Academic Mysteries
Mysteries set in and about Colleges, Universities, and the academic world in general.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Allin, Lou: A Little Learning is a Murderous Thing

- Barbieri, Maggie: Alison Bergeron series (aka Murder 101 series)

- Murder 101

- Extracurricular Activities

- Quick Study

- Final Exam

- Bowen, Gail: Joanne Kilbourn series
- Deadly Appearances

- Murder at the Mendel

- The Wandering Soul Murders

- A Colder Kind of Death

- A Killing Spring

- Verdict in Blood

- Burying Ariel

- The Glass Coffin

- The Last Good Day

- The Endless Knot

- The Brutal Heart

- The Nesting Dolls

- Cohen, Mark: Pepper Keane series
- The Fractal Murders

- Bluetick Revenge

- Crider, Bill: Sally Good series

- Murder is an Art

- A Knife in the Back

- A Bond With Death

- Cross, Amanda: Kate Fansler series
- In the Last Analysis

- The James Joyce Murder

- Poetic Justice

- The Theban Mysteries

- The Question of Max

- Death in a Tenured Position

- Sweet Death, Kind Death

- No Word From Winifred

- A Trap for Fools

- The Players Come Again

- An Imperfect Spy

- The Puzzled Heart

- Honest Doubt

- The Edge of Doom

- Cruikshank, Jeffrey: Murder at the B-School

- Dobson, Joanne: Karen Pelletier series
- Quieter Than Sleep

- The Northbury Papers

- The Raven and the Nightingale

- Cold and Pure and Very Dead

- The Maltese Manuscript

- Death Without Tenure

- Elkins, Aaron: Gideon Oliver series
- Fellowship of Fear

- The Dark Place

- Murder in the Queen's Armes

- Old Bones

- Curses!

- Icy Clutches

- Make No Bones

- Dead Men's Hearts

- Twenty Blue Devils

- Skeleton Dance

- Good Blood

- Where There's a Will

- Unnatural Selection

- Little Tiny Teeth

- Uneasy Relations

- Skull Duggery

- French, Linda: Professor Teodora Morelli series
- Talking Rain

- Coffee to Die For

- Steeped in Murder

- Gross, Gwendolen: Field Guide

- Harris, Charlaine: Lily Bard series
- Shakespeare's Landlord

- Shakespeare's Champion

- Shakespeare's Christmas

- Shakespeare's Trollop

- Hart, Carolyn G.: The Rich Die Young

- Holtzer, Susan: University of Michigan series (aka Anneke Haagen series)
- Something to Kill For

- Curly Smoke

- Bleeding Maize and Blue

- Black Diamond

- The Silly Season

- The Wedding Game

- James, Dean: Maggie McLendon series

- Cruel as the Grave

- Death by Dissertation

- Law, Janice: The Lost Diaries of Iris Weed

- Leggett, B.J.: Playing Out the String

- Lewis, Roy: Arnold Landon series
- A Gathering of Ghosts

- Most Cunning Workmen

- A Trout in the Milk

- Men of Subtle Craft

- The Devil is Dead

- A Wisp of Smoke

- A Secret Dying

- Bloodeagle

- The Cross Bearer

- A Short-Lived Ghost

- Angel of Death

- Dead Secret

- Headhunter

- Grave Error

- McInerny, Ralph: Notre Dame series (aka Knight Brothers series)
- On This Rockne

- Lack of the Irish

- Irish Tenure

- The Book of Kills

- Emerald Aisle

- Celt and Pepper

- Irish Coffee

- Green Thumb

- Irish Gilt

- The Letter Killeth

- Irish Alibi

- The Green Revolution

- Sham Rock

- McInerny, Ralph: Still Life

- Munnings, Clare: Rosemary Stubbs series
- Overnight Float

- Pears, Iain: Jonathan Argyll series
- The Raphael Affair

- The Titian Committee

- The Bernini Bust

- The Last Judgement

- Giotto's Hand

- Death and Restoration

- The Immaculate Deception

- Pessl, Marisha: Special Topics in Calamity Physics

- Poulson, Christine: Cambridge Mystery series
- Murder is Academic

- Stage Fright

- Raphael, Lev: Nick Hoffman series (University Professor)
- Let's Get Criminal

- The Edith Wharton Murders

- The Death of a Constant Lover

- Little Miss Evil

- Tropic of Murder

- Shaber, Sarah R.: Professor Simon Shaw series

- Simon Said

- Snipe Hunt

- The Fugitive King

- The Bug Funeral

- Shell Game

- Smith, Ian: The Blackbird Papers

- Smith, Sarah: Chasing Shakespeare

- Spring, Michelle: Nights in White Satin

- Thomas-Graham, Pamela: Ivy League series
- A Darker Shade of Crimson

- Blue Blood

- Orange Crushed

- Waldron, Ann: Big Crime on Campus series (aka McLeod Delaney series)

- The Princeton Murders

- Death of a Princeton President

- Unholy Death in Princeton

- Walsh, Jill Payton: Imogen Quy series

- The Wyndham Case

- A Piece of Justice

- Debts of Dishonor

- Wright, Eric: Joe Barley series (Toronto)
- The Kidnapping of Rosie Dawn

- Wright, Sally: Ben Reese series (Scotland)
- Publish and Perish

- Pride and Predator

- Pursuit and Persuasion

- Out of the Ruins

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updated: Wednesday, December 29, 2010