Humorous SF
The lighter side of science fiction.
Authors & Titles
- Adams, Douglas: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series
- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

- The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

- Life, the Universe, and Everything

- So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish

- Mostly Harmless

- Asprin, Robert: Phule's Company series
- Phule's Company

- Phule's Paradise

- A Phule and His Money

- Phule Me Twice

- Austin, J.D.: Bobby's Girl series

- Bobby's Girl

- Meet the Thradons!

- Austin, J.D.: Second Contact

- Barnes, John: Gaudeamus

- Bisson, Terry: Galaxy Quest

- Bova, Ben: Laugh Lines

- Carriger, Gail: Parasol Protectorate series

- Soulless

- Changeless

- Blameless

- Heartless

- The Chick is in the Mail (edited by Esther Friesner)

- Chicks in Chainmail (edited by Esther Friesner)

- Costikyan, Greg: First Contract

- DeMartino, Denny: Astrologer series
- Heart of Stone

- Dick, Philip K.: Clans of the Alphane Moon

- Dick, Philip K.: Ubik

- DiLouie, Craig: The Great Planet Robbery

- Doctorow, Cory: Eastern Standard Tribe

- Garnett, David: Bikini Planet

- Harrison, Harry: Stainless Steel Rat series
- A Stainless Steel Rat is Born

- The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted

- The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues

(#1-3 collected in one volume as A Stainless Steel Trio
- The Stainless Steel Rat

- The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge

- The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World

- The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You

- The Stainless Steel Rat For President

- Stainless Steel Visions

- The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell

- The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus

- The Stainless Steel Rat Returns

- Hogan, James P.: The Legend That Was Earth

- Holt, Tom: The Better Mousetrap

- Jurasik, Peter & Keith, William H. Jr.: Diplomatic Act

- Laumer, Keith: Retief series

- Envoy to New Worlds

- Galactic Diplomat

- Retief's War

- Retief and the Warlords

- Retief: Ambassador to Space

- Retief of the CDT

- Retief's Ransom

- Retief: Emissary to the Stars

- Retief at Large

- Retief Unbound

- Retief: Diplomat at Arms

- Retief to the Rescue

- The Return of Retief

- Retief in the Ruins

- Retief and the Pangalactic Pageant of Pulchritude

- Reward for Retief

- Retief and the Rascals

- Retief! (edited by Eric Flint)

- Retief's Peace (by William H. Keith)

- Murphy, Pat: There and Back Again

- Orloff, Alvin: I Married an Earthling

- Rankin, Robert: Nostradamus Ate My Hamster

- Robinson, Spider: Callahan series
- Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

- Time Travelers Strictly Cash

- Callahan's Secret

1-3 published in one volume as The Callahan Chronicles 
- Callahan's Lady

- Lady Slings the Booze

- The Callahan Touch

- Off the Wall at Callahan's

- Callahan's Legacy

- Callahan's Key

- Rubens, Michael: The Sheriff of Yrnameer

- Rucker, Rudy: Frek and the Elixir

- Rucker, Rudy: Spaceland

- Ruff, Matt: Sewer, Gas & Electric: The Public Works Trilogy

- Schmitz, James H.: Karres series

- The Witches of Karres

- The Wizard of Karres (posthumous sequel by Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, & Dave Freer)

- Sheckley, Robert: The Masque of Manana

- Smith, L. Neil: Forge of the Elders

- Stableford, Brian: Year Zero

- Stasheff, Christopher: Rogue Wizard series
- A Wizard in Mind

- A Wizard in Bedlam

- A Wizard in War

- A Wizard in Peace

- A Wizard in Chaos

- A Wizard in Midgard

- A Wizard and a Warlord

- A Wizard in the Way

- A Wizard in a Feud

- Stasheff, Christopher: Saint Vidicon to the Rescue

- Stasheff, Christopher: Starship Troupers series
- A Company of Stars

- We Open on Venus

- A Slight Detour

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock series
- The Warlock in Spite of Himself

- King Kobold Revived

- The Warlock Unlocked

- Escape Velocity

- The Warlock Enraged

- The Warlock Wandering

- The Warlock is Missing

- The Warlock Heretical

- The Warlock's Companion

- The Warlock Insane

- The Warlock Rock

- Warlock and Son

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock's Heirs series
- A Wizard in Absentia

- M'Lady Witch

- Quicksilver's Knight

- The Spell-Bound Sorceror

- Stone, Dave: Bernice Summerfield series
- The Mary-Sue Extrusion

- Return to the Fractured Planet

- Wilhelm, Kate: Crazy Time

- Witpunk (edited by Claude Lalumiere & Marty Helpern)

- Zakour, John & Ganem, Lawrence: Zach Johnson series
- The Plutonium Blonde

- The Doomsday Brunette

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updated: Wednesday, June 29, 2011