International Bestsellers
Books that were bestsellers in other parts of the world.
Authors & Titles
- Ackroyd, Peter: First Light

- Akunin, Boris: Erast Fandorin series
- The Winter Queen

- Murder on the Leviathan

- The Turkish Gambit

- The Death of Achilles

- Special Assignments

- Audeguy, Stéphane: The Theory of Clouds

- Azzopardi, Trezza: The Hiding Place

- Bâ, Amadou Hampaté: The Fortunes of Wangrin

- Banville, John: Shroud

- Beyer, Marcel: Spies

- Blissett, Luther: Q

- Booth, Martin: A Very Private Gentleman

- Bozai, Agota: To Err is Divine

- Brink, André: The Other Side of Silence

- Coetzee, J.M.: Diary of a Bad Year

- Coetzee, J.M.: Elizabeth Costello

- Crace, Jim: Genesis

- Dai, Sijie: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

- deBernieres, Louis: Corelli's Mandolin

- Delibes, Miguel: The Heretic

- Dorner, Francoise: The Woman in the Row Behind

- du Boucheron, Bernard: The Voyage of the Short Serpent

- Eco, Umberto: The Island of the Day Before

- Eco, Umberto: The Name of the Rose

- Eco, Umberto: The Prague Cemetery

- Falla, Jonathan: Blue Poppies

- Farah, Nuruddin: Somalia series
- Links

- Knots

- Faulks, Sebastian: Birdsong

- Faulks, Sebastian: The Girl at the Lion D'or

- Fielding, Helen: Bridget Jones' Diary

- Fitzek, Sebastian: Therapy

- Galgut, Damon: The Good Doctor

- Grunberg, Amon: The Jewish Messiah

- Guedj, Denis: The Parrot's Theorem

- Guene, Faiza: Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow

- Halter, Marek: Canaan series
- Sarah

- Hammesfahr, Petra: The Sinner

- Høeg, Peter: Smilla's Sense of Snow

- Holden, Wendy: Azur Like It

- Holden, Wendy: Gossip Hound

- Houellebecq, Michel: The Elementary Particles

- Ishiguro, Kazuo: The Remains of the Day

- Kertész, Imre: Fateless

- Ketterbach, Hans Werner: Black Ice

- Kohout, Pavel: The Widow Killer

- Konkka, Anita: A Fool's Paradise

- Kureishi, Hanif: The Body

- Lahiri, Jhumpa: The Namesake

- Lebrecht, Norman: The Song of Names

- Lindgren, Torgny: Hash

- Littell, Jonathan: The Kindly Ones

- London, Joan: Gilgamesh

- Long, Kate: The Bad Mother's Handbook

- Mankell, Henning: Chronicler of the Winds

- Martel, Yann: Life of Pi

- McCann, Maria: As Meat Loves Salt

- Mercier, Pascal: Night Train to Lisbon

- Mulisch, Harry: Siegfried

- Niemi, Mikael: Popular Music from Vittula

- Ondaatje, Michael: The English Patient

- Owens, Sharon: The Ballroom on Magnolia Street

- Owens, Sharon: The Tea House on Mulberry Street

- P., Melissa: Melissa series
- 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed

- The Scent of Your Breath

- Park, Ruth: The Harp in the South

- Pears, Iain: An Instance of the Fingerpost

- Rolin, Olivier: Hotel Crystal

- Saramago, José: Blindness series
- Blindness

- Seeing

- Saramago, José: The Stone Raft

- Schlink, Bernhard: The Reader

- Soldan, Edmundo Paz: Turing's Delirium

- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: In the First Circle

- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

- Soueif, Ahdaf: The Map of Love

- Sováková, Lidmila: The Drowning of a Goldfish

- Stanisic, Sasa: How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone

- Steen, Thorvald: Don Carlos

- Tóibín, Colm: The Story of the Night

- Tolstaya, Tatyana: The Slynx

- Townsend, Sue: Adrian Mole series
- The Adrian Mole Diaries

- Adrian Mole: The Lost Years

- Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years

- Tristram, Claire: After

- Van Cauwelaert, Didier: One-Way

- Van Cauwelaert, Didier: Out of My Head

- Volpi, Jorge: In Search of Klingsor

- Wei Hui: Shanghai Baby

- Yoshimoto, Banana: N.P.

- Zimler, Richard: The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon

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updated: Tuesday, October 11, 2011