SF: Adventure
Science fiction stories in which the focus is grand adventure,
close escapes, and knock-down, drag-out fight scenes.
Authors & Titles
- Anderson, Kevin J.: Hopscotch

- Anderson, Poul: For Love and Glory

- Arnason, Eleanor: Lydia Duluth series

- Tomb of the Fathers

- Asher, Neal: The Skinner

(NOTE: This title is part of Asher's Polity series, listed under Space Opera)
- Asprin, Robert & Evans, Linda: Time Scout series
- Time Scout

- Wagers of Sin

- Ripping Time

- The House That Jack Built

- For King and Country

- Barker, Lawrence: Blood Red Sphere

- Barnes, John: Jak Jinnaka series
- The Duke of Uranium

- A Princess of the Aerie

- In the Hall of the Martian King

- Bayley, Barrington J.: Annihilation Factor

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Forest of Peldain

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Garments of Caean

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Grand Wheel

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Pillars of Eternity

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Star Virus

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Zen Gun

- Bova, Ben: Voyagers series

- Voyagers

- The Alien Within

- Star Brothers

- The Return

(NOTE: This title is also part of the Grand Tour series, listed under Trips in Space)
- Bester, Alfred: The Deceivers

- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: The Colors of Space

- Buckell, Tobias S.: Benevolent Satrapy series
- Crystal Rain

- Ragamuffin

- Sly Mongoose

- Bunch, Chris: Star Risk, Ltd. series
- Star Risk, Ltd.

- The Scoundrel Worlds

- The Doublecross Program

- The Dog From Hell

- Carter, Lin: Hautley Quicksilver series

- The Thief of Thoth

- The Purloined Planet

- Carter, Lin: The Star Magicians

- Carter, Lin: Time War

- Carter, Lin: Tower of the Medusa

- Carter, Lin & Grinnell, David: Destination Saturn

- Connell, Adam: Counterfeit Kings

- Crispin, A.C.: Starbridge series

- Starbridge

- Silent Dances

- Shadow World

- Serpent's Gift

- Silent Songs

- Ancestor's World

- Voices of Chaos

- Czerneda, Julie E.: Web Shifters series
- Beholder's Eye

- Changing Vision

- Hidden in Sight

- David, Peter: Psi-Man series
- Mind-Force Warrior

- Deathscape

- Main Street DOA

- The Chaos Kid

- Stalker

- Haven

- Dawson, Roxann & Graham, Daniel: Tenebrea series
- Entering Tenebrea

- Tenebrea's Hope

- Tenebrea Rising

- Dietrich, William: Getting Back

- Doyle, Arthur Conan: Professor Challenger series

- The Lost World

- The Poison Belt

- The Land of Mist

- Disintegration Machine

- When the World Screamed

(related title) Horror of the Heights 
- Fantastic Voyage series
- Fantastic Voyage by Isaac Asimov

- Fantastic Voyage II by Isaac Asimov

- Fantastic Voyage: Microcosm by Kevin J. Anderson

- Flynn, Michael: The January Dancer

(NOTE: This title is set in the same universe as Up Jim River, below)
- Flynn, Michael: Up Jim River

(NOTE: This title is set in the same universe as The January Dancer, above)
- Foster, Alan Dean: The Mocking Program

- Foster, Alan Dean: Taken series

- Lost and Found

- The Light-Years Beneath My Feet

- The Candle of Distant Earth

- Frankowski, Leo: The Fata Morgana

- Gardner, James Alan: League of Peoples series

- Expendable

- Commitment Hour

- Vigilant

- Hunted

- Ascending

- Trapped

- Radiant

- Hamilton, Peter F.: Greg Mandel series
- Mindstar Rising

- A Quantum Murder

- The Nano Flower

- Harper, Steven: Silent Empire series
- Dreamer

- Nightmare

- Trickster

- Offspring

- Harrison, Harry: Deathworld series

- Deathworld

- Deathworld 2

- Deathworld 3

(omnibus volume) The Deathworld Trilogy 
- Heinlein, Robert A.: Between Planets

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Citizen of the Galaxy

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Farmer in the Sky

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Have Space Suit, Will Travel

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Podkayne of Mars

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Red Planet

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Sixth Column (aka The Day After Tomorrow)

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Space Cadet

- Hogan, James P.: Echoes of an Alien Sky

- Hogan, James P.: The Genesis Machine

- Hogan, James P.: Martian Knightlife

- Hogan, James P.: Moon Flower

- Hogan, James P.: Multiplex Man

- Hutchins, J.C.: 7th Son: Descent

- Kapp, Colin: The Wizard of Anharitte

- Laumer, Keith: Earthblood

- Leinster, Murray: Planets of Adventure

- Luceno, James: Web Warriors series
- Memories End

- Dimension X

- Maloney, Mack: Starhawk series
- Starhawk

- Planet America

- The Fourth Empire

- Battle at Zero Point

- Storm Over Saturn

- Matz, Marc: Nocturne for a Dangerous Man

- McCaffrey, Anne: Acorna series
- Acorna (with Margaret Ball)

- Acorna's Quest (with Margaret Ball)

- Acorna's People (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Acorna's World (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Acorna's Search (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Acorna's Rebels (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Acorna's Triumph (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

Acorna's Children series
- First Warning (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Second Wave

- Third Watch (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

- Meade, Phil: PsiScouts series
- At Risk

- Melko, Paul: Singularity's Ring

- Melko, Paul: The Walls of the Universe

- Moorcock, Michael: The Distant Suns

- Myers, John J. & : Wolf, Gary K.Space Vulture

- Norton, Andre: Beast Master series
- The Beast Master

- Lord of Thunder

- Beast Master's Ark (with Lyn McConchie)

- Beast Master's Circus (with Lyn McConchie)

- O'Neal, James: The Human Disguise

- Oppel, Kenneth: Matt Cruse series
- Airborn

- Skybreaker

- Rainey, Stephen Mark: Blue Devil Island

- Resnick, Mike: Santiago series
- Santiago

- The Return of Santiago

- Rubens, Michael: The Sheriff of Yrnameer

- Rusch, Kristing Kathryn: Diving Into the Wreck

- Russo, Richard Paul: The Rosetta Codex

- Sarrantonio, Al: Mars series
- Haydn of Mars

- Sebastian of Mars

- Scott, Tim: Love in the Time of Fridges

- Shatner, William: Tek series
- TekWar

- TekLords

- TekLab

- Tek Vengeance

- Tek Secret

- Tek Power

- Tek Money

- Tek Kill

- Tek Net

- Shepherd, Joel: Cassandra Kresnov series
- Crossover

- Breakaway

- Killswitch

- Spencer, Wen: Ukiah Oregon series
- Alien Taste

- Tainted Trail

- Bitter Waters

- Dog Warrior

- Stasheff, Christopher: Rogue Wizard series
- A Wizard in Mind

- A Wizard in Bedlam

- A Wizard in War

- A Wizard in Peace

- A Wizard in Chaos

- A Wizard in Midgard

- A Wizard and a Warlord

- A Wizard in the Way

- A Wizard in a Feud

- Stasheff, Christopher: Starship Troupers series
- A Company of Stars

- We Open on Venus

- A Slight Detour

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock series
- The Warlock in Spite of Himself

- King Kobold Revived

- The Warlock Unlocked

- Escape Velocity

- The Warlock Enraged

- The Warlock Wandering

- The Warlock is Missing

- The Warlock Heretical

- The Warlock's Companion

- The Warlock Insane

- The Warlock Rock

- Warlock and Son

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock's Heirs series
- A Wizard in Absentia

- M'Lady Witch

- Quicksilver's Knight

- The Spell-Bound Sorceror

- Steele, Allen: Galaxy Blues

- Stover, Matthew Woodring: Caine series

- Heroes Die

- Blade of Tyshalle

- Caine Black Knife

- Stross, Charles: Saturn's Children

- Tubb, E.C.: Dumarest of Terra series

- The Winds of Gath

- Derai

- Toyman

- Kalin

- The Jester at Scar

- Lallia

- Technos

- Veruchia

- Mayenne

- Jondelle

- Zenya

- Eloise

- Eye of the Zodiac

- Jack of Swords

- Spectrum of a Forgotten Sun

- Haven of Darkness

- Prison of Night

- Incident on Ath

- The Quillian Sector

- Web of Sand

- Iduna's Universe

- The Terra Data

- World of Promise

- Nectar of Heaven

- The Terridae

- The Coming Event

- Earth is Heaven

- Melome

- Angado

- Symbol of Terra

- The Temple of Truth

- The Return

- Vance, Jack: Big Planet series

- Big Planet

- Showboat World

- Vance, Jack: Five Gold Bands

- Varley, John: The Golden Globe

- Verne, Jules: Journey Through the Impossible

- Verne, Jules: The Mysterious Island

- Westlake, Donald E.: Anarchaos

- Williams, Walter Jon: Implied Spaces

- Williamson, Jack: Golden Blood

- Williamson, Jack: The Green Girl

- Williamson, Jack: The Stonehenge Gate

- Williamson, Michael Z.: Freehold

- Wolf, Gary K. & Myers, John J.: Space Vulture

- Wright, Susan: Slave Trade series
- Slave Trade

- Slave Masters

- Slaves Unchained

- Zahn, Timothy: Dragonback series
- Dragon and Thief

- Dragon and Soldier

- Dragon and Slave

- Zahn, Timothy: Frank Compton series

- Night Train to Rigel

- The Third Lynx

- Odd Girl Out

- Zahn, Timothy: The Green and the Gray

- Zeddies, Ann Tonsor: Steel Helix

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updated: Thursday, September 09, 2010