Comedies of Manners
Stories involving humorous treatments of social codes, especially of the upper classes.
Authors & Titles
- Adler, Warren: Mourning Glory

- Alison, Jane: The Marriage of the Sea

- Anshaw, Carol: Lucky in the Corner

- Austen, Jane: Emma

- Austen, Jane: Mansfield Park

- Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice

- Austen, Jane: Sense and Sensibility

- Brookner, Anita: Altered States

- Brookner, Anita: Brief Lives

- Brookner, Anita: A Closed Eye

- Brookner, Anita: Falling Slowly

- Brookner, Anita: Incidents in the Rue Laugier

- Brookner, Anita: A Private View

- Brookner, Anita: Undue Influence

- Brookner, Anita: Visitors

- Caldwell, Joseph: The Pig Did It

- Canter, Jonathan: Lucky Leonardo

- Caplan, Thomas: Grace and Favor

- Clark, Nancy: Hill Family series
- The Hills at Home

- A Way From Home

- July and August

- Coleridge, Nicholas: Godchildren

- Constable, George: Where You Are

- Craig, Amanda: Love in Idleness

- Davis, Brent: The Spelling Bee

- Dawson, Carol: The Mother-in-Law Diaries

- de la Bere, Imogen: The Last Deception of Palliser Wentwood

- Delson, Rudolph: Maynard & Jennica

- DeMarco, Kathleen: The Difference Between You and Me

- Ephron, Delia: Hanging Up

- Fforde, Katie: Life Skills

- Fforde, Katie: The Rose Revived

- Fforde, Katie: Stately Pursuits

- Fforde, Katie: Wild Designs

- Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones

- Fleming, James: The Temple of Optimism

- Flusfeder, David: The Gift

- Forster, E.M.: Howard's End

- Forster, E.M.: The Longest Journey

- Forster, E.M.: A Room With a View

- Forster, E.M.: Where Angels Fear to Tread

- Fowler, Karen Joy: The Jane Austen Book Club

- Gardam, Jane: Faith Fox

- Goldsmith, Oliver: The Vicar of Wakefield

- Goldsmith, Olivia: Marrying Mom

- Goldsmith, Olivia: Pen Pals

- Goodman, Allegra: The Cookbook Collector

- Gutcheon, Beth: Domestic Pleasures

- Hearon, Shelby: Ella in Bloom

- Heller, Jane: Female Intelligence

- Heller, Jane: Lucky Stars

- Hitchcock, Jane Stanton: Mortal Friends

- Holden, Wendy: Azur Like It

- Holden, Wendy: Farm Fatale

- Hong, Y. Euny: Kept: A Comedy of Sex and Manners

- Johnson, Diane: L'Affaire

- Kluger, Phyllis & Richard: Good Goods

- Lieberman, Nancy: Admissions

- Lipman, Elinor: The Ladies' Man

- Lurie, Alison: The Last Resort

- Maupin, Armistead: Tales of the City series
- Tales of the City

- More Tales of the City

- Further Tales of the City

- Babycakes

- Significant Others

- Sure of You

- McEwan, Ian: Amsterdam

- Mendelson, Cheryl: Morningside Heights

- Morley, Christopher: Roger Mifflin series
- Parnassus on Wheels

- The Haunted Bookshop

- Murray, Paul: An Evening of Long Goodbyes

- Nicholson, William: Edenfield series

- The Secret Intensity of Everyday Life

- I Could Love You

- Nothomb, Amelie: Fear and Trembling

- Palmer, Elizabeth: Old Money

- Palmer, Elizabeth: Plucking the Apple

- Powell, Dawn: Angels on Toast

- Powell, Dawn: The Story of a Country Boy

- Powell, Dawn: A Time to Be Born

- Powell, Dawn: The Wicked Pavilion

- Preston, Caroline: Jackie by Josie

- Quindlen, Anna: Rise and Shine

- Robertson, Brewster Milton: A Posturing of Fools

- Rossner, Judith: August

- Sanders, Lawrence: The Marlow Chronicles

- Schine, Cathleen: The Evolution of Jane

- Schine, Cathleen: The Love Letter

- Schine, Cathleen: She is Me

- Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: In the Family Way

- Smiley, Jane: Good Faith

- Spark, Muriel: The Finishing School

- Spark, Muriel: Loitering With Intent

- Sparling, Nancy: Being Alexander

- Sykes, Plum: Bergdorf Blondes series
- Bergdorf Blondes

- The Debutante Divorcee

- Trollope, Joanna: The Best of Friends

- Trollope, Joanna: The Choir

- Trollope, Joanna: Eliza Stanhope

- Trollope, Joanna: Girl From the South

- Trollope, Joanna: Leaves From the Valley

- Trollope, Joanna: Marrying the Mistress

- Trollope, Joanna: The Men and the Girls

- Trollope, Joanna: Other People's Children

- Trollope, Joanna: The Rector's Wife

- Trollope, Joanna: A Spanish Lover

- Trollope, Joanna: The Taverners' Place

- Trollope, Joanna: A Village Affair

- Twain, Mark: The Complete Humorous Sketches and Tales of Mark Twain

- Twain, Mark: A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage

- Upcher, Caroline: The Visitors' Book

- Vincenzi, Penny: An Absolute Scandal

- Walker, Mildred: The Orange Tree

- Waugh, Evelyn: The Loved One

- Weber, Janice: Customs Violation

- Weldon, Fay: Big Girls Don't Cry

- Weldon, Fay: The Bulgari Connection

- Weldon, Fay: Darcy's Utopia

- Weldon, Fay: Female Friends

- Weldon, Fay: Heart of the Country

- Weldon, Fay: Life Force

- Weldon, Fay: Mantrapped

- Weldon, Fay: Moon Over Minneapolis

- Weldon, Fay: The President's Child

- Weldon, Fay: Rhode Island Blues

- Weldon, Fay: The Shrapnel Academy

- Weldon, Fay: Trouble

- Weldon, Fay: Worst Fears

- Wharton, Edith: The Buccaneers

- Wharton, Edith: Old New York

- Wharton, Edith: The Reef

- Wharton, Edith: Sanctuary

- Wickham, Madeleine: A Desireable Residence

- Wickham, Madeleine: The Tennis Party

- Wilder, Gene: The Woman Who Wouldn't

- Williams, Edward Christopher: When Washington Was In Vogue

- Wodehouse, P.G.: A Wodehouse Bestiary

- Wodehouse, P.G.: Jeeves & Wooster series
- Thank You, Jeeves

- Right Ho, Jeeves

- The Code of the Woosters

- Jeeves in the Morning

- The Mating Season

- The Return of Jeeves

- Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit

- How Right You Are, Jeeves

- Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves

- Jeeves and the Tie That Binds

- The Cat-nappers

(short stories) Carry On, Jeeves 
(short stories) Very Good, Jeeves 
(short stories) Life With Jeeves 
(short stories) The World of Jeeves 
updated: Thursday, June 16, 2011