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Sports Fiction
Stories involving professional or amateur sports
Related Genres
Sports Humor
Sports Mysteries
Sports Thrillers
Authors & Titles
- Brock, Darryl: Samuel Clemens Fowler series
- If I Never Get Back

- Two in the Field

- Deford, Frank: The Entitled

- DeLillo, Don: Pafko at the Wall

- Friedman, Mark: Columbus Slaughters Braves

- Harbach, Chad: The Art of Fielding

- King, Kevin: All the Stars Came Out That Night

- Kinsella, W.P.: The Dixon Cornbelt League and Other Baseball Stories

- Kinsella, W.P.: The Further Adventures of Slugger McBatt

- Kinsella, W.P.: Shoeless Joe

- Levine, Peter: The Rabbi of Swat

- Malamud, Bernard: The Natural

- Miller, John A.: Coyote Moon

- Mosher, Howard Frank: Waiting for Teddy Williams

- Nappi, Frank: The Legend of Mickey Tussler

- Pilek, Eugena: Cooperstown

- Robinson, Patrick: Slider

- Schilling, Peter Jr.: The End of Baseball

- Shaara, Michael: For Love of the Game

- Shawver, Brian: The Cuban Prospect

- Sturm, James: The Golem's Mighty Swing

- Tooke, C.W.: Ballpark Blues

- Ewing, Rita & McCrary, Crystal: Homecourt Advantage

- Rosen, Charley: Barney Polan's Game

- Rosen, Charley: The House of Moses All-Stars

- Rosen, Charley: No Blood, No Foul

- Cerasini, Marc: Cinderella Man

- DeVido, Brian: Every Time I Talk to Liston

- Payne, Johnny: North of Patagonia

- Toole, F.X.: Pound for Pound

- Bavaro, Mark: Rough and Tumble

- Grisham, John: Bleachers

- Mara, Wil: National Football League series

- The Draft

- The Cut

- Jenkins, Dan: Rude Behavior

- Swift, Sue: Walk Like a Man

- Watson, Sterling: Fighting in the Shade

- Coyne, John: The Caddie Who Knew Ben Hogan

- Coyne, John: The Caddie Who Played With Hickory

- Cullen, Bob: A Mulligan for Bobby Jobe

- Hiaasen, Carl: The Downhill Lie

- Hollingsworth, A.B.: Chipper DeHart series
- Flatbellies

- University Boulevard

- Jenkins, Dan: The Money-Whipped Steer-Job Three-Jack Give-Up Artist

- Links, Bo: Riverbank Tweed and Roadmap Jenkins

- McCown, Clint: The Member-Guest

- Murphy, Michael: Shivas Irons series
- The Kingdom of Shivas Irons

- Golf in the Kingdom

- Pipkin, Turk: Fast Greens

- Shrake, Bud: Billy Boy

Hunting & Fishing
- Fromm, Pete: King of the Mountain

- Hersey, John: Blues

- Coldsmith, Don: The Long Journey Home

- Connelly, Neil O'Boyle: Buddy Cooper Finds a Way

- Falla, Jack: Saved

- Jackson, Jeremy: Life At These Speeds

- Jenkins, Dan: You Gotta Play Hurt

- McCrumb, Sharyn: St. Dale

- Mount, Fredinand: A Chronicle of Modern Twilight series
- The Man Who Rode Ampersand

- Of Love and Asthma

- The Selkirk Strip

- The Liquidator

- Fairness

- Shields, Dave: Ben Barnes series

- The Race

- The Tour

updated: Tuesday, October 11, 2011