Westerns: Hired Man on Horseback
Stories of the Old West which feature the lone, independent cowboy.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Bowen, Peter: Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly series
- Yellowstone Kelly

- Kelly Blue

- Imperial Kelly

- Kelly and the Three-Toed Horse

- Brandvold, Peter: Lou Prophet series

- The Devil and Lou Prophet

- Dealt the Devil's Hand

- Riding With the Devil's Mistress

- The Devil Gets His Due

- The Devil's Lair

- Brandvold, Peter: The Romantics

- Brown, Sam: Devil's Rim

- Edson, J.T.: The Big Hunt

- Estleman, Loren D.: Gun Man

- Fackler, Elizabeth: Seth Strummer series
- Blood Kin

- Backtrail

- Badlands

- Grey, Loren Zane: Lassiter series

- Riders of the Purple Sage (by Zane Grey)

- Ambush for Lassiter

- Lassiter

- Lassiter Gold

- Lassiter Luck

- Lassiter Tough

- A Grave for Lassiter

- Mountain Manhunt

- Lassiter's Ride

- Lassiter on the Texas Trail

- Lassiter and the Great Horse Race

- Lassiter and the Golden Dragon

- Lassiter's Showdown

- Lassiter in the Comanche Stronhold

- Hedges, Mackey: Last Buckaroo

- Johnstone, William W.: The Last Gunfighter series
- The Drifter

- Reprisal

- The Forbidden

- Ghost Valley

- Imposter

- Showdown

- Rescue

- The Burning

- No Man's Land

- Manhunt

- Renegades

- Violent Sunday

- Savage Country

- L'Amour, Louis: Flint

- Middleton, Robert: Diamondback McCall series

- Diamondback McCall and the City Beneath the Sand

- Nesbitt, John D.: Coyote Trail

- Paine, Lauran: Lockwood

- Vaughan, Robert: Hawke series

- Ride With the Devil

- Showdown at Dead End Canyon

- Vendetta Trail

- Work, James C.: Ride South to Purgatory

updated: Monday, July 02, 2007