Abortion Fiction
Fiction that deals with abortion and/or the abortion rights controversy.
Authors & Titles
- Allison, Glen C.: Miscue

(NOTE: This title is part of the Al Forte series, listed under Children in Jeopardy)
- Brundage, Elizabeth: The Doctor's Wife

- Fast, Howard: The Trial of Abigail Goodman

- Freind, Stephen F.: God's Children

- Goldreich, Gloria: Four Days

- Hyde, Elisabeth: The Abortionist's Daughter

- Noble, Diane: The Last Storyteller

- Patterson, Richard North: Protect and Defend

- Rivers, Francine: The Atonement Child

- Shapiro, Robert & Becker, Walt: Misconception

- Taylor, Jackson: The Blue Orchard

- Warner, Sharon Oard: Deep in the Heart

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updated: Thursday, June 17, 2010