Humorous Fantasy
The lighter side of fantasy.
Authors & Titles
- Adams, Douglas: Dirk Gently series
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

- The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

- Anthony, Piers: The Willing Spirit

- Anthony, Piers & Lackey, Mercedes: If I Pay Thee Not In Gold

- Anthony, Piers & Taeusch, Jo Anne: The Secret of Spring

- Asprin, Robert Lynn: Myth series
- Another Fine Myth

- Myth Conceptions

- Myth Directions

- Myth-ion Improbable

- Hit or Myth

- Myth-ing Persons

- Little Myth Marker

- M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link

- Myth-nomers and Im-pervections

- M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action

- Sweet Myth-tery of Life

- Something M.Y.T.H. Inc.

- Brooks, Terry: Magic Kingdom of Landover series
- Magic Kingdom for Sale -- Sold!

- The Black Unicorn

- Wizard at Large

- The Tangle Box

- Witches' Brew

- A Princess of Landover

- Cook, Glen: Garrett Files series
- Cold Copper Tears

- Sweet Silver Blues

- Bitter Gold Hearts

- Old Tin Sorrows

- Dread Brass Shadows

- Red Iron Nights

- Deadly Quicksilver Lies

- Petty Pewter Gods

- Faded Steel Heat

- Angry Lead Skies

- Whispering Nickel Idols

- Danziger, Paula: This Place Has No Atmosphere

- David, Peter: Sir Apropos of Nothing series
- Sir Apropos of Nothing

- The Woad to Wuin

- David, Peter: Knight series
- Knight Life

- One Knight Only

- Douglas, L. Warren: Simply Human

- Elrod, P.N.: The Adventures of Myhr

- Flint, Eric & Freer, Dave: Pyramid Scheme

- Flint, Eric: Philosophical Strangler series aka Joe's World series
- Forward the Mage (with Richard Roach)

- The Philosophical Strangler

- Groell, Anne Lesley: Cloak & Dagger series
- Bridge of Valor
- Anvil of the Sun

- Cauldron of Iniquity

- Martinez, A. Lee: Too Many Curses

- Moers, Walter: Zamonia series

- The Thirteen and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear

- Rumo: And His Miraculous Adventures

- The City of Dreaming Books

- The Alchemaster's Apprentice

- O'Donohoe, Nick: Gnomewrench series
- The Gnomewrench in the Dwarfworks

- The Gnomewrench in the Peopleworks

- Pratchett, Terry: Discworld series
- The Colour of Magic

- The Light Fantastic

- Equal Rites

- Mort

- Sourcery

- Wyrd Sisters

- Pyramids

- Guards! Guards!

- Eric

- Moving Pictures

- Reaper Man

- Witches Abroad

- Small Gods

- Lords & Ladies

- Men at Arms

- Soul Music

- Interesting Times

- Maskerade

- Feet of Clay

- Hogfather

- Jingo

- The Last Continent

- Carpe Jugulum

- The Fifth Elephant

- The Truth

- Thief of Time

- The Last Hero

- The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents

- Night Watch

- The Wee Free Men (Wee Free Men #1)

- Monstrous Regiment

- A Hat Full of Sky (Wee Free Men #2)

- Going Postal

- Thud!

- Wintersmith

- Making Money

- Unseen Academicals

- Rankin, Robert: The Brightonomicon

- Rankin, Robert: The Fandom of the Operator

- Rankin, Robert: The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse

- Rosenberg, Joel: Guardians of the Flame series
- The Sleeping Dragon

- The Sword and the Chain

- The Silver Crown

- The Heir Apparent

- The Warrior Lives

- The Road to Ehvenor

- The Road Home

- Not Exactly the Three Musketeers

- Not Quite Scaramouche

- Not Really the Prisoner of Zenda

(omnibus) The Guardians of the Flame (contains The Sleeping Dragon, The Sword and the Chain, and The Silver Crown)
- Simmons, Wm. Mark: Chris Cséjthe series
- One Foot in the Grave

- Dead on My Feet

- Stasheff, Christopher: Rogue Wizard series
- A Wizard in Mind

- A Wizard in Bedlam

- A Wizard in War

- A Wizard in Peace

- A Wizard in Chaos

- A Wizard in Midgard

- A Wizard and a Warlord

- A Wizard in the Way

- A Wizard in a Feud

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock series
- The Warlock in Spite of Himself

- King Kobold Revived

- The Warlock Unlocked

- Escape Velocity

- The Warlock Enraged

- The Warlock Wandering

- The Warlock is Missing

- The Warlock Heretical

- The Warlock's Companion

- The Warlock Insane

- The Warlock Rock

- Warlock and Son

- Stasheff, Christopher: Warlock's Heirs series
- A Wizard in Absentia

- M'Lady Witch

- Quicksilver's Knight

- The Spell-Bound Sorceror

- Turtledove, Harry: Every Inch a King

- What, Leslie: Olympic Games

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updated: Friday, December 18, 2009