Meaning of Life/Nature of Existence
Fiction dealing with grand philosophical matters.
Authors & Titles
- Baker, Nicholson: A Box of Matches

- Brookner, Anita: Making Things Better

- Byatt, A.S.: The Biographer's Tale

- Byers, Michael: Long For This World

- Egan, Timothy: The Winemaker's Daughter

- Englander, Nathan: The Ministry of Special Cases

- Gaarder, Jostein: Sophie's World

- Gaddis, William: Agapé Agape

- Kafka, Franz: The Trial

- Kingsolver, Barbara: Prodigal Summer

- Kosinski, Jerzy: The Painted Bird

- Kundera, Milan: The Joke

- Leffland, Ella: Breath and Shadows

- LeGuin, Ursula: The Lathe of Heaven

- McCarthy, Tom: Remainder

- Mitchell, David: Cloud Atlas

- Mitchell, David: Ghostwritten

- Morsi, Pamela: By Summer's End

- Murdoch, Iris: The Good Apprentice

- O'Connell, Jack: The Resurrectionist

- Pears, Iain: The Dream of Scipio

- Roth, Philip: Nathan Zuckerman series

- The Ghost Writer

- Zuckerman Unbound

- The Anatomy Lesson

- The Prague Orgy

(Above four titles published in one volume as Zuckerman Bound
- The Counterlife

- American Pastoral

- I Married a Communist

- The Human Stain

- Sartre, Jean-Paul: The Reprieve

- Smith, Zadie: The Autograph Man

- Stegner, Wallace: All the Little Live Things

- Stegner, Wallace: The Spectator Bird

- Steinbeck, John: Cannery Row

- Vreeland, Susan: Girl in Hyacinth Blue

- Wagner, Daniel: A Movie...and a Book

- Wiesel, Elie: The Judges

- Willocks, Tim: Green River Rising

- Wright, Camron: Letters for Emily

- Zuravleff, Mary Kay: The Bowl is Already Broken

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updated: Wednesday, April 09, 2008