost: Lovely Green Eyes

- Lustiger, Gila: The Inventory

- Makiya, Kanan: The Rock

- Malamud, Bernard: The Fixer

- Mansbach, Adam: The End of the Jews

- Manus, Willard: Pigskin Rabbi

- McCracken, Elizabeth: Niagara Falls All Over Again

- Mekler, Eva: The Polish Woman

- Mendelson, Charlotte: When We Were Bad

- Mirvis, Tova: The Ladies Auxiliary

- Mirvis, Tova: The Outside World

- Mitgutsch, Anna: House of Childhood

- Moran, Thomas: The Man in the Box

- Nahai, Gina B.: Caspian Rain

- Nahai, Gina B.: Cry of the Peacock

- Nahai, Gina B.: Moonlight on the Avenue of Faith

- Nattel, Lilian: The Singing Fire

- Nebenzal, Harold: Cafe Berlin

- Neugeboren, Jay: 1940

- Niederhoffer, Galt: A Taxonomy of Barnacles

- Nissen, Thisbe: The Good People of New York

- Parrish, Richard: Our Choice of Gods

- Paul, Terri: Glass Hearts

- Popkin, Zelda: Herman Had Two Daughters

- Potok, Chaim: The Book of Lights

- Potok, Chaim: The Chosen

- Potok, Chaim: I Am the Clay

- Potok, Chaim: In the Beginning

- Potok, Chaim: Old Men at Midnight

- Potok, Chaim: The Promise

- Potok, Chaim: Asher Lev series
- My Name is Asher Lev

- The Gift of Asher Lev

- Rabinyan, Dorit: Strand of a Thousand Pearls

- Ragen, Naomi: The Covenant

- Ragen, Naomi: Jephte's Daughter

- Ragen, Naomi: The Sacrifice of Tamar

- Ragen, Naomi: Sotah

- Ravel, Edeet: Look For Me

- Ravel, Edeet: Ten Thousand Lovers

- Redel, Victoria: The Border of Truth

- Reiken, Frederick: Rubin Family series
- The Odd Sea

- The Lost Legends of New Jersey

- Richler, Nancy: Your Mouth is Lovely

- Riera, Carme: In the Last Blue

- Roiphe, Anne: The Pursuit of Happiness

- Rose, Isabel: The J.A.P. Chronicles

- Rosen, Charley: The House of Moses All-Stars

- Rosen, Charley: Barney Polan's Game

- Rosen, Jonathan: Joy Comes in the Morning

- Rosenbaum, Thane: Second Hand Smoke

- Rosenfarb, Chava: Tree of Life series
- Bociany

- Of Lodz and Love

- The Cattle Cars Are Waiting

- Roszak, Theodore: The Devil and Daniel Silverman

- Roth, Philip: Everyman

- Roth, Philip: Nathan Zuckerman series

- The Ghost Writer

- Zuckerman Unbound

- The Anatomy Lesson

- The Prague Orgy

(Above four titles published in one volume as Zuckerman Bound
- The Counterlife

- American Pastoral

- I Married a Communist

- The Human Stain

- Exit Ghost

- Roth, Philip: Operation Shylock

- Roth, Philip: The Plot Against America

- Rozier, Gilles: The Mercy Room

- Sasson, Jean: Ester's Child

- Schulman, David: Gritz Goldberg series

- The Past is Never Dead

- Schulman, Helen: The Revisionist

- Sear, Joann: Klezmer Collector's Editon: Tales of the Wild East

- Setton, Ruth Knafo: The Road to Fez

- Shabtai, Yaakov: Uncle Peretz Takes Off

- Shalev, Meir: A Pigeon and a Boy

- Shalev, Zeruya: Love Life

- Shapiro, Laurie Gwen: The Matzo Ball Heiress

- Sherwood, Frances: The Book of Splendor

- Silvers, Ester Katz: Sondra's Search

- Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Certificate

- Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer

- Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories

- Singer, Isaac Bashevis: The Death of Methuselah and Other Stories

- Singer, Isaac Bashevis: Meshuga

- Singer, Margot: The Pale of Settlement

- Skibell, Joseph: The English Disease

- Sofer, Dalia: The Septembers of Shiraz

- Stavans, Ilan: The Disappearance

- Stern, Steve: A Plague of Dreamers

- Stern, Steve: The Wedding Jester

- Stollman, Aryeh Lev: The Far Euphrates

- Stollman, Aryeh Lev: The Illuminated Soul

- Stone, Robert: Damascus Gate

- Sturm, James: The Golem's Mighty Swing

- Styron, William: Sophie's Choice

- Taylor, Benjamin: Tales Out of School

- Tel, Jonathan: Arafat's Elephant

- Uris, Leon: The Haj

- Vapnyar, Lara: There Are Jews in My House

- Wagenstein, Angel: Isaac's Torah

- Weinstein, Lewis: The Heretic

- West, Morris: The Tower of Babel

- Widmer, Eleanor: Up From Orchard Street

- Wiesel, Elie: The Judges

- Wiesel, Elie: The Time of the Uprooted

- Wilentz, Amy: Martyr's Crossing

- Willis, Mary Pleschette: Papa's Cord

- Wilson, Jonathan: A Palestine Affair

- Wishnia, Kenneth: The Fifth Servant

- Wouk, Herman: Inside, Outside

- Wray, John: The Right Hand of Sleep

- Yahia, Mona: When the Grey Beetles Took Over Baghdad

- Yehoshua, A.B.: A Woman in Jerusalem

- Yoshikawa, Mako: Once Removed

- Zacharius, Walter: Songbird

- Zelitch, Simone: Louisa

- Zimler, Richard: Hunting Midnight

- Zimler, Richard: The Warsaw Anagrams

- Zollo, Burt: Prisoners

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updated: Thursday, October 06, 2011