Psychological Fiction
Stories involving the infinite landscapes of the mind.
Related Genres
Contemporary Women's Psychological Suspense
Psychological Suspense
Authors & Titles
- Abbott, Charles: Island

- Abrahams, Peter: Oblivion

- Abrams, Melanie: Playing

- Abse, Dannie: The Strange Case of Dr. Simmonds & Dr. Glass

- Allen, Charlotte Vale: Fresh Air

- Amis, Martin: Yellow Dog

- Arriaga, Guillermo: The Night Buffalo

- Atwood, Margaret: Alias Grace

- Auster, Paul: Invisible

- Auster, Paul: Oracle Night

- Baker, Nicholson: A Box of Matches

- Baker, Nicholson: The Mezzanine

- Ballard, J.G.: Cocaine Nights

- Banville, John: Eclipse

- Banville, John: Shroud

- Barker, Nicola: Clear

- Barker, Pat: Border Crossing

- Barry, Lynda: Cruddy

- Bartlett, Neil: Skin Lane

- Baumbach, Jonathan: You, or The Invention of Memory

- Bellamy, Dodie: Pink Steam

- Bens, Jeff W.: Albert, Himself

- Berberian, Viken: The Cyclist

- Berg, Elizabeth: Never Change

- Berger, Thomas: Best Friends

- Block, Stefan Merrill: The Story of Forgetting

- Braverman, Kate: The Incantation of Frida K.

- Brennan, Karen: Being with Rachel

- Brink, Elisabeth: Save Your Own

- Burges, Dennis: Graves Gate

- Burgin, Richard: Ghost Quartet

- Bush, Catherine: The Rules of Engagement

- Callaghan, Mary Rose: Billy, Come Home

- Cambor, Kathleen: The Book of Mercy

- Camus, Albert: The Fall

- Camus, Albert: The First Man

- Camus, Albert: A Happy Death

- Camus, Albert: The Plague

- Camus, Albert: The Stranger

- Carey, Lisa: Love in the Asylum

- Carlson, Melody: Finding Alice

- Carson, Tom: Gilligan's Wake

- Chamberlain, Diane: Summer's Child

- Chaon, Dan: You Remind Me of Me

- Chee, Alexander: Edinburgh

- Choi, Susan: American Woman

- Choi, Susan: A Person of Interest

- Clegg, Douglas: You Come When I Call You

- Cody, Paul: Shooting the Heart

- Cody, Paul: The Stolen Child

- Cook, Thomas H.: Breakheart Hill

- Cooper, Douglas: Delirium

- Czuchlewski, David: The Muse Asylum

- Dart, Iris Rainer: Some Kind of Miracle

- Davis, Lydia: Almost No Memory

- Davis, Lydia: The End of the Story

- Davis, Patti: A House of Secrets

- Dean, Debra: The Madonnas of Leningrad

- Delinsky, Barbara: Flirting With Pete

- Den Hartog, Kristen: The Perpetual Ending

- de Winter, Leon: Hoffman's Hunger

- Dillon, Millicent: A Version of Love

- Diski, Jenny: The Dream Mistress

- Doctorow, E.L.: Homer & Langley

- Donovan, Gerard: Julius Winsome

- Douglas, Lawrence: The Vices

- Dreiser, Theodore: An American Tragedy

- Ducker, Bruce: Bloodlines

- Dudman, Clare: 98 Reasons for Being

- Due, Tananarive: The Between

- Dufresne, John: Love Warps the Mind a Little

- Duisberg, Kristin Waterfield: The Good Patient

- Duncker, Patricia: The Deadly Space Between

- Dunmore, Helen: Mourning Ruby

- Dunmore, Helen: Talking to the Dead

- Egan, Jennifer: The Keep

- Egan, Jennifer: Look At Me

- Elbom, Gilad: Scream Queens of the Dead Sea

- Ellis, Bret Easton: The Informers

- Eltit, Diamela: Custody of the Eyes

- Emmons, Cai: His Mother's Son

- Enright, Rosemary: Isobel

- Epstein, Leslie: Pandaemonium

- Esaki-Smith, Anna: Meeting Luciano

- Evans, Elizabeth: Carter Clay

- Faber, Michel: Under the Skin

- Faulks, Sebastian: Engleby

- Faulks, Sebastian: Human Traces

- Fielding, Joy: Whispers and Lies

- Findley, Timothy: Pilgrim

- Flock, Elizabeth: But Inside I'm Screaming

- Ford, Ford Madox: The Good Soldier

- Fowles, John: The Collector

- Frayn, Michael: Spies

- Freed, Lynn: House of Women

- Freeman, Judith: Set for Life

- French, Albert: I Can't Wait on God

- Fyfield, Frances: Undercurrents

- Galchen, Rivka: Atmospheric Disturbances

- Gale, Patrick: Rough Music

- Garcia-Marquez, Gabriel: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

- Garland, Alex: The Beach

- Garland, Alex: The Coma

- Garland, Alex: The Tesseract

- Garrett, Annie: After You

- Gilbert, David: The Normals

- Goldreich, Gloria: Four Days

- Goodwin, Stephen: Breaking Her Fall

- Gornick, Lisa: A Private Sorcery

- Gottlieb, Eli: The Boy Who Went Away

- Gowers, Rebecca: When to Walk

- Green, Angela: The Colour of Water

- Green, George Dawes: The Juror

- Greenberg, Joanne: The Far Side of Victory

- Greene, Graham: The Ministry of Fear

- Greene, Graham: The Quiet American

- Greene, Graham: The Tenth Man

- Gregory, Philippa: Zelda's Cut

- Grimsley, Jim: Winter Birds

- Griner, Paul: Collectors

- Grunwald, Lisa: New Year's Eve

- Gunn, Kirsty: The Keepsake

- Gunn, Kirsty: Rain

- Haddon, Mark: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

- Haigh, Jennifer: Mrs. Kimble

- Hall, Barbara: A Summons to New Orleans

- Hall, Steven: The Raw Shark Texts

- Hamilton, Patrick: Hangover Square

- Hammesfahr, Petra: The Sinner

- Hansen, Brooks: Perlman's Ordeal

- Harlow, Enid: A Better Man

- Harrar, George: The Spinning Man

- Harrington, Karen: Janeology

- Harris, Joanne: Gentlemen and Players

- Hart, Josephine: Damage

- Hart, Josephine: The Reconstructionist

- Hassler, Jon: The Love Hunter

- Hautman, Pete: Rag Man

- Hawkes, G.W.: Semaphore

- Hay, Elizabeth: A Student of Weather

- Heim, Scott: In Awe

- Heller, Zoë: What Was She Thinking?

- Henry, April: Learning to Fly

- Herrick, Amy: The Happiness Code

- Hesse, Herman: Demian

- Heuler, Karen: The Soft Room

- Highsmith, Patricia: Deep Water

- Highsmith, Patricia: Mermaids on the Golf Course

- Highsmith, Patricia: Small g: A Summer Idyll

- Hill, David: Butterfly Sunday

- Hill, Donna: In My Bedroom

- Himes, Chester: Yesterday Will Make You Cry

- Hinton, S.E.: Hawkes Harbor

- Hobbie, Douglas: This Time Last Year

- Hoffman, Alice: Blue Diary

- Hoffman, Alice: Here on Earth

- Hogg, Peter: Crimes of War

- Homes, A.M.: The End of Alice

- Howie, Betsy: Snow

- Hoyte, Kirsten Dinnall: Black Marks

- Huneven, Michelle: Jamesland

- Hunt, Laird: The Exquisite

- Hunter, David: The Dancing Savior

- Hunter, Evan: The Moment She Was Gone

- Hunter, Stephen: Pale Horse Coming

- Hyland, M.J.: Carry Me Down

- Indiana, Gary: Depraved Indifference

- Ishiguro, Kazuo: The Remains of the Day

- Ishiguro, Kazuo: When We Were Orphans

- Jackson, Jeremy: Life At These Speeds

- James, Henry: The Ambassadors

- Jaskunas, Paul: Hidden

- Jones, Susanna: The Earthquake Bird

- Jones, Susanna: Water Lily

- Joyce, Graham: Smoking Poppy

- Julavits, Heidi: The Mineral Palace

- Kafka, Kimberly: True North

- Kagan, Elaine: No Good-Byes

- Katzenbach, John: The Madman's Tale

- Kavan, Anna: Guilty

- Keller, Tispi: Solitary Woman series

- Jackpot

- Retelling

- Kersh, Jack: Hotel Sarajevo

- Kesey, Ken: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

- Kittle, Katrina: Two Truths and a Lie

- Klass, Perri: The Mystery of Breathing

- Klimasewiski, Marshall: The Cottagers

- Klosterman, Chuck: The Visible Man

- Komarnicki, Todd: Famine

- Konkka, Anita: A Fool's Paradise

- Kotapish, Jane F.: Salvage

- Kureishi, Hanif: The Body

- Landis, J.D.: Longing

- Landis, J.D.: Lying in Bed

- Lane, Joel: The Blue Mask

- Lasdun, James: The Horned Man

- Lasdun, James: Seven Lies

- Lavalle, Victor: The Ecstatic

- Law, Janice: The Night Bus

- Leebron, Fred G.: Six Figures

- Lehrer, Jim: Flying Crows

- Lehrer, Jim: The Phony Marine

- Lehrer, Jim: The Special Prisoner

- Leimbach, Marti: Daniel Isn't Talking

- Lennon, J. Robert: Mailman

- Levenkron, Steven: The Luckiest Girl in the World

- Lewis, Heather: Notice

- Lightman, Alan: Ghost

- Lightman, Alan: Reunion

- Lively, Penelope: The Photograph

- Livesey, Margot: The Missing World

- Lodge, David: Therapy

- Lodge, David: Thinks

- London, Todd: The World's Room

- Mankell, Henning: The Eye of the Leopard

- Mantel, Hilary: Eight Months on Ghazzah Street

- Marai, Sandor: Embers

- Marias, Javier: Voyage Along the Horizon

- Marks, Walter: Dangerous Behavior

- Marten, Eugene: In the Blind

- Martin, Steve: The Pleasure of My Company

- Mattison, Alice: The Wedding of the Two-Headed Woman

- McAfee, Carol: Walk Among Birches

- McCabe, Patrick: Call Me the Breeze

- McCarthy, Tom: Remainder

- McCrea, Barry: The First Verse

- McCullough, Colleen: An Indecent Obsession

- McEwan, Ian: Atonement

- McEwan, Ian: Enduring Love

- McGovern, Cammie: Eye Contact

- McGrath, Patrick: Trauma

- Meno, Joe: How the Hula Girl Sings

- Michel, DeLaune: Aftermath of Dreaming

- Mickle, Shelly Fraser: The Turning Hour

- Müller, Herta: The Appointment

- Millet, Lydia: My Happy Life

- Mohr, Joshua: Some Things That Meant the World to Me

- Moore, Jeffrey: The Memory Artists

- Moran, Thomas: Anja the Liar

- Moran, Thomas: What Harry Saw

- Morrall, Clare: Astonishing Splashes of Colour

- Morrall, Clare: Natural Flights of the Human Mind

- Mosley, Walter: Diablerie

- Mosley, Walter: The Man in My Basement

- Nabokov, Vladimir: The Defense

- Nappi, Frank: The Legend of Mickey Tussler

- Nelson, Lee J.: The Boy in the Box

- Newman, Sandra: The Only Good Thing Anyone Has Ever Done

- Nicoll, Ruaridh: White Male Heart

- Norman, Hilary: The Key to Susanna

- Norman, Hilary: Laura

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Beasts

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Black Water

- Oates, Joyce Carol: I Lock My Door Upon Myself

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Man Crazy

- Oates, Joyce Carol: The Rise of Life on Earth

- Oates, Joyce Carol: The Tattooed Girl

- Oates, Joyce Carol: Zombie

- O'Brien, Edna: In the Forest

- O'Connell, Jack: The Resurrectionist

- O'Farrell, Maggie: After You'd Gone

- O'Hagan, Andrew: Personality

- Olsen, Lance: Nietzsche's Kisses

- Paisner, Daniel: Mourning Wood

- Paretsky, Sara: Ghost Country

- Parkhurst, Carolyn: The Dogs of Babel

- Parsons, Alexander: Leaving Disneyland

- Picoult, Jodi: House Rules

- Picoult, Jodi: Second Glance

- Picoult, Jodi: Vanishing Acts

- Pina, Gabrielle: Chasing Sophea

- Plath, Sylvia: The Bell Jar

- Quinn, Daniel: After Dachau

- Reynolds, Sheri: Bitterroot Landing

- Ridley, John: The Drift

- Robbins, Tom: Villa Incognito

- Robinson, Daniel: After the Fire

- Rogers, Jane: Island

- Rogers, Jane: The Voyage Home

- Ross, Leone: Orange Laughter

- Rossner, Judith: August

- Roth, Philip: Nathan Zuckerman series

- The Ghost Writer

- Zuckerman Unbound

- The Anatomy Lesson

- The Prague Orgy

(Above four titles published in one volume as Zuckerman Bound
- The Counterlife

- American Pastoral

- I Married a Communist

- The Human Stain

- Exit Ghost

- Roth, Philip: Portnoy's Complaint

- Ruff, Matt: Set This House in Order

- Salway, Sarah: Tell Me Everything

- Sanders, Lauren: With or Without You

- Schulman, Audrey: Swimming with Jonah

- Schupack, Deborah: The Boy on the Bus

- Senstad, Susan Schwartz: Music For the Third Ear

- Sherrill, Steven: Visits From the Drowned Girl

- Shreve, Anita: Strange Fits of Passion

- Shreve, Susan Richards: Queen of Hearts

- Sobin, Gustaf: In Pursuit of a Vanishing Star

- Spark, Muriel: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

- Spark, Muriel: The Public Image

- Spark, Muriel: Reality and Dreams

- Spiegelman, Ian: Everyone's Burning

- Stanfill, Francesca: Wakefield Hall

- Stokes, Penelope J.: The Memory Book

- Stone, Robert: Bay of Souls

- Strauss, Darin: More Than It Hurts You

- Theroux, Paul: Chicago Loop

- Theroux, Paul: Half Moon Street

- Theroux, Paul: Hotel Honolulu

- Thomson, Rupert: The Book of Revelation

- Thomson, Rupert: Death of a Murderer

- Thomson, Rupert: The Insult

- Thomson, Rupert: Soft!

- Thornton, Lawrence: Sailors on the Inward Sea

- Tillman, Lynne: American Genius: A Comedy

- Tolkin, Michael: Under Radar

- Trevor, William: Death in Summer

- Trevor, William: Felicia's Journey

- Trevor, William: Two Lives

- Ursu, Anne: Spilling Clarence

- Van Cauwelaert, Didier: Out of My Head

- Vickers, Salley: The Other Side of You

- Vida, Vendela: And Now You Can Go

- Villasenor, Daniel: The Lake

- Vincenzi, Penny: The Dilemma

- Visman, Janni: Yellow

- Walbert, Kate: The Gardens of Kyoto

- Wall, William: Alice Falling

- Ward, Amanda Eyre: Sleep Toward Heaven

- Wareham, Louise: Since You Ask

- Watt, Alan: Diamond Dogs

- Weber, Katherine: Triangle

- Welsh, Louise: The Cutting Room

- West, Morris: The Ambassador

- West, Morris: The World is Made of Glass

- Wieland, Liza: Bombshell

- Wiesel, Elie: A Mad Desire to Dance

- Wilhelm, Kate: The Good Children

- Wilson, Andrew: The Lying Tongue

- Wimberley, Darryl: A Tinker's Damn

- Wood, James: The Book Against God

- Wood, Patricia: Lottery

- Wray, John: Lowboy

- Wright, Camron: Letters for Emily

- Yalom, Irvin D.: When Nietzsche Wept

- Yoder, Edwin M. Jr.: Lions at Lamb House

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updated: Tuesday, October 11, 2011