Psychological/Sociological SF
Science fiction stories based on extrapolation in the "soft"
sciences of the mind and society.
Authors & Titles
- Anderson, Poul: Brain Wave

- Anthony, Piers: Total Recall

- Ballard, J.G.: High Rise

- Barnes, John: Candle

- Barnes, John: The Sky So Big and Black

- Bayley, Barrington J.: The Sinners of Erspia

- Bear, Elizabeth: Carnival

- Bell, Hilari: A Matter of Profit

- Brin, David: Kiln People

- Budrys, Algis: Rogue Moon

- Cat, Ivan: The Burning Heart of Night

- Christopher, John: Bad Dream

- Clarke, Arthur C. & Baxter, Stephen: The Light of Other Days

- Clarke, Arthur C. & Pohl, Frederik: The Last Theorem

- Cooper, Branda: Silver Ship series
- The Silver Ship and the Sea

- Reading the Wind

- Wings of Creation

- David, James F.: Fragments

- Delany, Samuel R.: Babel-17

- Delany, Samuel R.: Dhalgren

- Delany, Samuel R.: Nova

- Dick, Philip K.: Clans of the Alphane Moon

- Dick, Philip K.: The Simulacra

- Dick, Philip K.: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

- Dick, Philip K.: Time Out of Joint

- Di Filippo, Paul: A Mouthful of Tongues

- Disch, Thomas M.: Camp Concentration

- Drinkard, William H.: Elom

- Emshwiller, Carol: The Mount

- Farmer, Philip José: The Lovers

- Farmer, Philip José: Riverworld series

- To Your Scattered Bodies Go

- The Fabulous Riverboat

- The Dark Design

- The Magic Labyrinth

- The Gods of Riverworld

- Foster, M.A.: Book of the Ler series

- The Gameplayers of Zan

- The Warriors of Dawn

- The Day of the Klesh

(omnibus volume) The Book of the Ler (includes all three titles) 
- Foster, M.A.: Transformer series

- The Morphodite

- Transformer

- Preserver

(omnibus volume) The Transformer Trilogy (includes all three titles) 
- Gonsalves, Jeff: The Subnorms

- Gould, Steven: Helm

- Grimsley, Jim: Senal/Irion series

- Kirith Kirin

- The Ordinary

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Double Star

- Heinlein, Robert A.: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

- Hogan, James P.: The Multiplex Man

- Hogan, James P.: Voyage From Yesteryear

- Irvine, Alexander: Buyout

- Kagan, Janet: Hellspark

- Keyes, Daniel: Flowers For Algernon

- Kingsbury, Donald: Courtship Rite

- Kollin, Dani & Eytan: The Unincorporated Man

- Kress, Nancy: Sleepless series
- Beggars in Spain

- Beggars and Choosers

- Kress, Nancy: Steal Across the Sky

- Lee, Sharon & Miller, Steve: Liaden Universe series
- I Dare

- Local Custom

- Scout's Progress

- Conflict of Honors

- Agent of Change

- Carpe Diem

- Plan B

- Balance of Trade

- Crystal Soldier (Great Migration #1)

- Crystal Dragon (Great Migration #2)

- Fledgling

- Saltation

- Mouse and Dragon

Omnibus volumes:
Pilots Choice (contains Local Custom and Scout's Progress) 
Partners in Necessity (contains Agent of Change and Carpe Diem) 
- LeGuin, Ursula: Always Coming Home

- LeGuin, Ursula: Changing Planes

- LeGuin, Ursula K.: The Dispossessed

- LeGuin, Ursula: The Lathe of Heaven

- Levy, Roger: Icarus

- Lewitt, Shariann: Rebel Sutra

- Mackay, Scott: Tides

- Malzberg, Barry N.: Beyond Apollo

- Marley, Louise: The Child Goddess

- McAuley, Paul: Quiet War series
- The Quiet War

- Gardens of the Sun

- McIntyre, Vonda: Dreamsnake

- Modesitt, L.E. Jr.: Commonocracy series
- Archform: Beauty

- Flash

- Moon, Elizabeth: The Speed of Dark

- Nagata, Linda: Memory

- Panshin, Alexei: Rite of Passage

- Pohl, Frederik & Clarke, Arthur C.: The Last Theorem

- Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, C.M.: Space Merchants series

- The Space Merchants

- The Merchants' War

- Resnick, Mike: Kirinyaga series

- Kirinyaga

- Kilimanjaro

- Sakers, Don: Scattered Worlds series
3.75 - Dance for the Ivory Madonna

4.55 - Weaving the Web of Days

4.882 - A Voice in Every Wind

5.38 - A Rose From Old Terra

8.50 - The Leaves of October

- Sakers, Don: Tales of Hylggra series

- The Mauzy Broadway Show

- Parental Discretion

- Sawyer, Robert J.: Neanderthal Parallax series
- Hominids

- Humans

- Hybrids

- Sawyer, Robert J.: Rollback

- Scott, Melissa: Burning Bright

- Scott, Melissa: The Kindly Ones

- Scott, Melissa: Night Sky Mine

- Silverberg, Robert: Dying Inside

- Silverberg, Robert: The Longest Way Home

- Spinrad, Norman: The Void Captain's Tale

- Thomas, Maggy: Broken Time

- Vance, Jack: The Languages of Pao

- van Vogt, A.E.: Null-A series

- The World of Null-A

- The Players of Null-A (aka The Pawns of Null-A)

- Null-A Three

- Null-A Continuum by John C. Wright

- Williams, Liz: The Poison Master

- Williamson, Jack: Bright New Universe

- Wood, N. Lee: Master of None

- Zelazny, Roger: Eye of Cat

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updated: Monday, August 23, 2010