Mythic/Mythopoeic/High Fantasy
Epic stories in the mythic tradition of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, or other stories dealing with myths and mythological figures.
Authors & Titles
- Anthony, Piers: Incarnations of Immortality series
- On a Pale Horse

- Bearing an Hourglass

- With a Tangled Skein

- Wielding a Red Sword

- Being a Green Mother

- For Love of Evil

- And Eternity

- Brooks, Terry: Word and Void series
(NOTE: The Genesis of Shannara links this series to the Shannara series, listed under Epic Fantasy.)
- Running With the Demon

- Knight of the Word

- Angel Fire East

Genesis of Shannara series:
- Armageddon's Children

- The Elves of Cintra

- Claremont, Chris & Lucas, George: Shadow War Chronicles
- Shadow Moon (under Lucas)

- Shadow Dawn (under Claremont)

- Shadow Star (under Claremont)

- Duncan, Hal: Book of All Hours series
- The Vellum

- Ink

- Gilman, Felix: Ararat series
- Thunderer

- Gears of the City

- Hambly, Barbara: Dragonsbane series
- Dragonsbane

- Dragonshadow

- Knight of the Demon Queen

- Dragonstar

- Harris, Anne: Inventing Memory

- Haydon, Elizabeth: Rhapsody

- Hobb, Robin: Realm of the Elderlings series
Farseer Trilogy:
- Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)

- Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy #2)

- Assassin's Quest (Farseer Trilogy #3)

Liveship Traders Trilogy:
- Ship of Magic (Liveship Traders Trilogy #1)

- The Mad Ship (Liveship Traders Trilogy #2)

- Ship of Destiny (Liveship Traders Trilogy #3)

The Tawny Man Trilogy:
- Fool's Errand (The Tawny Man Trilogy #1)

- Golden Fool (The Tawny Man Trilogy #2)

- Fool's Fate (The Twany Man Trilogy #3)

Rain Wild Chronicles:
- Dragon Keeper (Rain Wild Chronicles #1)

A Realm of the Elderlings story appears in Legends II (edited by Robert Silverberg) 
A short story in the Realm of the Elderlings universe appears in A Fantasy Medley (edited by Yanni Kuznia)

- Kay, Guy Gavriel: Tigana

- Kay, Guy Gavriel: Ysabel

- Lewis, C.S.: Space trilogy
- Out of the Silent Planet

- Perelandra

- That Hideous Strength

- Peake, Mervyn: Gormenghast series

(prequel) Boy in Darkness 
- Titus Groan

- Gormenghast

- Titus Alone

- Titus Awakes (with Maeve Gilmore)
(omnibus volume) The Gormenghast Novels (Titus Groan/Gormenghast/Titus Alone) 
- Saberhagen, Fred: Book of the Gods series
- The Face of Apollo

- Ariadne's Web

- The Arms of Hercules

- God of the Golden Fleece

- Gods of Fire and Thunder

- Silverberg, Robert: The Last Song of Orpheus

- Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Lord of the Rings series
(prequel) The Hobbit 
- The Fellowship of the Ring

- The Two Towers

- The Return of the King

- Tolkien, J.R.R.: History of Middle-Earth (Unfinished manuscripts published after Tolkien's death by his nephew, Christopher. Not single narratives, these titles are collections of tales and legends, the equivalent of the Bible in Tolkien's invented world, as well as previous drafts of The Lord of the Rings.)
The Silmarillion 
- Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-Earth

- The Book of Lost Tales Part 1

- The Book of Lost Tales Part 2

- The Lays of Beleriand

- The Shaping of Middle-Earth

- The Lost Road and other writings

- The Return of the Shadow (History of The Lord of the Rings Part 1)

- The Treason of Isengard (History of The Lord of the Rings Part 2)

- The War of the Ring (History of The Lord of the Rings Part 3)

- Sauron Defeated
(also published as The End of the Third Age) (History of The Lord of the Rings Part 4) 
- Morgoth's Ring

- The War of the Jewels

- Peoples of Middle-Earth

- The Children of Hurin

- Wells, Martha: Wheel of the Infinite

- Wright, Austin Tappan: Islandia

- Wright, John C.: The Dreaming series

- The Last Guardian of Everness

- Mists of Everness

- Zicree, Mark Scott: Magic Time series
- Magic Time (with Barbara Hambly)

- Magic Time: Angelfire (with Maya Kaathryn Bonhoff)

- Magic Time: Ghostlands (with Robert Charles Wilson)
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updated: Friday, June 17, 2011