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Multicultural: European, European-Colonial, & European-American
Related Genres
The Immigrant Experience
Authors & Titles
Australian (Anglo) & Australian-American Interest
- Balint, Christine: The Salt Letters

- Carey, Peter: True History of the Kelly Gang

- Drewe, Robert: The Drowner

- Flanagan, Richard: The Sound of One Hand Clapping

- Green, Evan: Adam's Empire

- Grenville, Kate: The Lieutenant

- Grenville, Kate: The Secret River

- Hooker, John: The Bush Soldiers

- Johnson, Susan: A Big Life

- Johnson, Susan: Flying Lessons

- Keneally, Thomas: The Playmaker

- Keneally, Thomas: A River Town

- Keneally, Thomas: Woman of the Inner Sea

- Kennedy, Cate: Dark Roots

- Marsden, John: Tomorrow When the War Began series
- Tomorrow When the War Began

- The Dead of Night

- A Killing Frost

- Darkness Be My Friend

- Burning For Revenge

- The Night is for Hunting

- McKinley, Tamara: Windflowers

- Meehan, Michael: The Salt of Broken Tears

- Williams, Darren: Angel Rock

Bosnian & Bosnian-American Interest
- Fullerton, John: The Monkey House

- Galloway, Steven: The Cellist of Sarajevo

- Simon, Scott: Pretty Birds

Canadian Interest
- Hay, Elizabeth: Late Nights on Air

- Johnston, Wayne: The Colony of Unrequited Dreams

- MacLeod, Alistair: Island

- MacDonald, D.R.: Cape Breton Road

- Moore, Lisa: Alligator

Croatian & Croatian-American Interest
- Novakovich, Josip: April Fool's Day

- Stefaniak, Mary Helen: The Turk and My Mother

- Ugresic, Dubravka: The Ministry of Pain

English & English-American Interest
- Ford, Marjorie Leet: Do Try To Speak As We Do

Finnish & Finnish-American Interest
- Rayner, Richard: The Cloud Sketcher

- Westo, Kjell: Lang

French & French-American Interest
- de Rhodes, Danuta: The Little White Car

- Harris, Joanne: Blackberry Wine

- Harris, Joanne: Five Quarters of the Orange

- Kohler, Sheila: Children of Pithiviers

- LaFarge, Paul: Haussmann, or the Distinction

- Lamensdorf, Len: Gino, the Countess & Chagall

- Muir, Kate: Left Bank

- Rolin, Olivier: Paper Tiger

- Steavenson, Wendell: Stories I Stole

German & German-American Interest
- Just, Ward: The Weather in Berlin

- Kirshenbaum, Binnie: Hester Among the Ruins

- Lebert, Benjamin: The Bird is a Raven

- Mann, Thomas: Doctor Faustus

- Powell, Mary: Auslander

Greek & Greek-American Interest
- Davidson, Catherine Thelma: The Priest Fainted

- Hatziyannidis, Vangelis: Four Walls

Hungarian & Hungarian-American Interest
- Bank, Zauzsa: The Swimmer

- Dragomán, György: The White King

- Marai, Sandor: Embers

- Marai, Sandor: The Rebels

- Phillips, Arthur: Prague

- Vámos, Miklós: The Book of Fathers

Irish & Irish-American Interest
- Aonghusa, Cláir Ni: Civil & Strange

- Barry, Sebastian: Annie Dunne

- Barry, Sebastian: The Secret Scripture

- Bellacera, Carol: Border Crossings

- Bellacera, Carole: Spotlight

- Binchy, Maeve: Dublin series
(NOTE: These books share a common setting and have some characters in common. They can be read in any order.)
- Evening Class

- Quentins

- Scarlet Feather

- Tara Road

- Bolger, Dermot: The Journey Home

- Bowen, Elizabeth: The Last September

- Brennan, Maeve: The Rose Garden

- Burns, Anna: No Bones

- Caldwell, Joseph: The Pig Did It

- Davis-Goff, Annabel: The Fox's Walk

- Deane, Seamus: Reading in the Dark

- Delaney, Frank: Ireland

- Delaney, Frank: Tipperary

- DeRosa, Peter: Rebels: the Irish Rising of 1916

- Donnelly, Gabrielle: The Girl in the Photograph

- Donoghue, Emma: Stir-Fry

- Donoghue, Emma: Touchy Subjects

- Doughty, Anne: On a Clear Day

- Doyle, Roddy: Barrytown series
- The Commitments

- The Snapper

- The Van

- Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

- Doyle, Roddy: The Deportees and Other Stories

- Doyle, Roddy: Henry Smart series
- A Star Called Henry

- Oh, Play That Thing

- The Dead Republic

- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: Fallon's Wake

- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: The Feast

- Enright, Anne: What Are You Like?

- Enright, Anne: The Wig My Father Wore

- Fitzpatrick, Nina: Daimons

- Gébler, Carlo: How to Murder a Man

- Hamill, Denis: Fork in the Road

- Hamilton, Hugo: Headbanger

- Haverty, Anne: One Day as a Tiger

- Healy, Dermot: A Goat's Song

- Healy, Dermot: Sudden Times

- Joyce, James: Dubliners

- Joyce, James: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

- Keady, Walter: Celibates & Other Lovers

- Keady, Walter: The Dowry

- Keady, Walter: Mary McGreevy

- Keane, John B.: An Irish Christmas

- Keane, John B.: An Irish Christmas Feast

- Kerrigan, Gene: Little Criminals

- King, Peter T.: Terrible Beauty

- Landay, William: The Strangler

- Leonard, Hugh: A Wild People

- Llywelyn, Morgan: Irish Century series
- 1916

- 1921

- 1949

- 1972

- 1999

- Maas, Peter: Father and Son

- MacLaverty, Bernard: The Anatomy School

- Mantel, Hilary: An Experiment in Love

- Martin, William: The Rising of the Moon

- McBride, Regina: The Marriage Bed

- McBride, Shawn: Green Grass Grace

- McCabe, Eugene: Death and Nightingales

- McCabe, Patrick: The Butcher Boy

- McCabe, Patrick: The Stray Sod Country

- McCann, Colum: Everything in This Country Must

- McEvoy, Dermot: Terrible Angel

- McGahern, John: Amongst Women

- McGahern, John: By the Lake

- Moore, Ann: Gracelin O'Malley series
- Gracelin O'Malley

- Leaving Ireland

- Moran, Thomas: Water, Carry Me

- Murphy, Peter: John the Revelator

- Nolan, Christopher: The Banyan Tree

- O'Brien, Edna: House of Splendid Isolation

- O'Brien, Edna: In the Forest

- O'Brien, Edna: Wild Decembers

- O'Brien, Flann: The Various Lives of Keats and Chapman

- O'Brien, Kate: The Land of Spices

- O'Carroll, Brendan: Mrs. Browne series (aka Agnes Browne series)
- The Mammy

- The Chisellers

- The Granny

- O'Keeffe, Patrick: The Hill Road

- O'Neill, Jamie: Kilbrack

- O'Neill, Jamie: At Swim, Two Boys

- Owens, Sharon: The Ballroom on Magnolia Street

- Owens, Sharon: The Tea House on Mulberry Street

- Park, David: The Truth Commissioner

- Parker, Robert B.: All Our Yesterdays

- Power, Suzanne: The Lost Souls' Reunion

- Raleigh, Michael: In the Castle of the Flynns

- Richards, Emilie: Donaghue series
- Whiskey Island

- The Parting Glass

- Ridgway, Keith: The Parts

- Roper, Martin: Gone

- Ryan, James: Seeds of Doubt

- Scanlan, Patricia: Two For Joy

- Seiffert, Rachel: Afterwards

- Sheridan, Peter: Every Inch of Her

- Taylor, Patrick: Irish Country series
- An Irish Country Doctor

- An Irish Country Village

- Trevor, William: The Story of Lucy Gault

- Uris, Leon: Irish series
- Trinity

- Redemption

- Wall, William: Alice Falling

- White, Michael C.: The Garden of Martyrs

- Williams, Niall: The Fall of Light

Italian & Italian-American Interest
- Ammaniti, Niccolo: I'll Steal You Away

- Castellani, Christopher: A Kiss From Maddalena

- Ermelino, Louisa: The Black Madonna

- Ermelino, Louisa: The Sisters Mallone

- Hegi, Ursula: Sacred Time

- Lamensdorf, Len: Gino, the Countess & Chagall

- Marciano, Francesca: Casa Rossa

- Merullo, Roland: In Revere, in Those Days

- Ricci, Nino: Italian Trilogy
- The Book of Saints

- In a Glass House

- Where She Has Gone

- Riotta, Gianni: Prince of the Clouds

- Smith, D.L.: The Miracles of Santo Fico

- Trigiani, Adriana: The Queen of the Big Time

Sicilian & Sicilian-American
- Ardizzone, Tony: In the Garden of Papa Santuzzu

Latvian & Latvian-American Interest
- Toutonghi, Pauls: Red Weather

New Zealander & New Zealander-American Interest
- Tremain, Rose: The Colour

Polish & Polish-American Interest
- Maillard, Keith: The Clarinet Polka

Romanian & Romanian-American Interest
- Müller, Herta: The Appointment

Russian & Russian-American Interest
- Amis, Martin: House of Meetings

- Druzhnikov, Yuri: Angels on the Head of a Pin

- Grushin, Olga: The Dream Life of Sukhanov

- Littell, Robert: The Stalin Epigram

- Makine, Andrei: The Crime of Olga Arbyelina

- Makine, Andrei: Dreams of My Russian Summers

- Makine, Andrei: Music of a Life

- Makine, Andrei: The Woman Who Waited

- Malamud, Bernard: The Fixer

- Richler, Nancy: Your Mouth is Lovely

- Sholokhov, Mikhail: And Quiet Flows the Don

- Shteyngart, Gary: The Russian Debutante's Handbook

- Starling, Boris: Vodka

- Tolstoy, Leo: Anna Karenina

- Voinovich, Vladimir: Monumental Propaganda

- Zoschenko, Mikhail: The Galosh and Other Stories

Scandinavian & Scandinavian-American Interest
- Niemi, Mikael: Popular Music from Vittula

Scottish & Scottish-American Interest
- MacLeod, Alistair: No Great Mischief

Serbian & Serbian-American Interest
- Hemon, Aleksandar: Jozef Pronek series
- The Question of Bruno

- Nowhere Man

- Tsernianski, Milos: Migrations

South African Interest
- Christianse, Yvette: Unconfessed

- Conde, Maryse: The Story of the Cannibal Woman

- Eprile, Tony: The Persistence of Memory

- Freed, Lynn: The Mirror

- Freed, Lynn: Ruth Frank series
- Home Ground

- The Bungalow

- Galgut, Damon: The Good Doctor

- Hope, Christopher: My Mother's Lovers

- Jooste, Pamela: People Like Ourselves

- Mantel, Hilary: A Change of Climate

- Mda, Zakes: The Heart of Redness

- Mda, Zakes: The Madonna of Excelsior

- Mda, Zakes: Ways of Dying

(NOTE: This title is part of the Toloki series, listed under Race Relations)
- Nicol, Mike: Horseman

- Paton, Alan: Cry, the Beloved Country

- Steyn, Johan: Father Michael's Lottery

Spanish & Spanish-American Interest
- Baulenas, Lluis-Anton: For a Sack of Bones

- Spain (edited by Peter Bush & Lisa Dillman)

Swedish & Swedish-American Interest
- Olsson, Linda: Astrid & Veronika

Ukrainian & Ukrainian-American Interest
- Gogol, Nikolai: Evenings Near the Village of Dikanka

- Gogol, Nikolai: Mirgorod

- Zabytko, Irene: The Sky Unwashed

Welsh & Welsh-American Interest
- Llewellyn, Richard: How Green Was My Valley

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updated: Saturday, June 26, 2010