Swashbuckling Adventure
Adventurous historical fiction, often including such elements as swordplay, pirates, cliffhangers, hairbreadth escapes, and other assorted derring-do.
Related Genres
Military & Naval Adventure
Pirate Fantasy
Robin Hood
Authors & Titles
- Adair, Suzanne: Paper Woman

- Allende, Isabel: Zorro: A Novel

- Angsten, David: Dark Gold

- Brando, Marlon & Cammell, Donald: Fan-Tan

- Bull, Bartle: Alexander Karlov series

- Shanghai Station

- China Star

- Chabon, Michael: Gentlemen of the Road

- Chupack, Edward: Silver

- Ciencin, Scott: The Legend of Zorro

- Crichton, Michael: Pirate Latitudes

- Defoe, Daniel: The King of Pirates

- Defoe, Gideon: The Pirates! series

- The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists

- The Pirates! in an Adventure with Ahab

- The Pirates! in an Adventure with Communists

- The Pirates! in an Adventure with Napoleon

- Dietrich, William: Ethan Gage series
- Napoleon's Pyramids

- The Rosetta Key

- The Dakota Cipher

- The Barbary Pirates

- Drake, John: Flint and Silver

- Dumas, Alexandre: D'Artagnan series aka Three Musketeers series
- The Three Musketeers

- Twenty Years After

- The Vicomte de Bragelonne

- Louise de la Valliere

- The Man in the Iron Mask

- Dumas, Alexandre: The Count of Monte Cristo

- Dumas, Alexandre: The Last Cavalier

- Fraser, George MacDonald: Flashman series
- Flashman

- Royal Flash

- Flashman's Lady

- Flashman and the Mountain of Light

- Flash for Freedom

- Flashman and the Redskins

- Flashman at the Charge

- Flashman in the Great Game

- Flashman and the Angel of the Lord

- Flashman and the Dragon

- Flashman and the Tiger

- Mr. American

- Flashman on the March

- Fraser, George MacDonald: The Reavers

- Gold, Alan: The Pirate Queen

- Hope, Anthony: The Prisoner of Zenda

- Hubbard, L. Ron: Under the Black Ensign

- Kipling, Rudyard: Captains Courageous

- Malmont, Paul: The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril

- McCulley, Johnston: The Mark of Zorro

- Morin, Donna Russo: The Courtier's Secret

- O'Brian, Patrick: The Road to Samarcand

- Orczy, Baroness Emmuska: The Scarlet Pimpernel

- Perez-Reverte, Arturo: Captain Alatriste series

- Captain Alatriste

- Purity of Blood

- The Sun Over Breda

- The King's Gold

- The Cavalier in the Yellow Doublet

- Ripley, Mike: The Legend of Hereward

- Sabatini, Rafael: Captain Blood

- Sabatini, Rafael: Scaramouche

- Scott, Sir Walter: Ivanhoe

- Stevenson, Robert Louis: Kidnapped

- Stevenson, Robert Louis: Treasure Island

- Wolfe, Gene: Pirate Freedom

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updated: Saturday, May 01, 2010