Women's Stories
Stories that offer perspectives on womanhood.
Authors & Titles
- Allen, Charlotte Vale: Grace Notes

- Alvarez, Julia: In the Name of Salomé

- Ansay, A. Manette: Vinegar Hill

- Ashley, Trisha: Every Woman For Herself

- Atkinson, Kate: Behind the Scenes at the Museum

- Atwood, Margaret: Cat's Eye

- Auchincloss, Louis: Her Ininite Variety

- Baggott, Julianna: The Madam

- Bank, Melissa: The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing

- Bank, Melissa: The Wonder Spot

- Battle, Lois: A Habit of the Blood

- Beaumont, Maria: 37

- Benedict, Elizabeth: Almost

- Berg, Elizabeth: The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted

- Berg, Elizabeth: Katie Nash series
- Durable Goods

- Joy School

- True to Form

- Berg, Elizabeth: Never Change

- Berg, Elizabeth: We Are All Welcome Here

- Bernstein, Marcelle: Body and Soul

- Billington, Rachel: Occasion of Sin

- Blume, Randy: Crazy in the Cockpit

- Boaz, Amy: A Richer Dust

- Botsford, Keith: The Mothers

- Braverman, Kate: The Incantation of Frida K.

- Bretton, Barbara: Someone Like You

- Brian, Bex: Promiscuous Unbound

- Bright, Freda: Decisions

- Brink, Elisabeth: Save Your Own

- Briskin, Mae: A Hole in the Water

- Brookfield, Amanda: Alice Alone

- Brookner, Anita: Leaving Home

- Brookner, Anita: The Rules of Engagement

- Bruneau, Carol: A Purple Thread for Sky

- Buchan, Elizabeth: Everything She Thought She Wanted

- Byatt, A.S.: Frederica Potter series
- The Virgin in the Garden

- Still Life

- Babel Tower

- A Whistling Woman

- Carlson, Lori Marie: The Sunday Tertulia

- Chappell, Fred: Farewell, I'm Bound to Leave You

- Chopin, Kate: The Awakening

- Ciment, Jill: Teeth of the Dog

- Clayton, Meg Waite: The Language of Light

- Clayton, Meg Waite: The Wednesday Sisters

- Coetzee, J.M.: Elizabeth Costello

- Crook, Elizabeth: The Night Journal

- Curran, Leigh: Going Nowhere Sideways

- Dallas, Sandra: Alice's Tulips

- Dallas, Sandra: The Persian Pickle Club

- Davenport, Stephen: Saving Miss Oliver's

- Davidson, Catherine Thelma: The Priest Fainted

- Dawson, Carol: The Waking Spell

- Delinsky, Barbara: The Vineyard

- Devens, Toby: My Favorite Midlife Crisis (Yet)

- Donoghue, Emma: Room

- Dormen, Lesley: The Best Place to Be

- Dorner, Francoise: The Woman in the Row Behind

- Drabble, Margaret: The Radiant Way

- Drabble, Margaret: The Seven Sisters

- Dunbar, Wylene: Margaret Cape

- Dykeman, Wilma: The Tall Woman

- Elkin, Stanley: Mrs. Ted Bliss

- Ellis, Virginia: The Wedding Dress

- Elphinstone, Margaret: Light

- Emmons, Cai: The Stylist

- Engel, Marian: Sarah Bastard's Notebook

- Farley, Christopher John: Kingston by Starlight

- Ferrante, Elena: The Lost Daughter

- Ferrante, Elena: Troubling Love

- Fickett, David C.: Nectar

- Forbes, Charlotte: The Good Works of Ayela Linde

- Fowler, Connie May: Before Women Had Wings

- Fredriksson, Marianne: Hanna's Daughters

- Freed, Lynn: The Curse of the Appropriate Man

- Freeman, Judith: A Desert of Pure Feeling

- French, Marilyn: The Women's Room

- Friedmann, Patty: Eleanor Rushing

- Fulton, Alice: The Nightingales of Troy

- Gabriel, Hayden: Where the Light Remains

- Gaffney, Patricia: Circle of Three

- Gaffney, Patricia: The Goodbye Summer

- Gershten, Donna M.: Kissing the Virgin's Mouth

- Gertler, Stephanie: The Puzzle Bark Tree

- Gibbons, Kaye: A Cure for Dreams

- Gibbons, Kaye: Divining Women

- Gibbons, Kaye: Ellen Foster series
- Ellen Foster

- The Life All Around Me By Ellen Foster

- Gibbons, Kaye: A Virtuous Woman

- Gibbons, Kaye: On the Occasion of My Last Afternoon

- Gilchrist, Ellen: Rhoda

- Glasgow, Ellen: Vein of Iron

- Glickfeld, Carole L.: Swimming Toward the Ocean

- Gordon, Bill: Mary After All

- Gordon, Mary: Pearl

- Gordon, Mary: The Rest of Life

- Goudge, Eileen: Carson Springs series
- Stranger in Paradise

- Taste of Honey

- Wish Come True

- Graham, Laurie: The Future Homemakers of America

- Gregory, Patrick: The Daguerreotype

- Hadley, Tessa: Everything Will Be All Right

- Hailey, Elizabeth Forsythe: Life Sentences

- Hailey, Elizabeth Forsythe: A Woman of Independent Means

- Hamilton, Jane: The Book of Ruth

- Harrison, Sarah: An Imperfect Lady

- Haynes, David: The Full Matilda

- Hazzard, Shirley: Transit of Venus

- Hellman, Aviva: Double Standards

- Henderson, William Haywood: Augusta Locke

- Hill, Donna: If I Could

- Hinton, Lynne: The Last Odd Day

- Hoffman, Alice: The Third Angel

- Holton, Cathy: Kudzu Debutantes series
- Revenge of the Kudzu Debutantes

- The Secret Lives of the Kudzu Debutantes

- Ironside, Virginia: No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club

- Itani, Frances: Remembering the Bones

- Jaffe, Rona: The Road Taken

- James, Caryn: Glorie

- Kafka, Kimberly: Miranda's Vines

- Kagan, Elaine: Blue Heaven

- Kaischke, Laura: The Life Before Her Eyes

- Karbo, Karen: Motherhood Made a Man Out of Me

- Kazan, Frances: Halide's Gift

- Kidd, Sue Monk: The Mermaid Chair

- Kidd, Sue Monk: The Secret Life of Bees

- Kincaid, Nanci: Verbena

- Klass, Perri: Other Women's Children

- Kluger, Phyllis & Richard: Good Goods

- Korn, Claire Vedensky: Flashes and Lies

- Landis, Catherine: Some Days There's Pie

- Lee, Andrea: Interesting Women

- Lee, Rae Ellen: The Bluebird House

- Lehrer, Kate: When They Took Away the Man in the Moon

- L'engle, Madeleine: Katherine Forrester Vigneras series
- The Small Rain

- A Severed Wasp

- Lessing, Doris: The Cleft

- Lipman, Elinor: The Ladies' Man

- Lipman, Elinor: The Inn at Lake Devine

- Lively, Penelope: Moon Tiger

- MacDougall, Ruth Doan: Snowy series
- The Cheerleader

- Snowy

- MacDougall, Ruth Doan: Wife and Mother

- Mackey, Mary: Season of Shadows

- Macomber, Debbie: Changing Habits

- Marisol: The Lady, the Chef, and the Courtesan

- McBride, Regina: The Land of Women

- McCarthy, Mary: The Group

- McFadden, Bernice L.: Camilla's Roses

- McGehee, Nicole: No More Lonely Nights

- McGiffen, Steve: Tennant's Rock

- McKay, Ami: The Birth House

- McLarin, Kim: Jump at the Sun

- Medwed, Mameve: How Elizabeth Barrett Browning Saved My Life

- Miller, Sue: The Senator's Wife

- Mohin, Ann: The Farm She Was

- Monroe, Mary: Gonna Lay Down My Burdens

- Morgan, Robert: Julie Harmon series
- The Truest Pleasure

- Gap Creek

- Morris, Mary McGarry: A Dangerous Woman

- Nieves-Powell, Linda: Free Style

- Night Shade (edited by Victoria A. Brownworth)

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Do With Me What You Will

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Foxfire

- Oates, Joyce Carol: A Garden of Earthly Delights

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Man Crazy

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Rape: A Love Story

- Oates, Joyce Carol: The Rise of Life on Earth

- O'Brien, Edna: The Light of Evening

- O'Brien, Edna: Night

- O'Farrell, Maggie: After You'd Gone

- Patchett, Ann: The Patron Saint of Liars

- Peery, Janet: The River Beyond the World

- Peña, Terri de la: Faults

- Piercy, Marge: Braided Lives

- Piercy, Marge: The Longings of Women

- Piercy, Marge: Sex Wars

- Piercy, Marge: Three Women

- Preston, Caroline: Lucy Crocker 2.0

- Price, Reynolds: Kate Vaiden

- Pritchard, Melissa: Disappearing Ingenue

- Pritchard, Melissa: Selene of the Spirits

- Prouty, Olive Higgins: Now, Voyager

- Rayfiel, Thomas: Eve in the City

- Reed, Abigail: Choices

- Richter, Stacey: Twin Study: Stories

- Riley, Gwendoline: Tuesday Nights and Wednesday Mornings

- Robison, Mary: Why Did I Ever

- Robson, Ruthann: Another Mother

- Roby, Kimberla Lawson: A Taste of Reality

- Rose, Marcia: Like Mother, Like Daughter

- Rubio, Gwyn Hyman: Icy Sparks

- Russell, Mary Doria: Dreamers of the Day

- Sallis, Susan: By Sun and Candlelight

- Samson, Lisa: Women's Intuition

- Sanders, Dori: Clover

- Sanders, Dori: Her Own Place

- Schneider, Katie: All We Know of Love

- Shamp, Dawn: On Account of Conspicuous Women

- Senna, Danzy: Symptomatic

- Sharratt, Mary: The Real Minerva

- Shepard, Karen: An Empire of Women

- Shields, Carol: Small Ceremonies

- Shields, Carol: The Stone Diaries

- Shigekuni, Julie: Invisible Gardens

- Simonds, Merilyn: The Holding

- Simons, Paullina: Tully

- Simpson, Mona: Off Keck Road

- Smith, Lee: The Last Girls

- Smith, Mary Sanders: June

- Sojourner, Mary: Delicate

- Spellman, Cathy Cash: The Playground of the Gods

- Stacy, Judith Minthorn: Maggie Sweet

- Stegner, Lynn: Because a Fire Was in My Head

- Stevenson, Jane: Good Women

- Straight, Susan: A Million Nightingales

- Stirling, Jessica: Prized Possessions

- Styron, Alexandra: All the Finest Girls

- Tarr, Herbert: A Woman of Spirit

- Thayer, Nancy: Hot Flash Club series
- The Hot Flash Club

- The Hot Flash Club Strikes Again

- Hot Flash Holidays

- Thayer, Nancy: Morning

- Thayer, Nancy: Nell

- Thayer, Nancy: Three Women at the Water's Edge

- Trueblood, Valerie: Seven Loves

- Updike, John: Seek My Face

- Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa: Dirty Girls series
- The Dirty Girls Social Club

- Dirty Girls on Top

- Vlautin, Willy: Northline

- Walbert, Kate: Our Kind

- Walbert, Kate: A Short History of Women

- Walker, Alice: Now is the Time to Open Your Heart

- Walley, Gay: Strings Attached

- Weber, Christin Lore: Altar Music

- Weisgall, Deborah: The World Before Her

- West, Michael Lee: Crazy Ladies

- Willett, Marcia: Kate Webster series
- First Friends

- A Friend of the Family

- Echoes of the Dance

- Williams, Naomi: Two Rivers

- Williams, Theresa: The Secret of Hurricanes

- Wood, Barbara: Sacred Ground

- Woodhouse, Sarah: Other Lives

- Woolf, Virginia: Mrs. Dalloway

- Wright, Viki: The Woman in the Picture

- Wycoff, Corrina: O Street

- Yamanaka, Lois-Ann: Father of the Four Passages

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updated: Wednesday, December 29, 2010