Religious/Philosophical SF
Science fiction stories concerned with the great questions
of human existence, including SF that deals specifically with religion.
Authors & Titles
- Attansio, A.A.: The Last Legends of Earth

- Balfour, Bruce: The Digital Dead

- Ballard, J.G.: The Crystal World

- Ballard, J.G.: The Unlimited Dream Company

- Barnes, Steven: Iron Shadows

- Bear, Greg: Hegira

- Blish, James: A Case of Conscience

- Brown, Eric: Kéthani

- Chalker, Jack: Balshazzar's Serpent

- Cherryh, C.J.: Gene Wars series
- Hammerfall

- Forge of Heaven

- Clarke, Arthur C.: Childhood's End

- Clarke, Arthur C.: Rama series
- Rendezvous with Rama

- Rama II (with Gentry Lee)

- The Garden of Rama (with Gentry Lee)

- Rama Revealed (with Gentry Lee)

- Clarke, Arthur C.: 2001 series
- 2001: A Space Odyssey

- 2010: Odyssey Two

- 2061: Odyssey Three

- 3001: The Final Odyssey

- Clarke, Arthur C. & Baxter, Stephen: The Light of Other Days

- Clarke, Arthur C. & Baxter, Stephen: Time Odyssey series
- Time's Eye

- Sunstorm

- Firstborn

- Daniel, Tony: Metaplanetary series
- Metaplanetary

- Superluminal

- Dick, Philip K.: Counter-Clock World

- Dick, Philip K.: Quest for God series

- Valis

- The Divine Invasion

- The Transmigration of Timothy Archer

- Dick, Philip K.: The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

- Dick, Philip K.: Vulcan's Hammer

- Donaldson, Stephen R.: Gap series
- The Gap Into Conflict: The Real Story

- The Gap Into Vision: Forbidden Knowledge

- The Gap Into Power: A Dark and Hungry God Arises

- The Gap Into Madness: Chaos and Order

- The Gap Into Ruin: This Day All Gods Die

- Drinkard, William H.: Elom

- Farmer, Philip José: Riverworld series

- To Your Scattered Bodies Go

- The Fabulous Riverboat

- The Dark Design

- The Magic Labyrinth

- The Gods of Riverworld

- Greeley, Andrew M.: The Final Planet

- Grimwood, Jon Courtenay: Stamping Butterflies

- Hamilton, Peter F.: Night's Dawn series
- The Reality Dysfunction Part 1: Emergence

- The Reality Dysfunction Part 2: Expansion

- The Neutronium Alchemist Part 1: Consolidation

- The Neutronium Alchemist Part 2: Conflict

- The Naked God

- Harrison, M. John: Light series
- Light

- Nova Swing

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Sixth Column (aka The Day After Tomorrow)

- Heinlein, Robert A.: Stranger in a Strange Land

- Hendrix, Howard V.: Empty Cities of the Full Moon

- Kapp, Colin: Chaos series

- The Patterns of Chaos

- The Chaos Weapon

- Kerr, Katharine: Snare

- Kress, Nancy: Steal Across the Sky

- Kube-McDowell, Michael: Vectors

- Lem, Stanislaw: Solaris

- Lindsay, David: A Voyage to Arcturus

- Mackay, Scott: Orbis

- MacLeod, Ken: Second Sphere series (aka Engines of Light series)
- Cosmonaut Keep

- Dark Light

- Engine City

- Magee, Bill: She Still Lives

- Marley, Louise: The Child Goddess

- Matthews, Susan R.: Avalanche Soldier

- Miller, Walter M.: A Canticle for Leibowitz

- Modesitt, L.E. Jr.: Gravity Dreams

- Moorcock, Michael: Behold the Man

- Morehouse, Lyda: LINK series
- Archangel Protocol

- Fallen Host

- Messiah Node

- Apocalypse Array

- Nasir, Jamil: Distance Haze

- Pangborn, Edgar: A Mirror For Observers

- Park, Severna: The Annunciate

- Pohl, Frederik & Williamson, Jack: The Starchild Trilogy

- Proctor, William: The Last Star

- Rucker, Rudy: Postsingular series
- Postsingular

- Hylozoic

- Russell, Mary Doria: Emilio Sandoz series (aka Rakhat series)
- The Sparrow

- Children of God

- Sakers, Don: Scattered Worlds series
3.75 - Dance for the Ivory Madonna

4.55 - Weaving the Web of Days

4.882 - A Voice in Every Wind

5.38 - A Rose From Old Terra

8.50 - The Leaves of October

- Sawyer, Robert J.: Calculating God

- Sawyer, Robert J.: Neanderthal Parallax series
- Hominids

- Humans

- Hybrids

- Sawyer, Robert J.: The Quintaglio Ascension

- Far-Seer

- Fossil Hunter

- Foreigner

- Schroeder, Karl: Ventus

- Scott, Melissa: The Shapes of Their Hearts

- Silverberg, Robert: Downward to the Earth

- Simmons, Dan: Hyperion series
- Hyperion

- The Fall of Hyperion

- Endymion

- The Rise of Endymion

"Orphans of the Helix": novelette in Far Horizons edited by Robert Silverberg 
- Simmons, Dan: Trojan War series
- Ilium

- Smith, L. Neil: Win Bear series
- The Probability Broach

- The American Zone

- Stasheff, Christopher: Saint Vidicon to the Rescue

- Stephenson, Neal: Anathem

- Stewart, Ian & Cohen, Jack: Heaven

- Stross, Charlie: Singularity Sky series
- Singularity Sky

- Iron Sunrise

- Tepper, Sheri S.: The Visitor

- Tiptree, James Jr.: Brightness Falls From the Air

- van Vogt, A.E.: Weapon Shops of Isher series

- The Weapon Shops of Isher

- The Weapon Makers

(omnibus volume) The Empire of Isher (contains both titles) 
- Watson, Ian: The Gardens of Delight

- White, Steve: Forge of the Titans

- Williamson, Jack: Brother to Demons, Brother to Gods

- Zelazny, Roger: Lord of Light

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updated: Monday, June 22, 2009