The Skull Beneath the Skin
Stories that deal with the intrusion of horror into everyday life.
Related Genres
Dark Fantasy
Magical Realism
Authors & Titles
- Bachman, Richard: The Regulators

- Barker, Clive: Coldheart Canyon

- Barker, Clive: Galilee

- Blatty, William Peter: Dimiter

- Burke, Kealan Patrick: Currency of Souls

- Cady, Jack: The Hauntings of Hood Canal

- Campbell, Ramsey: The Grin of the Dark

- Campbell, Ramsey: Pact of the Fathers

- Campbell, Ramsey: Secret Story

- Card, Orson Scott: Treasure Box

- Coburn, Andrew: On the Loose

- Dark Matter series
- In Hollow Houses by Gary A. Braunbeck

- If Whispers Call by Don Bassingthwaite

- Epperson, S.K.: Nightmare

- Etchison, Dennis: The Death Artist

- Ford, Jeffrey: The Shadow Year

- Fowler, Christopher: Rune

- Gallagher, Stephen: The Spirit Box

- Harvey, Kenneth J.: The Town That Forgot How to Breathe

- Hawkes, Judith: My Soul to Keep

- Howland, H.R.: The Epicure

- Keene, Brain: Terminal

- Kenyon, Nate: Bloodstone

- King, Stephen: Bag of Bones

- King, Stephen: Insomnia

- King, Stephen: Misery

- King, Stephen: Needful Things

- King, Stephen: Pet Sematary

- King, Stephen: Storm of the Century

- King, Stephen: Under the Dome

- Laymon, Richard: Night in the Lonesome October

- Lebbon, Tim: Desolation

- Lebbon, Tim: Face

- Malfi, Ronald Damien: The Space Between

- Marshall, Michael: Bad Things

- McGrew, Chandler: The Darkening

- Moloney, Susie: A Dry Spell

- Morrell, David: Black Evening

- Philbrick, Rodman: Coffins

- Quinn, Daniel: The Holy

- Schreiber, Joe: Chasing the Dead

- Searcy, David: Ordinary Horror

- Shirley, John: Demons

- Simmons, Dan: Dale Stewart series
- Summer of Night

- A Winter Haunting

- Straub, Peter: A Dark Matter

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updated: Tuesday, June 22, 2010