Horror: Evil Incarnate
Horror stories that bring us face-to-face with the embodiment of true evil.
Related Genres
Cthulhu Mythos
Authors & Titles
- Alten, Steve: Resurrection

(NOTE: This title is part of the Domain series, listed under 2012 Apocalypse)
- Blatty, William Peter: The Exorcist

- Dekker, Ted: Showdown

- Farris, John: Fury series
- The Fury

- The Fury and the Terror

- The Fury and the Power

- Herbert, James: Sepulchre

- Houarner, Gerard: The Beast That Was Max

- Howland, H.R.: Ashes

- King, Stephen: Desperation

- Klein, T.E.D.: The Ceremonies

- McGrew, Chandler: The Darkening

- Moore, James A.: Serenity Falls series

- Writ in Blood

- The Pack

- Dark Carnival

(omnibus volume) Serenity Falls (earlier one-volume version) 
(related title) Under the Overtree 
- Redmond, Patrick: Something Dangerous

- Rodgers, Alan: Bone Music

- Saul, John: The Presence

- Saul, John: Second Child

- Wilson, F. Paul: The Keep series
- The Keep

- Reborn

- Reprisal

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updated: Tuesday, October 13, 2009