SF: Other Worlds
Science fiction stories that focus on depicting an alien world
or another society, often in such detail that the reader feels
as if he/she has lived there.
Authors & Titles
- Abraham, Daniel; Dozois, Gardner; and Martin, George R.R.: Hunter's Run

- Aldiss, Brian: Helliconia series

- Helliconia Spring

- Helliconia Summer

- Helliconia Winter

(omnibus volume) Helliconia Trilogy (contains all three titles) 
- Anderson, Poul: Fire Time

- Anzetti, Toni: Typhon series
- Typhon's Children

- Riders of Leviathan

- Arnason, Eleanor: A Woman of the Iron People

- Asher, Neal: The Skinner

(NOTE: This title is part of Asher's Polity series, listed under Space Opera)
- Asimov, Isaac: Nemesis

- Asimov, Isaac & Silverberg, Robert: Nightfall

- Bradley, Marion Zimmer: Darkover series
In order of publication (as preferred by the author):
- The Planet Savers

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The World Wreckers

- Darkover Landfall

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- Stormqueen!

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- Two to Conquer

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- Hawkmistress!

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- Thunderlord (not yet published)
In chronological order:
- Darkover Landfall

- Stormqueen!

- Thunderlord (not yet published)
- The Fall of Neskaya (with Deborah J. Ross) (Clingfire Trilogy #1)

- Zandru's Forge (with Deborah J. Ross)(Clingfire Trilogy #2)

- Flame in Hali (Clingfire Trilogy #3)

- Hawkmistress!

- Two to Conquer

- The Heirs of Hammerfell

- Rediscovery (with Mercedes Lackey)

- The Spell Sword (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #1)

- The Forbidden Tower (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #2)

- The Shattered Chain (Renunciates Trilogy #1)

- Thendara House (Renunciates Trilogy #2)

- City of Sorcery (Renunciates Trilogy #3)

- Star of Danger

- Winds of Darkover

- The Bloody Sun (Forbidden Tower Trilogy #3)

- The Heritage of Hastur (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #1)

- The Planet Savers

- Sharra's Exile (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #2)

- The Reluctant King (Sharra Matrix Trilogy #3) (not yet published)
- The World Wreckers

- Exile's Song (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #1) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Shadow Matrix (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #2) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

- Traitor's Sun (Shadow Matrix Trilogy #3) (with Adrienne Martine-Barnes)

Omnibus Editions: 
- The Ages of Chaos (contains Stormqueen! and Hawkmistress!)

- Darkover: First Contact (contains Darkover Landfall and Two to Conquer)

- The Forbidden Circle (contains The Spell Sword and The Forbidden Tower)

- Heritage and Exile (contains The Heritage of Hastur and Sharra's Exile)

- The Saga of the Renunciates (contains The Shattered Chain, Thendara House, and City of Sorcery)

- To Save a World (contains The World Wreckers and The Planetsavers)

- A World Divided (contains Star of Danger, The Bloody Sun, and The Winds of Darkover)

Darkover anthologies:
- The Keeper's Price

- Sword of Chaos

- Free Amazons of Darkover

- The Other Side of the Mirror

- Red Sun of Darkover

- Four Moons of Darkover

- Domains of Darkover

- Renunciates of Darkover

- Leroni of Darkover

- Towers of Darkover

- Marion Zimmer Bradley's Darkover

- Snows of Darkover

- Cherryh, C.J.: At the Edge of Space

- Cherryh, C.J.: Gene Wars series
- Hammerfall

- Forge of Heaven

- Cherryh, C.J.: Riders series (aka Finisterre series)
- Rider at the Gate

- Cloud's Rider

- Clement, Hal: Barlennan series

- Mission of Gravity

- Star Light

- Dozois, Gardner; Martin, George R.R.; and Abraham, Daniel: Hunter's Run

- Eschbach, Andreas: The Carpet Makers

- Farmer, Philip José: Riverworld series

- To Your Scattered Bodies Go

- The Fabulous Riverboat

- The Dark Design

- The Magic Labyrinth

- The Gods of Riverworld

- Felice, Cynthia: Eclipses

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Farmer in the Sky

- Heinlein, Robert A.: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

- Herbert, Frank: Dune series
(Frank Herbert wrote and published six books in this series during his lifetime. Starting in 1999, his son Brian collaborated with Kevin J. Anderson on a prequel trilogy, followed by the earlier Butlerian Jihad series. Although these additional books are earlier in chronological order, it is recommended that they be read after the original books.)
Original Series:
- Dune

- Dune Messiah

- Children of Dune

- God Emperor of Dune

- Heretics of Dune

- Chapterhouse: Dune

Prequel Trilogy:
- Dune: House Atreides by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

- Dune: House Harkonnen by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

- Dune: House Corrino by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

Butlerian Jihad Series (aka Legends of Dune series):
- Dune: The Butlerian Jihad by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

- Dune: The Machine Crusade by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

- Dune: The Battle of Corrin by Herbert, Brian & Anderson, Kevin J.

Dune Sequels:
- Hunters of Dune

- Sandworms of Dune

- The Winds of Dune (direct sequel to Dune Messiah)

(companion volume) The Road to Dune (edited by Brian Herbert)

(short story) A Dune short story appears in Dogged Persistence by Kevin J. Anderson 
(short story) A Dune short story appears in Elemental: The Tsunami Relief Anthology (edited by Steven Savile & Althea Kontis)

- Hogan, Lee: Belarus series
- Belarus

- Enemies

- Hopkinson, Nalo: Midnight Robber

- Kerr, Katharine: Snare

- Kress, Nancy: Greentrees series
- Crossfire

- Crucible

- Kress, Nancy: Steal Across the Sky

- LeGuin, Ursula K.: The Dispossessed

- Lem, Stanislaw: Solaris

- Martin, George R.R.; Dozois, Gardner; and Abraham, Daniel: Hunter's Run

- Martin, George R.R. & Tuttle, Lisa: Windhaven

- McCaffrey, Anne: Dinosaur Planet series
- Dinosaut Planet

- Dinosaur Planet Survivors

Collected in one volume as The Mystery of Ireta 
- McCaffrey, Anne: Dragonriders of Pern series (in order of publication, as recommended by the author)
- Dragonflight

- Dragonquest

- The White Dragon

- Dragonsong (Harper Hall Trilogy #1)

- Dragonsinger (Harper Hall Trilogy #2)

- Dragondrums (Harper Hall Trilogy #3)

- Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

- Nerilka's Story

- Dragonsdawn

- The Renegades of Pern

- All the Weyrs of Pern

- The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall

- The Dolphins of Pern

- Dragonseye

- The Masterharper of Pern

- The Skies of Pern

- A Gift of Dragons

- Dragon's Kin (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonsblood (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Fire (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon Harper (with Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragonheart (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragongirl (by Todd McCaffrey)

- Dragon's Time (with Todd McCaffrey)

A short story titled "The Girl Who Heard Dragons" appears in The Girl Who Heard Dragons by Anne McCaffrey
and A Gift of Dragons 
A novelette titled "Runner of Pern" appears in Legends: Short Novels by the Masters of Modern Fantasy (edited by Robert Silverberg)
and A Gift of Dragons 
A story titled "Beyond Between" appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
- McCaffrey, Anne: Freedom series
- Fredom's Landing

- Freedom's Choice

- Freedom's Challenge

- Freedom's Ransom

- McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann: Petaybee series
- Powers That Be

- Power Lines

- Power Play

- Changelings (Twins of Petaybee #1)

- Maelstrom (Twins of Petaybee #2)

- Deluge (Twins of Petaybee #3)

- Reisman, Jessica: The Z Radiant

- Shinn, Sharon: Samaria series (aka Archangel series)
(listed in order of publication)
- Archangel (Archangel Trilogy #1)

- Jova's Angel (Archangel Trilogy #2)

- The Alleluia Files (Archangel Trilogy #3)

- Angelica

- Angel-Seeker

(A Samaria novella appears in Quatrain
- Steele, Allen: Coyote series
- Coyote

- Coyote Rising

- Coyote Frontier

(related title) Spindrift 
(related title) The River Horses

A Coyote short story, "The War of Dogs and Boids," is available from amazon.com
- Tepper, Sheri S.: The Companions

- Thomson, Amy: Storyteller

- Traviss, Karen: Shan Frankland series (aka Wess'har Wars series)
- City of Pearl

- Crossing the Line

- The World Before

- Matriarch

- Tuttle, Lisa & Martin, George R.R.: Windhaven

- Wilder, Cherry: Second Nature

- Willett, Edward: Marseguro

- Williams, Liz: The Poison Master

- Zettel, Sarah: The Quiet Invasion

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updated: Tuesday, July 19, 2011