Belly of the Beast
Fiction about, or set in, prisons.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Bausch, Robert: The Gypsy Man

- Bunker, Edward: No Beast So Fierce

- Cheever, John: Falconer

- Dejon: Ice Cream For Freaks

- Dieckmann, Dorothea: Guantanamo

- Fesperman, Dan: The Prisoner of Guantanamo

- Goines, Donald: White Man's Justice, Black Man's Grief

- Green, Tim: Exact Revenge

- Hackman, Gene & Lenihan, Daniel: Escape From Andersonville

- Harvey, Kenneth J.: Inside

- Highsmith, Patricia: The Glass Cell

- Holdefer, Charles: The Contractor

- Hunter, Stephen: Pale Horse Coming

- Kantor, McKinlay: Andersonville

- King, Stephen: novella "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption" in his collection Different Seasons

- King, Stephen: The Green Mile series
- The Two Dead Girls
- The Mouse on the Mile
- Coffey's Hands
- The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix
- Night Journey
- Coffey on the Mile
(published in one volume as The Green Mile
- Leigh, Danny: The Monsters of Gramercy Park

- Lister, Michael: John Jordan series

- Power in the Blood

- Blood of the Lamb

- Marks, Walter: Dangerous Behavior

- Martin, Dannie: In the Hat

- Parsons, Alexander: Leaving Disneyland

- Title, Elise: Natalie Price series
- Killing Time

- Inside Out

- Conviction

- Williams, Len: Justice Deferred

- Willocks, Tim: Green River Rising

- Wozencraft, Kim: Wanted

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updated: Monday, July 14, 2008