Great American Novels
Novels that attempt to capture the "American spirit."
Authors & Titles
- Carter, Betsy: The Orange Blossom Special

- Dos Passos, John: USA series
- The 42nd Parallel

- Nineteen Nineteen

- The Big Money
(also published in one volume as USA
- Dreiser, Theodore: An American Tragedy

- Franzen, Jonathan: Freedom

- Holman, Sheri: The Mammoth Cheese

- Hribal, C.J.: The Company Car

- Jakes, John: Kent Family Chronicles
- The Bastard

- The Rebels

- The Seekers

- The Furies

- The Warriors

- The Lawless

- The Americans

- Michener, James: Legacy

- Oates, Joyce Carol: The Falls

- O'Hara, John: A Rage to Live

- Ozeki, Ruth: All Over Creation

- Powers, Richard: The Time of Our Singing

- Sher, Ira: Gentlemen of Space

- Simpson, Thomas William: Full Moon Over America

- Simpson, Thomas William: This Way Madness Lies

- Updike, John: In the Beauty of the Lilies

- Vidal, Gore: American Empire series
- Burr

- Lincoln

- 1876

- Empire

- Hollywood

- Washington, DC

- The Golden Age

- Webb, James: A Country Such As This

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updated: Friday, September 24, 2010