Ancient Near East
Historical novels set in the ancient Near East.
Authors & Titles
- Allen, Justin: Slaves of the Shinar

- Barone, Sam: Akkad series
- Dawn of Empire

- Empire Rising

- Coelho, Paulo: The Fifth Mountain

- Diamant, Anita: The Red Tent

- Dorr, Roberta Kells: House of David series
- David and Bathsheba

- Solomon's Song

- The Queen of Sheba

- Edghill, India: Delilah

- Edghill, India: Wisdom's Daughter

- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: The Feast

- George, Margaret: Mary Called Magdalene

- Grundy, Stephan: Gilgamesh

- Guild, Nicholas: Assyrian series
- The Assyrian

- The Blood Star

- Halter, Marek: Canaan series
- Sarah

- Hoffman, Alice: The Dovekeepers

- Kohn, Rebecca: The Gilded Chamber

- Kohn, Rebecca: Seven Days to the Sea

- Lofts, Norah: Esther

- Lofts, Norah: How Far to Bethlehem?

- Oden, Scott: Memnon

- Ricci, Nino: Testament

- Vidal, Gore: Creation

updated: Thursday, July 21, 2011