Lyrical Prose
Well-written novels in which the poetic or lyrical language is the focus.
Authors & Titles
- Audeguy, Stéphane: The Theory of Clouds

- Banville, John: The Sea

- Barry, Sebastian: The Secret Scripture

- Buarque, Chico: Budapest

- Cameron, Peter: Andorra

- Chabon, Michael: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

- Clarke, Brian: The Stream

- Coelho, Paulo: The Devil and Miss Prym

- D'Erasmo, Stacey: A Seahorse Year

- di Natale, Silvia: Kuraj

- Doctorow, E.L.: City of God

- Durrell, Lawrence: Alexandria Quartet
- Justine

- Balthazar

- Mountolive

- Clea

- Durrell, Lawrence: Avignon Quintet
- Monsieur

- Livia

- Constance

- Sebastian

- Quinx

- Durrell, Lawrence: Revolt of Aphrodite series
- Tunc

- Nunquam

- The Black Book

- The Dark Labyrinth

- Egan, Jennifer: Look At Me

- Eggers, Dave: You Shall Know Our Velocity

- Ehrenreich, Ben: The Suitors

- Fletcher, Susan: Eve Green

- Fowler, Karen Joy: Sister Noon

- Frazier, Charles: Cold Mountain

- French, Albert: I Can't Wait on God

- Gershten, Donna M.: Kissing the Virgin's Mouth

- Goldstein, Jonathan: Lenny Bruce is Dead

- Gunesekera, Romesh: Heaven's Edge

- Gunn, Kirsty: The Keepsake

- Gunn, Kirsty: Rain

- Hill, Tobias: The Love of Stones

- Høeg, Peter: The Quiet Girl

- Høeg, Peter: Smilla's Sense of Snow

- Howard, Marueen: Four Seasons series
- A Lover's Almanac

- Big as Life

- The Silver Screen

- The Rags of Time

- Hunt, Laird: The Impossibly

- Hunt, Laird: Indiana, Indiana

- Joyce, James: Ulysses

- Landis, J.D.: The Taking

- Lehman, Mark Louis: Mocky's Revinge

- Levine, Stacey: Frances Johnson

- McBride, Regina: The Marriage Bed

- McBride, Regina: The Nature of Water and Air

- McCarthy, Cormac: Border series
- All the Pretty Horses

- The Crossing

- Cities of the Plain

- McGregor, Jon: If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things

- Meehan, Michael: Stormy Weather

- Minot, Susan: Rapture

- Mitchell, David: Cloud Atlas

- Mosley, Nicholas: The Hesperides Tree

- Narsesian, Arthur: Chinese Takeout

- Robertson, Deborah: Careless

- Robinson, Marilynne: Housekeeping

- Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg: Poison

- Seth, Vikram: An Equal Music

- Simonds, Merilyn: The Holding

- Smith, Ali: Girl Meets Boy

- Southerland, Ellease: Let the Lion Eat Straw

- Swan, Mary: The Boys in the Trees

- Taylor, Benjamin: Tales Out of School

- Wagman, Fredrica: Mrs. Hornstien

- Walbert, Kate: The Gardens of Kyoto

- Wallace, Melanie: The Housekeeper

- Wells, Kellie: Skin

- Wieland, Liza: Bombshell

- Williams, Niall: As It Is In Heaven
- Yehoshua, A.B.: A Woman in Jerusalem

updated: Wednesday, December 16, 2009