Past & Present Mysteries
Mysteries set in the present, but involving unfinished situations in the past. Includes "cold case" mysteries.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Allyn, Doug: The Burning of Rachel Hayes

- Bayer, William: The Dream of the Broken Horses

- Benoit, Charles: Relative Danger

- Blauner, Peter: Slipping Into Darkness

- Buchanan, Edna: A Dark and Lonely Place

- Cail, Carol: The Seeds of Time

- Cameron, Dana: Emma Fielding series

- Site Unseen

- Grave Consequences

- Past Malice

- A Fugitive Truth

- More Bitter Than Death

- Ashes and Bones

- Carver, Caroline: Blood Junction

- Cohen, Gabriel: Red Hook

(NOTE: This title is part of the Jack Leightner series, listed under Regional Mysteries: New York City)
- Davies, Freda: A Fine and Private Place

- DeCure, John: Reef Dance

(NOTE: This title is part of DeCure's J. Shepard series, listed under Regional Mysteries: California)
- Diehl, Stanford: Angel in the Front Room, Devil Out Back

- Eccles, Marjorie: The Shape of Sand

- Ellis, Kate: Wesley Peterson series
- The Merchant House

- The Armada Boy

- An Unhallowed Grave

- The Funeral Boat

- The Bone Garden

- Ethridge, Mark: Grievances

- Evans, Mary Anna: Faye Longchamp series

- Artifacts

- Relics

- Effigies

- Findings

- Floodgates

- Strangers

- Flynn, Gillian: Dark Places

- Ford, Michael Thomas: What We Remember

- Fuentes, Leonardo Padura: Adios, Hemingway

- Gear, Kathleen O'Neal & W. Michael: Anasazi series
- The Visitant

- The Summoning God

- Bone Walker

- Goddard, Robert: Name to a Face

- Goodman, Carol: The Ghost Orchid

- Guy, Carol & Zimmer, Linda: Vengeance Can Wait

- Harvey, John: Frank Elder series
- Flesh and Blood

- Ash and Bone

- Darkness and Light

- Hirahara, Naomi: Mas Arai series
- Summer of the Big Bachi

- The Gasa-Gasa Girl

- Snakeskin Shamisen

- Blood Hina

- Karp, Larry: First, Do No Harm

- Kelly, Jim: Philip Dryden series

- The Water Clock

- The Fire Baby

- The Moon Tunnel

- The Coldest Blood

- The Skeleton Man

- Lakeman, Thomas: Chillwater Cove

(NOTE: This title is part of the Mike Yeager series, listed under Psychological Suspense)
- Lane, Vicki: Elizabeth Goodweather series
- Signs in the Blood

- Art's Blood

- Lehane, Dennis: Mystic River

- Lippman, Laura: Life Sentences

- Maron, Margaret: Last Lessons of Summer

- Massey, Sujata: Rei Shimura series
- The Salaryman's Wife

- Zen Attitude

- The Flower Master

- The Floating Girl

- The Bride's Kimono

- The Samurai's Daughter

- The Pearl Diver

- The Typhoon Lover

- Girl in a Box

- Shimura Trouble

- Mathes, Charles: Girl series (note: Not a conventional series with continuing characters; each book "is a stand-alone in which a different female heroine must uncover a dark secret about her family's past.")
- The Girl with the Phony Name

- The Girl Who Remembered Snow

- The Girl at the End of the Line

- The Girl in the Face of the Clock

- May, Peter: Enzo Macleod series

- Extraordinary People

- The Critic

- Blacklight Blue

- Freeze Frame

- McCrumb, Sharyn: Spencer Arrowood series (aka Ballad series)
- If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-O

- The Hangman's Beautiful Daughter

- She Walks These Hills

- The Rosewood Casket

- The Ballad of Frankie Silver

- The Songcatcher

- Ghost Riders

- The Devil Amongst the Lawyers

- McDermid, Val: A Darker Domain

- Mehl, Nancy: Graven Images

- Nelson, Rick: Bound by Blood

- O'Flynn, Catherine: What Was Lost

- Olsen, Gregg: A Wicked Snow

- Parshall, Sandra: Disturbing the Dead

- Pelecanos, George: The Night Gardener

- Pickard, Nancy: The Scent of Rain and Lightning

- Ramsay, Frederick: Impulse

- Rice, Robert: The Nature of Midnight

- Rickards, John: Winter's End

- Robb, B.D.: River Ghosts

- Roberts, Nora: Remember When

- Robinson, Peter: Cold is the Grave

- Schulman, David: Gritz Goldberg series

- The Past is Never Dead

- Schwandt, Stephen: Siren Song

- Shuman, Malcolm: Alan Graham series
- Burial Ground

- The Meriwether Murder

- Assassin's Blood

- Past Dying

- Sidor, Steven: The Mirror's Edge

- Sidor, Steven: Skin River

(NOTE: This title is part of the Booth City series, listed under Regional Mysteries: US Midwest)
- Siegel, James: Epitaph

- Straka, Andy: Record of Wrongs

- Strong, Tony: The Death Pit

- Taylor, Sarah Stweart: Sweeney St. George series
- O'Artful Death

- Mansions of the Dead

- Judgment of the Grave

- Unsworth, Cathi: The Singer

- Vine, Barbara: The Blood Doctor

- Yorke, Margaret: The Price of Guilt

updated: Friday, November 04, 2011