SF: Man & Machine
Science fiction stories of humanity's relationship with our tools, robots, and machine intelligence.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- A.I.s (edited by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois)

- Anderson, Poul: Harvest of Stars series
- Harvest of Stars

- The Stars Are Also Fire

- Harvest of Fire

- The Fleet of Stars

- Andrews, Donna: Turing Hopper series
- You've Got Murder

- Click Here for Murder

- Access Denied

- Delete All Suspects

- Anthony, Piers: Realty Check

- Asaro, Catherine: The Veiled Web

- Asimov, Isaac: Robot series (aka Positronic Robot series)
(NOTE: This series is part of the Robots/Empire/Foundation series, listed under Galactic Empires)
- I, Robot

- The Caves of Steel

- The Naked Sun

- The Robots of Dawn

- Robots and Empire

- Balfour, Bruce: The Digital Dead

- Bayley, Barrington J.: Soul of the Robot series

- The Soul of the Robot

- The Rod of Light

- Capek, Karel: R.U.R.

- Dick, Philip K.: Blade Runner (aka Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)

- Hogan, James P.: Bug Park

- Hogan, James P.: Code of the Lifemaker series

- Code of the Lifemaker

- The Immortality Option

- Hogan, James P.: Realtime Interrupt

- Hogan, James P.: Star Child

- Hogan, James P.: The Two Faces of Tomorrow

- Isaac Asimov's Robot City series

- Odyssey by Michael P. Kube-McDowell

- Suspicion by Mike McQuay

- Cyborg by William F. Wu

- Prodigy by Arthur Byron Cover

- Refuge by Rob Chilson

- Perihelion by William F. Wu

- Lee, Tanith: Silver series
- The Silver Metal Lover

- Metallic Love

- McAuley, Paul: Whole Wide World

- McCaffrey, Anne: Brain Ships series (aka Ship Who Sang series)
- The Ship Who Sang

- Partnership (with Margaret Bull)

- The City Who Fought (with S.M. Stirling)

- The Ship Avenged (with S.M. Stirling)

- The Ship Who Searched (with Mercedes Lackey)

- The Ship Who Won (with Jody Lynn Nye)

- The Ship Errant (by Jody Lynn Nye)

"The Ship That Returned": novelette in Far Horizons edited by Robert Silverberg 
- Morehouse, Lyda: LINK series
- Archangel Protocol

- Fallen Host

- Messiah Node

- Apocalypse Array

- Pohl, Frederik: Man Plus

- Reynolds, Alistair: Revelation Space series
- Revelation Space

- Redemption Ark

- Absolution Gap

- The Prefect

(short stories) Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days

(short stories) Galactic North 
- Robots (edited by Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois)

- Saberhagen, Fred: Berserker series
- The Berserker Wars

- Berserker Base

- Berserker: Blue Death

- The Berserker Throne

- Berserker's Planet

- Berserker Kill

- Berserker Fury

- Berserker's Star

- Berserker Prime

- Sakers, Don: Dance for the Ivory Madonna

(NOTE: This title is part of the Scattered Worlds series, listed under Space Opera)
- Sawyer, Robert J.: WWW series

- Wake

- Scott, Melissa: Dreamships series
- Dreamships

- Dreaming Metal

- Shepherd, Joel: Cassandra Kresnov series
- Crossover

- Breakaway

- Killswitch

- Sladek, John: Roderick series

- Roderick: or, the Education of a Young Machine

- Roderick at Random

(omnibus volume) The Complete Roderick (contains both novels) 
- Stross, Charlie: Singularity Sky series
- Singularity Sky

- Iron Sunrise

- Vinge, Vernor: The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge

- Williams, Sean & Dix, Shane: Geodesica series

- Geodesica: Ascent

- Williamson, Jack: Humanoids series

- The Humanoids

- The Humanoid Touch

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updated: Thursday, July 15, 2010