British Humor
Authors & Titles
- Barnes, Julian: England, England

- Bennett, Alan: The Uncommon Reader

- Benson, E.F.: Mapp & Lucia series
- Queen Lucia

- Miss Mapp

- Lucia in London

- Mapp and Lucia

- Lucia's Progress

- Trouble for Lucia

(the series was continued posthumously by Tom Holt)
- Lucia in Wartime

- Lucia Triumphant

- Bonfiglioli, Kyril: Charlie Mortdecai series

- Don't Point That Thing At Me

- After You With the Pistol

- Something Nasty in the Woodshed

- The Great Mortdecai Moustache Mystery (posthumous)

- Clarke, Stephen: Paul West series

- A Year in the Merde

- In the Merde for Love (aka Merde Actually)

- Merde Happens

- Corlett, William: Two Gentlemen Sharing

- Davies, Stevie: Four Dreamers and Emily

- Doyle, Roddy: Barrytown series
- The Commitments

- The Snapper

- The Van

- Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha

- Gardam, Jane: Old Filth series

(NOTE: The events of Old Filth occur between sections of The Man in the Wooden Hat)
- Old Filth

- The Man in the Wooden Hat

- Hattersley, Roy: Buster's Diaries

- Helprin, Mark: Freddy and Fredericka

- Lang, Adèle: Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber

- Larkin, Alison: The English American

- Mortimer, John: Summer's Lease

- Mortimer, John: Titmuss series
- Paradise Postponed

- Titmuss Regained

- The Sound of Trumpets

- Powell, Anthony: A Dance to the Music of Time series
- A Question of Upbringing

- A Buyer's Market

- The Acceptance World

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: First Movement
- At Lady Molly's

- Casanova's Chinese Restaurant

- The Kindly Ones

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Second Movement
- The Valley of Bones

- The Soldier's Art

- The Military Philosophers

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Third Movement
- Books Do Furnish a Room

- Temporary Kings

- Hearing Secret Harmonies

(above three titles also published in one volume as A Dance to the Music of Time: Fourth Movement
- Sheepshanks, Mary: Off Balance

- Spark, Muriel: The Ballad of Peckham Rye

- Spark, Muriel: Loitering With Intent

- Thewlis, David: The Late Hector Kipling

- Townsend, Sue: Adrian Mole series
- The Adrian Mole Diaries

- Adrian Mole: The Lost Years

- Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years

- Townsend, Sue: Number 10

- Townsend, Sue: The Queen and I

- Waterfield, Giles: The Hound in the Left-hand Corner

- Welsh, Irvine: The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs

- Wickham, Madeleine: Cocktails for Three

- Wodehouse, P.G.: A Wodehouse Bestiary

- Wodehouse, P.G.: Jeeves & Wooster series
- Thank You, Jeeves

- Right Ho, Jeeves

- The Code of the Woosters

- Jeeves in the Morning

- The Mating Season

- The Return of Jeeves

- Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit

- How Right You Are, Jeeves

- Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves

- Jeeves and the Tie That Binds

- The Cat-nappers

(short stories) Carry On, Jeeves 
(short stories) Very Good, Jeeves 
(short stories) Life With Jeeves 
(short stories) The World of Jeeves 
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updated: Wednesday, November 04, 2009