Humor with a biting edge, often making a point or points about society.
Authors & Titles
- Ackroyd, Peter: The Plato Papers

- Adler, Warrn: Funny Boys

- Amis, Martin: Yellow Dog

- Anderson, Scott: Moonlight Hotel

- Bachelder, Chris: Bear v. Shark

- Bachelder, Chris: U.S.!

- Baker, Nicholson: Checkpoint

- Banks, Iain: The Business

- Bardi, Abby: The Book of Fred

- Barris, Chuck: The Big Question

- Barry, Max: Company

- Barth, John: Coming Soon!!!

- Beatty, Paul: Tuff

- Berger, Thomas: Adventures of the Artificial Woman

- Bozai, Agota: To Err is Divine

- Binelli, Mark: Sacco and Vanzetti Must Die!

- Bing, Stanley: Lloyd: What Happened

- Bohjalian, Chris: Before You Know Kindness

- Bradbury, Ray: Let's All Kill Constance

- Buchwald, Art: Stella in Heaven

- Buckley, Christopher: Florence of Arabia

- Buckley, Christopher: Little Green Men

- Buckley, Christopher: No Way to Treat a First Lady

- Buckley, Christopher: Supreme Courtship

- Buckley, Christopher: Thank You For Smoking

- Buckley, Christopher: The White House Mess

- Burcham, Carl: White Dolphin Blues

- Cadre, Adam: Ready, Okay!

- Carson, Tom: Gilligan's Wake

- Carter, Steven: I Was Howard Hughes

- Chase, Clifford: Winkie

- Cheever, Benjamin: Famous After Death

- Coe, Jonathan: Rotter's Club series

- Rotter's Club

- The Closed Circle

- Cohen, Robert: Inspired Sleep

- Condon, Richard: The Final Addiction

- Connelly, Joe: Crumbtown

- Cornwell, Patricia: Isle of Dogs

- Costello, Mark: Big If

- Coupland, Douglas: All Families Are Psychotic

- Crimmins, Cathy & Maeder, Tom: Revenge of the Christmas Box

- Cronley, Jay: Shoot!

- Dann, Jack: The Rebel

- Date, S.V.: Black Sunshine

- Davies, Stevie: Four Dreamers and Emily

- Davis, Gwen: West of Paradise

- Denker, Henry: Judge Spencer Dissents

- Derby, Matthew: Super Flat Times

- DeRosa, Peter: Pope Patrick

- deVries, Peter: I Hear America Swinging

- deVries, Peter: Mrs. Wallop

- deVries, Peter: Sauce For the Goose

- Dickens, Charles: Bleak House

- Director, Roger: A Place to Fall

- Duffy, James: Dog Bites Man

- Dunn, Mark: Ibid: A Life

- Ebest, Ron: The Dave Store Massacre

- Ehrlich, Ev: Big Government

- Elliott, Chris: Into Hot Air

- Ellis, Bret Easton: Glamorama

- Elton, Ben: Popcorn

- Eprile, Tony: The Persistence of Memory

- Everett, Percival: American Desert

- Everett, Percival: I Am Not Sidney Poitier

- Everett, Percival & Kincaid, James: A History of the African-American People [Proposed] by Strom Thurmond

- Fake Steve Jobs: Options: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs

- Ferguson, Craig: Between the Bridge and the River

- Fielding, Helen: Cause Celeb

- Finley, Karen: George and Martha

- Fowler, Karen Joy: Sister Noon

- Frank, Jeffrey: Bad Publicity

- Franken, Al: Why Not Me?

- Frayn, Michael: Headlong

- Fredericks, Emmi: Fatal Distraction

- Freely, Maureen: My Year with the Stork Club

- Fry, Stephen: The Liar

- Fuentes, Carlos: The Eagle's Throne

- Gaddis, William: A Frolic of His Own

- Galbraith, John Kenneth: A Tenured Professor

- Garner, James Finn: Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

- Garner, James Finn: Politically Correct Holiday Stories

- Gaslin, Glenn: Beemer

- Gessen, Keith: All the Sad Young Literary Men

- Gilbert, David: The Normals

- Giles, Molly: Iron Shoes

- Goebel, Joey: Commonwealth

- Goodman, Allegra: The Family Markowitz

- Goytisolo, Juan: A Cock-Eyed Comedy

- Grimes, Tom: Will @epicqwest.com

- Grunberg, Amon: The Jewish Messiah

- Guinzburg, Michael: The Plumber of Souls

- Gunn, James: The Toy Collector

- Harvard, Jane: The Student Body

- Hawley, Ellen: Open Line

- Heller, Jane: Lucky Stars

- Heller, Joseph: Yossarian series
- Catch-22

- Closing Time

- Heller, Joseph: God Knows

- Heller, Joseph: Picture This

- Heller, Ted: Slab Rat

- Heller, Zoë: What Was She Thinking?

- Helprin, Mark: Freddy and Fredericka

- Helprin, Mark: Memoir from Antproof Case

- Hendra, Tony: The Messiah of Morris Avenue

- Heppner, Mike: Pike's Folly

- Holdefer, Charles: Nice

- Holden, Wendy: Farm Fatale

- Huxley, Aldous: Crome Yellow

- Hynes, James: Kings of Inifinite Space

- Hynes, James: The Lecturer's Tale

- Hynes, James: Publish and Perish

- Indiana, Gary: Depraved Indifference

- Jackson, Shelley: Half Life

- Jennings, Phillip: Jack Armstrong series
- Nam-A-Rama

- Goodbye, Mexico

- Kafka, Franz: Amerika

- Kafka, Franz: The Trial

- Kalich, Richard: Charlie P.

- Keillor, Garrison: The Book of Guys

- Keillor, Garrison: Me: by Jimmy (Big Boy) Valente

- Kesey, Ken: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

- Klein, Marjorie: Test Pattern

- Kramer, Peter D.: Spectacular Happiness

- Krum, Sharon: Walk of Fame

- Lee, Don: Wrack and Ruin

- LaMarche, Phil: American Youth

- Langer, Adam: The Thieves of Manhattan

- Lefcourt, Peter: Abbreviating Ernie

- Lefcourt, Peter: Di and I

- Lefcourt, Peter: The Woody

- Lelchuk, Alan: Ziff: A Life?

- Lennon, J. Robert: Mailman

- Levandoski, Rob: Seredipity Green

- Leyner, Mark: The Tetherballs of Bougainville

- Lieberman, Nancy: Admissions

- Litt, Toby: Beatniks

- Lodge, David: Therapy

- Maher, Bill: True Story

- Majors, Inman: Wonderdog

- Malanowski, Jamie: The Coup

- Mamatas, Nick: Under My Roof

- Martin, Steve: The Pleasure of My Company

- Maugham, W. Somerset: Cakes and Ale
- McCabe, John: Herding Cats

- McCourt, James: Delancey's Way

- McEwan, Ian: Amsterdam

- McGruder, Aaron: Birth of a Nation

- McNally, John: America's Report Card

- Merlis, Mark: Man About Town

- Merullo, Roland: American Savior

- Mills, Magnus: The Scheme for Full Employment

- Monahan, William: Light House

- Moore, Christopher: Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal

- Moore, Jeffrey: Prisoner in a Red-Rose Chain

- Moser, Edward P.: The Politically Correct Guide to American History

- Murphy, Sean: The Finished Man

- Nelson, Michael J.: Mike Nelson's Death Rat!

- Newman, Sandra: The Only Good Thing Anyone Has Ever Done

- Nicholson, Geoff: Bedlam Burning

- Nicholson, Geoff: Female Ruins

- Nicholson, Geoff: Hunters and Gatherers

- Nothomb, Amelie: The Character of Rain

- O'Connell, Robert L.: Fast Eddie

- O'Neill, Jamie: Kilbrack

- Ong, Han: Fixer Chao

- Orloff, Alvin: I Married an Earthling

- Othmer, James P.: The Futurist

- Ozick, Cynthia: The Puttermesser Papers

- Palahniuk, Chuck: Choke

- Palahniuk, Chuck: Pygmy

- Parkhurst, Carolyn: Lost and Found

- Pate, Alexs D.: The Multicultiboho Sideshow

- Paxson, John: Elvis Live at Five

- Payne, Johnny: North of Patagonia

- Perrotta, Tom: The Abstinence Teacher

- Perrotta, Tom: Election

- Perrotta, Tom: Joe College

- Perrotta, Tom: The Leftovers

- Phillips, Marie: Gods Behaving Badly

- Pierre, DBC: Ludmila's Broken English

- Pierre, DBC: Vernon God Little

- Polio, Marco: The Hole

- Polster, James: Brown

- Powell, Padgett: Mrs. Hollingsworth's Men

- Pynchon, Thomas: The Crying of Lot 49

- Pynchon, Thomas: Vineland

- Rankin, Robert: The Da-Da-De-Da-Da Code

- Rayner, Jay: Eating Crow

- Reed, Kit: Thinner Than Thou

- Rees, David: Get Your War On

- Get Your War On

- Get Your War On II

- Robbins, Tom: Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates

- Robison, Mary: Why Did I Ever

- Roszak, Theodore: The Devil and Daniel Silverman

- Rushfield, Richard: On Spec

- Sacks, Jen: Nice

- Sandlin, Tim: Honey Don't

- Schulman, Sarah: The Mere Future

- Sedaris, Amy & Dinello, Paul & Colbert, Stephen: Wigfield

- Sedlack, Robert: The African Safari Papers

- Self, Will: The Book of Dave

- Shakar, Alex: The Savage Girl

- Sharpe, Matthew: Jamestown

- Sheed, Wilfrid: The Boys of Winter

- Shepherd, Jean: The Ferrari in the Bedroom

- Shepherd, Jean: A Fistful of Fig Newtons

- Shepherd, Jean: In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash

- Shepherd, Jean: Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories

- Sherrill, Martha: My Last Movie Star

- Shteyngart, Gary: Absurdistan

- Simpson, Thomas William: Full Moon Over America

- Smith, Brad: Busted Flush

- Smith, Jane S.: Fool's Gold

- Strauss, Darin: More Than It Hurts You

- Sundeen, Mark: The Making of Toro

- Toews, Miriam: Summer of My Amazing Luck

- Twain, Mark: The Complete Humorous Sketches and Tales of Mark Twain

- Ty, Brother: God is My Broker

- Updike, John: Henry Bech series
- Bech: A Book

- Bech is Back

- Bech at Bay

(published in one volume as The Complete Henry Bech
- Vidal, Gore: Duluth

- Vigorito, Tony: Just a Couple of Days

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Bluebeard

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Breakfast of Champions

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Galapagos

- Vonnegut, Kurt: God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Hocus Pocus

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Jailbird

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Slapstick

- Vonnegut, Kurt: Timequake

- Waberi, Abdourahman A.: In the United States of Africa

- Wagner, Bruce: I'm Losing You

- Wainhouse, Austryn: Hedyphagetica

- Walter, Jess: The Financial Lives of the Poets

- Walter, Richard: Escape From Film School

- Waterfield, Giles: The Hound in the Left-hand Corner

- Waugh, Evelyn: The Loved One

- Weiss, Daniel Evans: Honk If You Love Aphrodite

- Weld, William F.: Terry Mullally series
- Mackerel By Moonlight

- Big Ugly

- Wenzel, Kurt: Kyle Clayton series
- Lit Life

- Gotham Tragic

- West, Beverly & Peske, Nancy: Frankly, Scarlett, I Do Give a Damn!

- West, Paul: The Dry Danube

- Westlake, Donald E.: Up Your Banners

- Whitehead, Colson: Zone One

- Wickham, Madeleine: Cocktails for Three

- Willett, Jincy: Winner of the National Book Award

- Wilmot, Patrick: Seeing Double

- Wolper, Carol: Secret Celebrity

- Zoschenko, Mikhail: The Galosh and Other Stories

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updated: Saturday, October 08, 2011