Circus/Carnival Fiction
Fiction involving the circus or the carnival.
Related Genres
Authors & Titles
- Bryson, Ellen: The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno

- Bynum, Sarah Shun-Lien: Madeleine is Sleeping

- Chalmers, Robert: Fortune's Bastard

- Davis, Amanda: Wonder When You'll Miss Me

- Day, Cathy: The Circus in Winter

- Dodd, Renee: A Cabinet of Wonders

- Drake, Monica: Clown Girl

- Dunn, Katherine: Geek Love

- Dunn, Mark: Ibid: A Life

- Galloway, Steven: Ascension

- Gore, Ariel: The Traveling Death and Resurrection Show

- Gruen, Sara: Water for Elephants

- Hough, Robert: The Final Confession of Mabel Stark

- Maron, Margaret: Slow Dollar

- Morgenstern, Erin: The Night Circus

- Raleigh, Michael: The Blue Moon Circus

- Schmitt, Richard: The Aerialist

- Turgeon, Carolyn: Rain Village

- Vallgren, Carl-Johan: The Horrific Sufferings of the Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot

- Wexler, Robert Freeman: Circus of the Grand Design

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updated: Thursday, June 30, 2011