Fantasy: Realm of Faerie
Fantasy stories that take place in the Old Country, the Western
Lands, the Forgotten Realm . . . call it what you will, it's the
ancient enchanted land where elves live and magic works.
Authors & Titles
- Bantock, Nick: The Museum at Purgatory

- Bear, Elizabeth: Promethean Age series
(prequel) Ink and Steel (The Stratford Man #1) 
(prequel) Hell and Earth (The Stratford Man #2)

- Blood and Iron

- Whiskey and Water

- Bear, Greg: Songs of Earth and Power

- Bishop, Anne: Fae series
- The Pillars of the World

- Shadows and Light

- Cherryh, C.J.: Morgaine series
- Gate of Ivrel

- Well of Shiuan

- Fires of Azeroth

- Exile's Gate

Omnibus volume:
The Morgaine Saga (contains Gate of Ivrel, Well of Shiuan, and Fires of Azeroth) 
- Claremont, Chris & Lucas, George: Shadow War Chronicles
- Shadow Moon (under Lucas)

- Shadow Dawn (under Claremont)

- Shadow Star (under Claremont)

- Deitz, Tom: David Sullivan series

- Windmaster's Bane

- Fireshaper's Doom

- Darkthunder's Way

- Sunshaker's War

- Stoneskin's Revenge

- Ghostcountry's Wrath

- Dreamseeker's Road

- Landslayer's Law

- Warstalker's Track

(related title) The Gryphon King 
- de Lint, Charles: Seven Wild Sisters

- Gellis, Roberta & Lackey, Mercedes: Scepter'd Isle series
- This Scepter'd Isle

- Ill Met by Moonlight

- By Slanderous Tongues

- Greenwood, Ed: Niflheim series

- Dark Warrior Rising

- Hamilton, Laurell K.: Meredith Gentry series
- A Kiss of Shadows

- A Caress of Twilight

- Seduced by Moonlight

- A Stroke of Midnight

- Mistral's Kiss

- A Lick of Frost

- Swallowing Darkness

- Divine Misdemeanors

- Hetley, James A.: Summer Country series
- The Summer Country

- The Winter Oak

- Hoyt, Sarah A.: Shakespeare series
- Ill Met by Moonlight

- All Night Awake

- Lackey, Mercedes & Gellis, Roberta: Scepter'd Isle series
- This Scepter'd Isle

- Ill Met by Moonlight

- By Slanderous Tongues

- Lee, J. Ardian: Ciorram series

- Son of the Sword

- Outlaw Sword

- Sword of King James

- Sword of the White Rose

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Summer Day

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Winter's Night

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon an Autumn Eve

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Spring Morn

- McKiernan, Dennis L.: Once Upon a Dreadful Time

- Norton, Andre & Lackey, Mercedes: Halfblood Chronicles
- The Elvenbane

- Elvenblood

- Elvenborn

- Pike, Christopher: Alosha series
- Alosha

- Rhodes, Jenna: Elven Ways series

- The Four Forges

- The Dark Ferryman

- Sakers, Don: The Centaur Child

- Stemple, Adam: Douglas Stewart series

- Singer of Souls

- Steward of Song

- Tolkien, J.R.R.: Tales From the Perilous Realm

- Wesley, Kathryn: The 10th Kingdom

- Williams, Tad: The War of the Flowers

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updated: Monday, July 12, 2010