Struggling Artists
Stories featuring artists (of all sorts) and their relationships to their work and to the people in their lives.
Related Genres
Paintings & Artists
Authors & Titles
- Bradley, John Ed: Restoration

- Carter, T.P.: Lovestoned

- Chabon, Michael: Wonder Boys

- Clayton, Meg Waite: The Language of Light

- Dee, Jonathan: Palladio

- Edge, Arabella: The God of Spring

- Exley, Frederick: Notes series
- A Fan's Notes

- Pages From a Cold Island

- Last Notes From Home

- Fforde, Katie: Artistic License

- Fitch, Janet: White Oleander

- Gaddis, William: Agapé Agape

- Godwin, Gail: Violet Clay

- Goldberg, Natalie: Banana Rose

- Groh, Brian: Summer People

- Hamilton, Jane: The Short History of a Prince

- Hansen, Ron: Exiles

- Johnson, Susan: A Big Life

- Judd, Alan: The Devil's Own Work

- Kidd, Chip: Happy series
- The Cheese Monkeys

- The Learners

- Kureishi, Hanif: Gabriel's Gift

- Lamensdorf, Len: Gino, the Countess & Chagall

- Leavitt, David: Martin Bauman; or, A Sure Thing

- L'engle, Madeleine: Katherine Forrester Vigneras series
- The Small Rain

- A Severed Wasp

- Marshall, Paule: The Fisher King

- Martin, Valerie: The Unifinished Novel and Other Stories

- McGrath, Patrick: Port Mungo

- McKinnon, Karen: Narcissus Ascending

- Mortman, Doris: True Colors

- Morton, Brian: Starting Out in the Evening

- Murdoch, Iris: The Black Prince

- Narsesian, Arthur: Chinese Takeout

- Neff, Heather: Blackgammon

- Otto, Whitney: The Passion Dream Book

- Peale, Samantha: The American Painter Emma Dial

- Rice, Anne (as Anne Rampling): Belinda

- Roberts, Sherry: Maud's House

- Rogan, Barbara: Café Nevo

- Schwartzman, J.: I, Grace Note

- Schwarz, Christina: All is Vanity

- See, Carolyn: The Handyman

- Shange, Ntozake: Liliane

- Shapiro, Anna: Living on Air

- Sharp, Adrienne: First Love

- Sheepshanks, Mary: Facing the Music

- Sheepshanks, Mary: Off Balance

- Singleton, George: Work Shirts for Madmen

- Stockley, Philippa: The Edge of Pleasure

- Thewlis, David: The Late Hector Kipling

- Watson, Larry: Orchard

- Weisgall, Deborah: The World Before Her

- Wenzel, Kurt: Kyle Clayton series
- Lit Life

- Gotham Tragic

- Williams, Stephanie: Enter Sandman

- Zackheim, Michele: Broken Colors

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updated: Friday, April 24, 2009