Fantasy: Folk & Fairy Tales Retold
Modern retellings of classic fantasy tales.
Authors & Titles
- Ashley, Jennifer: Penelope and Prince Charming

- Black Heart, Ivory Bones (short stories)

- Byatt, A.S.: The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye

- Cherryh, C.J.: Rusalka series
- Rusalka

- Chernevog

- Yvgenie

- Coover, Robert: Briar Rose

- Fforde, Jasper: Nursery Crime series

- The Big Over Easy

- The Fourth Bear

- Frost, Gregory: Fitcher's Brides

- Garner, James Finn: Once Upon a More Englightened Time

- Garner, James Finn: Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

- Garner, James Finn: Politically Correct Holiday Stories

- Happily Ever After (edited by John Klima)

- Hines, Jim C.: Princess Series

- The Stepsister Scheme

- The Mermaid's Madness

- Red Hood's Revenge

- The Snow Queen's Shadow

- Jones, Linda: Jackie and the Giant

- Lackey, Mercedes: Five Hundred Kingdoms series
- The Fairy Godmother

- One Good Knight

- Fortune's Fool

- The Snow Queen

- The Sleeping Beauty

- Lee, Tanith: White as Snow

- Lickiss, Rebecca: Never After

- Little Red Riding Hood in the Big Bad City (edited by Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers)

- Maguire, Gregory: Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister

- Maguire, Gregory: Mirror, Mirror

- Maguire, Gregory: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Summer Day

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Winter's Night

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon an Autumn Eve

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Spring Morn

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Dreadful Time

- Medeiros, Teresa: The Bride and the Beast

- Medeiros, Teresa: A Kiss to Remember

- Middleton, Haydn: Grimm's Last Fairytale

- Rapunzel's Daughter and Other Tales (edited by Josie Brown)

- Roberson, Jennifer: Robin Hood series
- Lady of the Forest

- Lady of Sherwood

- Rotten Relations (edited by Denise Little)

- Silver Birch, Blood Moon (edited by Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling)

- Twice Upon a Time (edited by Denise Little)

- Valente, Catherynne M.: Orphan's Tales series

- In the Night Garden

- In the Cities of Coin and Spice

- Wilson, Susan: Beauty

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updated: Wednesday, June 29, 2011